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You could modify index.php ( the one from the root folder ) so it would include wp-blog-header.php from one of those subfolders based on the domain.
So the code would be something like:
$doms313=array('example1.com','example2.com'); $doms314=array('example3.com','exmaple4.com'); if(in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],$doms313)){ require('./wordpress1/wp-blog-header.php'); }else if(in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],$doms314){ require('./wordpress2/wp-blog-header.php'); } ....
This should work but I think it’s a bad idea to have so many versions working at the same time and especially old versions. There’s a good reason why you should upgrade.
@lcrook coping index.php and .htacess from the subfolder to the main folder is a requirement if wordpress installed in a subfolder.
@tib I don’t understand your question. What do you mean by “more subfolder wp” ?
Wordpress is installed only once in a subfolder then after you activate multisite you will be able to have multiple blogs , each having it’s own subdomain name.
Example: main site is example.com , wordpress is installed in
DocumentRoot is /home/example/public_html
Wordpress is installed in /home/example/public_html/wordpress
subdomains dom1.example.com and dom2.example.com are blogs created in this multisite install.
With domain mapping you would be able to map a full domain like dom1.com to a subdomain like dom1.example.com.The official documents state that the multisite functionality of wordpress will not work IF wordpress is installed in a subdirectory.
This also applies for the domain mapping plugin.But if you use the modified version of the domain mapping plugin and follow the steps I describe here https://patchlog.com/wordpress/multisite-in-subfolder/ you should be able to use your current install in a subdirectory with multisite and domain mapping.
@andrea_r “On many shared hosts, wildcard subdomains cannot be configured to work when the install is domain.com/something/. That’s why.”
Can you provide more details about such a shared host? What makes it so “special”As far as I see it wildcard domains need to be defined in the virtual host ( apache or whatever webserver ) and in DNS. While some shared accounts will definitely not allow you to do that others will.
But as long as the web server works with wildcard domains why would wordpress not work with it? I know the current version doesn’t work but the limitation seems artificial … like someone just thought “ah this is to complicated for users to understand so let’s just block it”
As soon as I removed that “artificial” block everything works if you just set the urls right in the domain settings.
And btw you don’t even need wildcard domains to have wordpress multisite and subdomains working. Some shared hosts will allow you to set multiple domain aliases on your account. Sure this means that for each new subdomain you add in wordpress you also have to add an alias in your hosting account’s control panel.
Back! Sorry for the delay on this.
I was able to replicate this with a small change to wordpress code. It’s really just about removing a error that’s probably there just because this thing might not work everywhere or more likely because it’s a bit more complicated to do.
@lcrook wordpress multisite with subdomains and domain mapping is working just fine out of the box but not ( without patching ) if you’re
installing wordpress in a subfolder of the main DocumentRoot folder ( the one that’s usually called public_html or htdocs )@tib you were right about one thing. The zip file I published still needed patches in 2 other places. It’s fixed now, please download it again from https://patchlog.com/wordpress/wpmu-domain-mapping-in-subfolder-install/
I posted detailed instructions about how to install WordPress 3.1.3 in a subfolder, enable multisite , add domains and set up the domain mapping plugin here:
https://patchlog.com/wordpress/multisite-in-subfolder/When I created this and installed wordpress was at version 3.0 beta and there was no such message.
I’ll try to recreate it with a new install from scratch and come back with a possible solution tomorrow… probably another patch for wordpress. I see no reason why this would not work. It works just fine on my sites where wordpress is installed in a subfolder and I’m using subdomains.I’m using this with wordpress installed in a subdirectory but the blogs are configured to be subdomains of the main domain.
If you’re still getting that error you don’t have the modified plugin active.
Remove the version that you have now, download my zip file and extract it in the plugins directory.
IF you have a file named domain_mapping.php in wp-content/mu-plugins.php then replace it with the domain_mapping.php file from the modified plugin… just move the file from the plugin directory to wp-content/mu-plugins.
No, sorry I forgot to mention how to use it. I assume most of my readers know how to use a .diff file.
I have posted a zip file with the plugin already patched , check out the post again.I managed to modify the domain mapping plugin to work in a subdirectory install.
You can find the patch and some configuration instructions here:
https://patchlog.com/wordpress/wpmu-domain-mapping-in-subfolder-install/Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: MUltisite with own DirectoryI even managed to get domain mapping to work with very few modifications to the plugin.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: MUltisite with own DirectoryThanks.
Of all these bugs it seems like the last one is the only that could really affect the way a blog works. The first two are just problems in admin that I already noticed.
So I guess I shouldn’t have amuch to worry about with running my setup like this.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugin Updater issue. 2.5On the plugins page when a plugin update is available you will have two links one for download and the other for automatic update
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugin Updater issue. 2.5@eric98975 i have a similar problem with the updater. It seems that it just deletes the old plugins before installing the new ones and since some of them fail because they are incompatible with wp 2.5 I am left without any of the versions so I have to login over ssh and install manually.
@barrydt I don’t think there is such a feature to upgrade with no use interaction. you still have to click on that “upgrade” link for each plugin.