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  • Seems like you’re looking for:

    Using the style_formats_merge: true, code may fix your problem, then adding the name to the submenu as they have.

    I was trying to find some documentation on this too – I couldn’t. So then I found the error in the code. The additional parameters aren’t being passed.

    In scripts.js I’ve added the code that seems to get this working. Hopefully this helps others get the the solution quicker – as well as it added into a future update.

    Please note: I’ve only added 2 lines – this is mostly for reference.

    // field type post
    	// popup a dialog where the user can choose  the post to attach
    	$(document).on("click", "a.simple-fields-metabox-field-post-select", function(e) {
    		var a = $(this);
    		// get post types to show
    		var div = a.closest(".simple-fields-metabox-field");
    		var enabled_post_types = div.find("input[name='simple-fields-metabox-field-post-enabled-post-types']").val();
    		var additional_args = div.find('input[name="additional_arguments"]').val();
    		$("div.simple-fields-meta-box-field-group-field-type-post-dialog").data("originLink", this).dialog({
    			width: 480,
    			height: 'auto',
    			modal: true,
    			dialogClass: 'wp-dialog',
    			zIndex: 300000,
    			open: function(event, ui) {
    				var originLink = $($(this).data("originLink"));
    				arr_enabled_post_types = enabled_post_types.split(",");
    				$(this).text("Loading...").load(ajaxurl, {
    					"action": "simple_fields_field_type_post_dialog_load",
    					"arr_enabled_post_types": arr_enabled_post_types,
    					"additional_arguments" : additional_args
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