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  • Thread Starter mikebronner


    Right now there is no code to get rank position. This is probably a good thing to add as a short code option. I will add that to the code I have submitted to Paul for review. ?? Good idea.

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Thank you! ?? This helps clarify the functionality for me. ?? I guess the other option is to put them in draft status for complete manual operation. I guess I could also override the post loop to exclude unpaid items regardless.

    Thanks again! ??

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Thanks for the reply. We are a Chamber of Commerce, and not all members renew every year. Our goal is to list only the members that have renewed their membership (marked as paid), without them having actually made a payment through the payment gateway. That way we have their listing on record, and if the renew the following year, we will list them again.

    Here are the settings I have:
    – Payments are not turned on (as I don’t plan on taking payments over the website just yet)
    – We charge $55 for membership (i.e. to list their business, etc.) I have made no entry to this effect in WPBD, as I wasn’t sure where, or if it’s necessary, as I don’t want emails to go out, or payments to be collected online (for now).


    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Hi wickstim,
    Actually the site you are looking at belongs to pmcvicker. It appears that he modified the CSS for the achievement detail view.

    mumu87, you could also perform translations a bit more manually using information provided here:

    There are many tools out there to do this, and are all listed on that page. All you need to do then is load the PO file from the Achievements plugin in your PO Editor of choice (I used POEdit), create your translation file, and add it to the Achievements plugin where the PO file is stored (I believe). It will then automatically choose the french PO file you made, as long as your WordPress language is set to French.

    I know this is a bit outside of the original post on this thread, but it might give you a good starting point to where you can accomplish this yourself quickly, without having to rely on another plugin that may or may not be error-prone.

    When in doubt, do it yourself. ?? Hope this helps a bit.

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Hi pmcvicker,

    The nickname is actually the display name. However, for it to work properly, each user must set what their display name is. Referencing my example it shows the user’s display name as they prefer it in their profile.

    You can of course update $this_user->nickname to any of the user fields you like, as described here:
    I just hardcoded nickname for easy reference.

    Hopefully this helps. ??


    HI Scott,

    Good thoughts and ideas there. I am working on some of them — not sure if I can get them figured out or what, but am looking for similar functionality.

    I think we are talking about 4 distinctive systems here:
    – Award achievement based on karma points.
    – Allow multiple awarding of the same achievement (i.e. upload 20 pictures).
    – Allow achievements to have dependency on other achievements (receiving the picture upload achievement multiple times to unlock the Photographer achievement).
    – Allow manipulation of user roles when achievements are earned.

    The ones I am working on (because I need them as well) are:
    – assigning same achievement multiple times
    – achievement awarded based on completion of all dependent achievements

    I like the karma points-based achievement idea as well, and can see a use for that in my implementation of A4WP ?? as well. I’ll start a new “hack” topic once I figure these things out — just sharing where I stand at the moment, please keep this thread going, lots of good ideas.


    I think there may be some difficulty in dealing with plugins that allow modification of roles, like Members plugin, that allow you to granularly add roles, as well as roles introduced in other plugins, like bbPress.

    I’m just thinking off the top of my head that we would have to devise a way to allow any given role to be associated with a certain number of karma points. Perhaps if we can code this without even needing to know what the roles are specifically, i.e. hard-coding them as shown above, this could actually work. ?? I don’t have a solution, just brainstorming.

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Right, sorry Paul, I should have been more clear in the subject.

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    I can’t speak for Paul, but I think the reason was concerns over scalability with large wordpress installations with thousands of users.

    I will work on some widgets for this and a short code implementation as well, to make it easier to add to the site. It might take me a while to get any of that put together, but I’ll put it on the to-do list. ??

    I’ll look forward to your screenshot once it all comes together. ??

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    The roster.php file I created was just meant as an example. There are many ways to customize it and play around with it. I’d recommend reading up on WordPress page templates:

    From your description, it sounds like you put the post title code bit above the get_header() function. You’ll want the get_header to be the first thing , then add the content of the page after that.

