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  • Thread Starter MikeAlan


    Thank you all for your responses.
    Yes, it was a Cache issue but somehow it has managed to clear itself!
    I loaded it in Chrome, I normally use Edge and yes the red rectangle wasn’t there and then I found that it had also disappeared in Edge so I’m presuming that it was a Cache issue but how its rectified itself I dont know as haven’t as yet cleared any cache!
    Thanks again

    Thread Starter MikeAlan


    Meant to say, I have emailed the problem to them.

    Thread Starter MikeAlan


    Thanks again Steven for your prompt reply.

    It’s not listed under WordPress plugins, it can only be downloaded from I have it because I’m using a non standard font.

    Thanks again for your help.


    Thread Starter MikeAlan


    Thanks for your reply Steven,
    The MyFontsWebfontsKit is installed as a plugin and using Trouble Shooter it is the only one that reproduces the error.
    I could get rid of it by setting wp_debug to ‘false’ but as the site is in the stages of development it is set to ‘true’. It doesn’t appear to be doing any harm, it’s just bugging that I know it’s there.
    But if you can offer a solution, that would be great..

    Thread Starter MikeAlan


    Hi John,

    Sorry, I should have replied back.
    It was a silly error on my behalf, I was operating Custom Facebook Feed pro in trouble shooting mode which caused the error. Once disabled it performed without any errors.
    Silly thing is, I cant now remember why I had trouble shooting mode on in the first place!!!

    Please feel free to close this case.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter MikeAlan


      Debug listing

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    BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types plugin needs Buddypress Xprofile Component. Please enable Xprofile first.

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    Thread Starter MikeAlan


    Hi David,
    Thanks for your prompt reply.
    Having copied the lists to MS Word it was easy to sort the Active and Inactive from the full list but, yes, having access to an immediate Inactive list would be beneficial.
    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter MikeAlan


    There are 2 angled brackets one at the beginning of the reset link and one at the end. The first one appears black, not part of the link, the end one is blue obviously part of the link so being not sure if they’re meant to be there I deleted both and voila, I can now change my password!!!!!!!

    Thread Starter MikeAlan


    Hi Nola4x4

    No is the simple answer.
    Facebook has put a total block on extracting information from Closed and Private groups.

    Sorry to be disappointing. If I hear anything different I’ll let you know

    Thread Starter MikeAlan


    I’m glad it worked.
    Good luck

    Thread Starter MikeAlan


    Ok, I have solved my problem be entering what appears to be the correct Valid OAuth Redirect URI: ‘https://website/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-social-login/hybridauth/?hauth_done=Facebook&#8217;.

    If anyone has a better suggestion, please let me know.


    Thread Starter MikeAlan


    Thanks very much for your responce Steve, the CSS Menumaker one did the trick.

    Thread Starter MikeAlan


    Any ideas, anyone please?

    I believe a vertical menu option could be included in a major update to BuddyPress version 2.9 early to mid July. Why not wait and see what it has to offer

    Thread Starter MikeAlan


    Hi Brajesh,

    Thank you very much, it now works just as I want it.

    I should have realised that copying code from an Email doesn’t always work as I’ve made that mistake before.


Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 57 total)