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  • sorry i don’t know how to add the variation.

    I would like to see this feature as well specially for the orders that get skipped in printing due to the fact that the customers doesn’t wait for the “Thank you” page after his payment at PayPal for example.

    Without a description of what your current issue is i am not sure somebody can or wants to help you. I tried to help with a suggestion. To continue a conversation from there on it would probably best to take the suggestion and elaborate ….

    @notion9 i did not need the subtotal in my case to i haven’t looked into this. Unfortunately i can also not see with a quick glance on how to achieve that and don’t have the time for trying. Maybe you want to post a message to Lawrence Owen from Star directly as he maintains the plugin and is always willing to help.

    @acdigital make sure you have a compatible printer AND that the firmware of the printer is current. I had a problem like yours with an old version of firmware on the printer even though the printer was brand new. After new firmware everything was there that is needed to setup the printer.

    A polling time of the printer that is very short like 1-10 seconds in the printer setting might cause hosting providers restrict access. Try setting it to 60 seconds. That might help your situation.

    Hi notion9
    Look at the following post i just made.
    Hope that helps you as well.

    Hi to both of you.
    I had the same problem. using the WooODT Extented Plugin i needed the field for pickup time appear. I managed to add those myself with some testing around.
    What you need to do is extend the order-handler.php file.
    Please look at the following code for $pick_up_date and $pick_up_time function where i pull in the custom fields from the plugin. Further down i add the results on the receipt.
    As for the custom order# i had to adjust this as well. All you need to do is go to the the line that is around #226 and check what you have with the following line:
    $printer->add_text_line(star_cloudprnt_get_column_separated_data(array(“Bestellnummer: “.$order->get_order_number(), date(“d.m.Y H:i”, time())), $selectedPrinter[‘columns’]));

    Hope this helps you both. At my end it works fine.

    function star_cloudprnt_print_order_summary($selectedPrinter, $file, $order_id)
    $order = wc_get_order($order_id);
    $shipping_items = @array_shift($order->get_items(‘shipping’));
    $order_meta = get_post_meta($order_id);
    $pick_up_date = date(‘d.m.Y’,strtotime(get_post_meta($order_id, ‘byconsolewooodt_delivery_date’, true)));
    $pick_up_time = date(‘H:i’,strtotime(get_post_meta($order_id, ‘byconsolewooodt_delivery_time’, true)));

    if ($selectedPrinter[‘format’] == “txt”) {
    $printer = new Star_CloudPRNT_Text_Plain_Job($selectedPrinter, $file);
    } else if ($selectedPrinter[‘format’] == “slt”) {
    $printer = new Star_CloudPRNT_Star_Line_Mode_Job($selectedPrinter, $file);
    } else if ($selectedPrinter[‘format’] == “slm”) {
    $printer = new Star_CloudPRNT_Star_Line_Mode_Job($selectedPrinter, $file);
    } else if ($selectedPrinter[‘format’] == “spt”) {
    $printer = new Star_CloudPRNT_Star_Prnt_Job($selectedPrinter, $file);

    } else {
    $printer = new Star_CloudPRNT_Text_Plain_Job($selectedPrinter, $file);

    if (get_option(‘star-cloudprnt-print-logo-top-input’)) $printer->add_nv_logo(esc_attr(get_option(‘star-cloudprnt-print-logo-top-input’)));

    if($selectedPrinter[‘columns’] < 40) {
    } else {
    $printer->set_font_magnification(2, 2);
    star_cloudprnt_create_address($order, $order_meta, $printer);
    $printer->set_font_magnification(1, 1);
    $printer->add_text_line(star_cloudprnt_get_column_separated_data(array(“Bestellnummer: “.$order->get_order_number(), date(“d.m.Y H:i”, time())), $selectedPrinter[‘columns’]));
    $printer->add_text_line(“Abholdatum: “.$pick_up_date);
    $printer->add_text_line(“Abholzeit: “.$pick_up_time .” Uhr”);

    Unfortunately i did not read the message above and ran in almost the same problem. This plugin is plain dangerous and needs to be remove from this directory. Luckily i did not loose any date like brunhenk but if i did not stop the server going haywire i might have had the same problem.
    Stay as far away as you can from this plugin.

    Thread Starter mikerutherford108


    Sounds awesome!! And thanks for the support in those challenging times. The project i am working on is supposed to help with orders for bakery’s so that customers can order rather then come to the bakery.
    So thanks for your support.

    Thread Starter mikerutherford108


    Thanks for getting back to my question so quickly. Since i started a conversation with support@ as well and got a reply there immediately i did not monitor this post anymore. Glad you guy’s at Star are paying close attention …
    I use exactly the model you mention. And connecting it to woocommerce worked a charm.
    Font scaling is music to my ears. Multiples of base width/height should work for me.
    Logo printing is also understood now. Maybe it’s good to adjust the installation instructions for the plugin with that information.
    Testing current development version would be nice. I expressed that to support@ as well now.
    Looking forward.

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