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  • Thread Starter mikebronner


    Thanks for the outline, allmyleagues! I’ll try to wrap my little brain around the concepts.

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Oh, so my reasons weren’t valid?! Hmmmpf ?? j/k

    Nice achievements catalog, pmcvicker! I will be creating something similar eventually as well. Thanks for the example, it’s inspiring. ??

    Quick status update before I call it a night:
    Completed Functionality so far:
    – can specify badge manually.
    – display badge next to page/post/comment author

    To Do:
    – select most recent achievement as badge from a specified category
    – In the absence of categories, select most recent overall achievement as badge
    – Show badge in profile

    I should definitely be able to get this done by tomorrow evening.

    Making some progress … able to select and store badge. Next step is to retrieve selected badge and display it in comments. Code is still too rough to post, should have something tomorrow though.

    PS: Thanks, Paul! Glad you like it … assumed it was already in use so didn’t think anything of it. ?? hehe

    I’ll see what I can put together. Just as a disclaimer: all my work-arounds and how-tos are not officially endorsed by Paul, and may in fact lead to unintended consequences. On the plus side, Paul is kind enough to consider integration of those features that make sense to the goals of A4WP, so you might see them make it into the plugin over time.

    That being said: take a look at my How-To on implementing Achievement Categories: This should allow you to create the taxonomies you need. Be sure to read to the end to get all the updates in — if Paul decides this isn’t in-line with his current goals, I will eventually put this together as a plugin.

    Hopefully I can come up with a way to get badges to work with and without the categories functionality. I’ll post back here when I get something. ?? Fair warning: Paul did mention that he has something in mind, but it might be a ways off. Paul’s solution will likely supersede mine once it is published.

    Do you guys think this should be the last achievement awarded to that user, or an achievement that can be assigned as their “badge”, say with a checkmark on the user profile admin page?

    I’m thinking of doing something similar, but wanted to see what your thoughts were. In my case we will have achievements of type “rank”, and we want to specify for each user what their rank is and display it on their profile.

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Was just thinking that perhaps a simple way to get this functionality in place for the time being is to add some postmeta info as to how many times it has been awarded, instead of creating multiple progress posts. Using that key we can multiply the karma of the achievement, and all we would have to do is add a counter field next to the list of achievements on the user profile admin page.

    This could allow for time for proper architecting of maybe really adding multiple progress posts for version 4?

    Paul, do you forsee any complications this would present?

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Ah, no problem. Replace $counter = 1; with $counter = $offset + 1;

    Glad its working for you. Please do keep in mind though that this is unsupported functionality and may not scale well in some cases. ??

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Doh! When I tested I guess it was coincidence that it worked for me. ?? I also added the rank as the first column. I don’t have this in the query, as it is something very easily calculated on the front-end:

    Template Name: Roster
    	global $wpdb, $current_date;
        $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
        $post_per_page = intval(get_query_var('posts_per_page'));
        $offset = ($paged - 1)*$post_per_page;
    	$listUsersID = $wpdb->get_col
    				,SUM(karma.meta_value) AS total_karma
    			FROM konb_users AS person
    			LEFT JOIN konb_usermeta as nick
    				ON = nick.user_id
    				AND nick.meta_key = "nickname"
    			LEFT JOIN konb_usermeta as karma
    				ON = karma.user_id
    				AND karma.meta_key = "konb__dpa_points"
    			GROUP BY nick.meta_value
    			ORDER BY total_karma DESC
    			LIMIT ' . $offset . ', ' . $post_per_page . ';'
    	$sql_posts_total = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT FOUND_ROWS();" );
        $max_num_pages = ceil($sql_posts_total / $post_per_page);
    <table id="roster">
    	if (is_user_logged_in())
    		<th>Member Since</th>
    $counter = 1;
    foreach ( $listUsersID as $userid )
    	$user = get_userdata( $userid );
    		<td><?php echo $counter++; ?></td>
    		<td><?php echo get_avatar($userid, $size = '33'); ?></td>
    		<td><? echo $user->nickname; ?></td>
    if ( !empty( $user->roles ) && is_array( $user->roles ) )
    	foreach ( $user->roles as $role )
    		if (strpos($role, "bbp_") === false)
    			echo ucfirst(strtolower($role));
    		<td><?php echo dpa_get_user_points( $user->ID ); ?></td>
    	if (is_user_logged_in())
    		<td><? echo $user->user_email; ?></td>
    		<td><? echo $user->user_registered; ?></td>
    <div class="navigation">
        <div class="previous panel"><?php previous_posts_link('&laquo; Previous Page',$max_num_pages) ?></div>
        <div class="next panel"><?php next_posts_link('Next Page &raquo;',$max_num_pages) ?></div>
    	comments_template( '', true );

