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Hello? Is there anybody that can help ???
Yup, I can confirm that too. Your site is still marked with suspicious activity in Mozilla Firefox and it offere to visitors to go away. If somebody choose to ignore, then at the end it leads to the page where I was heading – yours.
Here is the link in case you need it for further referrence:
Dear Sirs,
I am using 3.3.1 version of your impressive plugin already. In my previous post I have mentioned the version of the WordPress I am using which is 3.2.1.
I have followed your FAQ and the shortcode parameters you have kindly provided in the admin page of the plugin, however the nivo slider still does not work and shows only the loading screen and the first image when the loading is finished. I do not see the dots navigation even but just the first image and that is all.
So far I have used the following codes to call the nivo slider:
[nivo_slider source=”post=5200″ link=”image”]
[nivo_slider source=”post=5200″ link=”image” size=”500×300″ limit=”10″ effect=”boxRandom”]
I have also tried to use category images instead but this lead me to the same result.
I did some further research with FireBug and here is what error does the plugin shows:
title is undefined
Line 20Please also note that the 5200 is the correct post id as by viewing it I do see the plugin loading and showing the first image, however I do not see the dots navigation and the rest of the effects.
Any help would be highly appreciated as this is the only function that does not work for me so far.
Thanks in advance for all your efforts and help!
Oh, btw your site shows in Mozilla firefox as a spam/attackers activity and offers me to go away…
Dear Sirs,
I have experienced a similar problem using nivo slider with Shortcodes Ultimate and I would really appreciate if you can advice me how to fix this issue. The problem is that the Nivo slider seems to start loading but instead of the images and the transition effect all I see is the loading image bar and after that nothing happens.
I have read in the earlier comments about a new version of this AMMAZING plugin, however I did not found any news about the release date nor version etc. So is it already done and if so where can I find it.
For further refference I use Wordpres 3.21 with a paid version of DeluxeThemes.com – Comfy v4 (if that matters of course).