Nope, not moved servers or anything, just changed the theme. I disabled all other plugins then clear the cash, reloaded the site and its fixed the issue of blog post feature images not loading on https://northwest-security.co.uk/our-latest-posts/
Thank you very much for that.
But I’m still having issues the feature images in the header not always showing. it looks like its loading sometimes on different devices. but if I keep reloading the page, it sometimes loads. If it loads it then won’t go when I change the page. So if the header image loads on https://northwest-security.co.uk/our-latest-posts/ and then go on the home page, the same images loads in the header on the home page.
Please see screenshot – https://northwest-security.co.uk/screenshot-2019-03-05-at-22-26-20/
The image behind the “domestic property crime” text
This should only be on blog posts.
I can’t work out what’s causing this.