If I go to https://www.thanatosgts.com/blog/?p=54, as the admin I see the “Leave a Reply” and “Logged in as Thanatos. Log out ?”, with a field below to write my comment.
1: If I go to https://www.thanatosgts.com/blog/, I don’t see the “you must be registered to comment” that you mentioned. I must follow the link you provided ending with “?p=54”. What’s the difference between the 2 links and how did you get to “?p=54”?
Edit: About the Widgets: I’ve added Meta, but it’s behaving rather weird… If you go there you’ll see what I mean. I was going to remove “Blog”, which I believe I created manually, but I’m not sure in what file I did it. Which is the php file(s) where I edit that? Can you please remind me of that? It’s been a long time since I edited my blog…