Unfortunately I cannot give you all the details asked in your reply. I have same problems in checking a different ISP. I have also dumped the cache and histories in my browsers. I can upload MEDIA! (I have attached another screen shot to this message regarding plug-ins, which is a MEDIA upload) Whenever I click around almost every one of the settings that goofy spinning barber pole takes over the screen. I cannot answer what theme and plugins other than posting below this LONG list from another screen-capture. Whenever I click on any of the individual plugins, the damned barber-pole takes the screen. I am in “end user” category of person working our site. The original resource designer is unreachable today… and I’m fearful of doing anything that takes down our whole e-commerce site! Not being able to ADD NEW PRODUCTS is a big deal. Of course hitting all these DEAD spots inside our WordPress layout has been a nightmare today.
Here is jpg of our plugins