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  • Thread Starter milanouser


    Marcus, thanks for the news. Hope to see it soon (also for the free version)


    Thread Starter milanouser



    no, all I would like to use is first_name on basically all messages, and password in clear on activation confirmation mail.

    I tried to use%user_pass% variable on user activation message, but that leaves it blank, as it is not defined for this kind of message (only for the regular registration email, it seems).

    For first_name, I know that in PHP I can get use $current_user->user_firstname, but how do I use that in the admin part (i.e. in e-mail messages)?

    Thanks for your continued help!

    Thread Starter milanouser


    Jeff, thanks for the good news – and for answering so quickly. Great job!

    Unfortunately I am quite at a loss how to implement that.

    Where and how can I define additional custom replacement variables? Especially to make it “update-proof”?
    Searching your plugin I think I understand that some of the variables are defined in modules\custom-user-links\custom-user-links.php (user_id, username), others in modules\custom-email\custom-email.php.

    Do I have to add my custom variables here, and if so, can I move these files to my theme to keep them save from plugin updates? If yes, where to (special plugin folder?)

    Thanks for any hint

    Thread Starter milanouser


    Hi Marcus,

    thanks for the swift replay – and thanks in advance for changing the em.php file(s) accordingly for the next release.

    I do understand your concerns about moving the translations out, but nevertheless I think this is the only “clean” solution, especially if you want to keep your plugin open for other localizations.


    Thread Starter milanouser


    all solved: simple typo: meta_key, not meta-key

    Embarrassing, but true…

    Thread Starter milanouser


    Edit of previous post:
    Code should be this (without the line 'relation' => 'AND',):

    $query = array (
       'post_type' => 'bb_articles',
       'meta-key' => 'bb_date',
       'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
       'order' => 'DESC',
       'meta_query' => array(
          array('key' => 'bb_source',
            'value' => 1,
            'compare' => '='
    $my_query = new WP_Query($query);

    In addition, I tried a version a way described by Hameedullah Khan on WP stackexchange:

    $query = array (
       'post_type' => 'bb_articles',
       'meta-key' => 'bb_date',
       'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
       'order' => 'DESC',
       'meta_query' => array(
             array (
                'key' => 'bb_date'
             array('key' => 'bb_source',
                'value' => 1,
                'compare' => '=='

    Khan says there is a bug: WP modifies the meta_query if you specify orderby and meta_key as query vars. However, his proposed solution (or as I did interpret it) does not solve the problem: my posts are still in the wrong order, i.e. by post publication date rather than by BB_date!

    Again, thank you for any help

    Thread Starter milanouser


    OK, found the culprit: it’s the usual suspect: wpautop function!

    So WP thinks it should “space things out a little” (wp-includes\formatting.php, line 223), and table is such a “spacable” item.
    Have no how to get WP not to do it, don’t want to mess with WP code directly, and generally disabling the wpautop function is no option either, so all I can do is work with negative margins to “lift” the table up again. What a mess…

    As for the ‘tbody’: have not found out where that comes from, but as long as it does not disturb my layout I can live with it.

    Anyway, thanks again for all your help – and the speed of it! 5 stars from me!

    Thread Starter milanouser


    That site is not live, and even if it would be, that would not be of any help as it is a backend problem, not a frontend thing!

    Thread Starter milanouser


    sorry, that messed up sentence was to be:
    They do not seem to be from WP, as the wpautop function inserts <br /> tags, not <br>, i.e. without slash. Here we get the <br>, slash-less!

    Thread Starter milanouser


    Paul, thanks a lot. Looking forward to that!

    Having another little hiccup now with the plugin (please forgive me for asking):

    I am trying to wrap the shortcode into a responsive table. Simplified it looks like this:

    <div width="90%"> //table 90% of content width
    <table width="100%">
    [amazon asin=... ]     //item 1
    [amazon asin=... ]     //item 2

    using a template like:

      <td width="50%">%LINK_OPEN%%TEXT%%LINK_CLOSE%</td>
      <td width="20%">%PRICE%</td>
      <td width="30%">%LINK_OPEN%Buy it%LINK_CLOSE%</td>

    As a result, however, for some reason I have two <br> line breaks inserted in between the <div> and the <table> tags!
    They do not seem to be from WP, as the wpautop functions inserts <br /> tags, not `

    That makes me wonder if it could be your plugin inserting these line breaks, maybe because the template functions “realizes” that the table markup is “incomplete” (as the <table> and </table> tags are outside the template?

    If so, can I somehow, somewhere change that – or even better: override it, so that I do not need to temper with the plugin code directly?

    Thanks a million

    Thread Starter milanouser


    @alchymyth – you are a genius!

    Thank you for the swift – and working – reply! Buffering did the trick! Hope that will not have too much impact on performance, though. Any suggestions here?

    Just for clarification: of course using get_template_part() is only for layouting the output, but even when I used some minimal markup, say:
    $loopcontent .= the_title() . '<br>'
    it did spit out these post titles from the custom loop at the top of the page. Now with buffering the loop I get it at the right place.

    I used the variable $loopcontent because ultimately the custom query and loop should go into a function, with query variables passed from the main page/template.

    Thanks again for the solution.

    Can confirm bug: no search working when categories shown, but working fine when not shown! Please fix
    (Event manager v. 5.2.5)

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