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    1. Previous/Next Links: you need to edit your CSS to style them to your liking. You can use floats, etc. to get them to align left and right.
    2. To add a title to the leaderboard page, insert the following where you want the title to be displayed:
      <h1><?php echo $wp_query->post->post_title; ?></h1>
    Thread Starter mikebronner


    The short answer is that you can customize it completely as you like. ??
    Here are just a few examples:

    Replace the lines (there are two occurrences of this line, on in each foreach loop):
    <td>' . $this_user->nickname . </td>
    with one of the following:

    To get a link to that user’s author page:
    <td><a href="' . get_author_link(true, $row->ID) . '">' . $this_user->nickname . '</a></td>

    To get a link to that user’s bbPress profile:
    <td><a href="/forums/users/' . $this_user->user_nicename . '">' . $this_user->nickname . '</a></td>

    And for BuddyPress, I think this should work (not test, adjust as needed):
    <td><a href="/members/' . $this_user->user_nicename . '/profile/">' . $this_user->nickname . '</a></td>

    Let me know if this works. ??

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    Good to hear it’s working. What is the URL you want it to go to? The default profile page (admin section), or author page, or the profile page of a plugin, like bbPress?

    Thread Starter mikebronner


    The leaderboard function is updated. Please remove the existing dpa_get_leaderboard_rankings() function from your functions.php file and replace it with this one. This should fix the incorrect sorting issue.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    /* Generate Leaderboard Rankings **********************************************/
     * Returns either the ranking for the current user (single row result) or for all users (limited to the current page, if not overriden).
     * @param bool $show_current_user Optional. If true will get the ranking for the current user only. Default is false.
     * @param int $offset Optional. If set, will start the query from a given offset record. Default is to use normal pagination offset.
     * @param int $posts_per_page Optional. If set, will change the number of records returned per page. Default is WordPress default value.
     * @return array. Two-dimensional array is returned, array["restults"] holds search results, while array["total_number_of_pages"] holds the max number of pages which can be used for pagination links.
     * @since Achievements (3.2.2)
     * @author Mike Bronner <[email protected]>
    function dpa_get_leaderboard_rankings($show_current_user = false, $offset = null, $posts_per_page = null)
    	global $wpdb;
    	if ($show_current_user)
    	if (null === $posts_per_page)
    		$posts_per_page = intval(get_query_var('posts_per_page'));
    	$db_prefix = $wpdb->base_prefix;
        $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
        $posts_per_page = intval(get_query_var('posts_per_page'));
        if (null === $offset)
    	    $offset = ($paged - 1) * $posts_per_page;
    	$leaderboard_query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS
    				,nick.meta_value AS nickname
    				,SUM(karma.meta_value) AS total_karma
    				,FIND_IN_SET(karma.meta_value, (SELECT  GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ranking.meta_value ORDER BY CONVERT(ranking.meta_value, SIGNED)  DESC) FROM " . $db_prefix . "usermeta AS ranking WHERE ranking.meta_key = '" . $db_prefix . "_dpa_points')) as rank
    			FROM " . $db_prefix . "users AS person
    			LEFT JOIN " . $db_prefix . "usermeta as nick
    				ON = nick.user_id
    				AND nick.meta_key = 'nickname'
    			LEFT JOIN " . $db_prefix . "usermeta as karma
    				ON = karma.user_id
    				AND karma.meta_key = '" . $db_prefix . "_dpa_points'
    		WHERE 1 = 1";
    	if ($show_current_user)
    		$leaderboard_query .= "
    			AND ID = " . $current_user->ID;
    	$leaderboard_query .= "
    		GROUP BY nick.meta_value
    		ORDER BY total_karma DESC
    			,person.user_registered ASC";
    	if ($show_current_user)
    		$leaderboard_query .= "
    		LIMIT 0, 1;";
    		$leaderboard_query .= "
    		LIMIT " . $offset . ", " . $posts_per_page . ";";
    	$leaderboard["results"] = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($leaderboard_query, null));
    	$sql_posts_total = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT FOUND_ROWS();" );
        $leaderboard["total_number_of_pages"] = ceil($sql_posts_total / $posts_per_page);
        return $leaderboard;
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