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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lots of questionsI should probably phrase that a bit differently, should I pay for a wordpress upgrade? I’m not using wordpress.com, I like the extra options of the .org ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lots of questionsFirst off good gravy is there a lot you can do with wordpress, it looks more like a full website creator than a blog creator, which is fine by me, I like the flexibility but creating my own special place on the internet is going to take some time, I want it to look a certain way. Although I do look at guides in some of my downtime, the majority of my learning is done through forums like this one because I can ask the questions I need to know directly without reading pages of information that might not be relevant to what I want to do. I hope the members here will be patient, I’ll have so many questions. I’m using youtube and google searches to help as well so I don’t make anyones eyes bleed here from too many questions.
Now that I got that out the way I’ll start by asking these ?? ….
Most important one….
Given I want to customize my site would it be smart to go with a premade theme done by others?
I like the idea that much of the work is done in these themes but I’ll likely want to change some things around. The location of links to other sections of my site are the big thing. Im wanting a simple (but not bland) homepage, likely with three tabs at the top, but I want to be able to center them at the top of the page, and adjust the size and font. Most of the themes have sub links ofset to the left or right. I’ll likely want to make other layout changes as well.
Is it really necessary to upgrade to a paid version of wordpress? On a tight budget I just dropped almost 200 dollars to have a domian for a year. I like extra options but it seems wordpress has many without paying.
With pictures and videos being so widely distributed and used thoughout the internet should I worry about copyright issues? I don’t plan to host music or pictures on my website from others but will probably want to provide links to them. Although I may want to use very simple images to customize a layout.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lots of questionsAwesome, makes perfect sense. I wanted to wait until I figured out a few things today, so this is taking me a while. I looked at tips for good domain names today as well, word stormed, and then came up with one so I feel like I’m ready to do this unless something else pops up in the registration process. I have high hopes for this, so I need to get the little things right as I go along. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lots of questionsAny difference that will impact my site or blog?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lots of questionsI figured as much, what about the .com .org issue?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lots of questionsAlso what happens if the name I choose for the domain is already chosen?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lots of questionsI’m regestering with Bluehost now, any idea on what I should create for my web address.
They Have
Will any of these have a limiting effect on my blog, it could end up being a website at some point but more than likely just a nice looking blog?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lots of questionsThanks for the help tonight, I’ll be getting started soon and come back here with any issues. Hopefully I don’t wear the members here down with too many questions, lol
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lots of questionsI have one right off the bat, then I’ll probably be cool for a little while.
Would you know if it’s smart to subscribe to Bluehost though an affiliate to get a discount? Or will this obligate me to the affiliate somehow?
I was thining of this one perhaps….
[Link redacted]
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lots of questionsThat sounds great, id no doubt have lots of them. Should I ask you through this forum or through a PM? Not even sure if this site has a messenger come to think of it, that was my first post here. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lots of questionsWow, thanks. I was hoping for a (Yes to all) type reply. That’s encouraging news, I’ll take a look at the link you provided. Knowing those basic things was important the next step will be going through with the subscription and learning how to put all of this together.
I’ve never done anything resembling web design before, but I do know what the good ones look like compared to the annoying ones at least. ??