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Here is the code for a bit more solid query that should work on all WP sites that have Achievements installed. This query now features pagination and orders by total Karma points in descending order.

    Template Name: Roster
    	global $wpdb, $current_date;
        $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
        $post_per_page = intval(get_query_var('posts_per_page'));
        $offset = ($paged - 1)*$post_per_page;
    	$listUsersID = $wpdb->get_col
    			FROM konb_users AS person
    			LEFT JOIN konb_usermeta as nick
    				ON = nick.user_id
    				AND nick.meta_key = "nickname"
    			LEFT JOIN konb_usermeta as karma
    				ON = karma.user_id
    				AND karma.meta_key = "konb__dpa_points"
    			GROUP BY nick.meta_value
    			ORDER BY karma.meta_key DESC
    			LIMIT ' . $offset . ', ' . $post_per_page . ';'
    	$sql_posts_total = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT FOUND_ROWS();" );
        $max_num_pages = ceil($sql_posts_total / $post_per_page);
    <table id="roster">
    	if (is_user_logged_in())
    		<th>Member Since</th>
    foreach ( $listUsersID as $userid )
    	$user = get_userdata( $userid );
    		<td><?php echo get_avatar($userid, $size = '33'); ?></td>
    		<td><? echo $user->nickname; ?></td>
    if ( !empty( $user->roles ) && is_array( $user->roles ) )
    	foreach ( $user->roles as $role )
    		if (strpos($role, "bbp_") === false)
    			echo ucfirst(strtolower($role));
    		<td><?php echo dpa_get_user_points( $user->ID ); ?></td>
    	if (is_user_logged_in())
    		<td><? echo $user->user_email; ?></td>
    		<td><? echo $user->user_registered; ?></td>
    <div class="navigation">
        <div class="previous panel"><?php previous_posts_link('? Previous Page',$max_num_pages) ?></div>
        <div class="next panel"><?php next_posts_link('Next Page ?',$max_num_pages) ?></div>
    	comments_template( '', true );

    The only reason I haven’t used WP_USER_QUERY to do this, is because I can’t for the life of me figure out how to do aggregate functions in WP_USER_QUERY. If someone knows the answer, please share. ??

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Thanks! ?? I’ll get started on that. And for those things you don’t want to integrate, I could make a plugin that extends your plugin, if that’s OK with you. That might take some of the pressure off your shoulders.

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    ^^^^^ What Paul says! ^^^^^^ Use at own risk. I use the leaderboard on a members-only page and we have under 100 members, so I’m comfortable with the current risks. I will see if I can get a working query in place that has some limitations and pagination to prevent the system bogging down.

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Paul is right in that this query is less than optimal. The query would have to be updated to include taxonomies.

    Let me see if I can improve this to WP_QUERY instead, and use the functionality that WordPress provides.

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Hi Paul,

    You’re right, there’s no pagination or anything of the sort to prevent huge queries.

    My database prefix is konb_ instead of wp_, all tables are standard out of the box and plugins. Yes, I do have some bbPress fields in it, but this is only an example. Should easily adapt to vanilla WP.

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