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  • Thread Starter Midlife Riding


    I see that the PRO version specifically lists custom post types and taxonomies so for $12, I just bought it and will try it out. I’ll report back if I have any issues.

    Thread Starter Midlife Riding


    It’s not that I didn’t get support within 1 hour. Anyone who expects that is a fool.

    It’s that within 1 hr, my topic had been closed and removed which (unaware that it was anti-spam causing it) gave the appearance and impression that the plugin author went above and beyond to bury a support topic that has been brought up multiple times by others with no resolution posted yet and the same issue is continuing to happen to folks (like me) to this day so it clearly still needed addressing. It is that kind of plugin author that I make it a point to never use their products or support them with my money.

    Knowing what I know now makes a difference. I was wrong and will admit that. Again, I apologize to the plugin author.

    Thread Starter Midlife Riding


    We also established that the anti-spam bot has no soul. ??

    Thread Starter Midlife Riding


    I am apologizing for being an a-hole. It was wordpress that blocked my support post/replies, not the plugin author.

    Expect an e-commerce edition sale shortly!

    Thread Starter Midlife Riding



    If you are experiencing 404 errors and have SSL enabled for your site, then the issue is related to conanical links. You have some options for how to fix it, but for me it was as easy as changing one setting in the “permalinks” settings within WordPress SEO by Yoast. Change the “Force Transport” to “Force HTTPS” and save and the 404 error goes away.

    If you are not using that particular SEO plugin, then you may have a similar option in your SEO plugin of choice or you can write a short code snippet in your functions.php file to force HTTPS as the delivery mechanism for conanical links.

    This is not an issue directly related to the plugin, but is related to common server setups (SSL) that affect the plugin operation. Since I read several support requests related to this specific error with no fix or resolution mentioned, I’m sharing my fix.

    Thread Starter Midlife Riding


    Since this is NOT the fault of the plugin creator, review stars changed to +5.

    Sorry for being a a-hole but I’ve run into way too many plugin authors who think that everyone using wordpress is an idiot and they fail to offer any help, support or even hints because of it. Judging by the lack of support provided to others experiencing the same 404 errors, I was expecting that to be the case with my support request as well.

    I will update my support topic with my fix and allow the plugin author to respond one way or another. I’ll give then a chance to prove me right or wrong prior to purchasing this plugin.

    Thread Starter Midlife Riding


    So when my topics were NOT displayed in the support forum for the plugin and I had to track them down through my account settings > recent posts to be able to post my reply (404 error page fix), but clicking reply results in a “the topic has been closed and is no longer available for posting” message, what you’re saying is that really means that the “topic is open and available for posting but we’re going to lie to you and tell you that it’s closed, hide it from the site frontend, and prevent you from posting any updates.” Got it. Will take that into consideration in the future.

    I just installed this plugin on 3.9.2 with PHP5 and of course got the same errors.

    To fix it, I had to swap 2 functions in 2 files.

    First swap was the __construct function and the wpsh_boot_loader starting on line 9 in /wp-content/plugins/wp-system-health/wp-system-health.php. It should look like this if you’re unclear what I mean:

    function __construct() {
    		$this->pure_init = !function_exists('add_action');
    		$this->memory_limit = (int) $this->convert_ini_bytes(@ini_get('memory_limit'));
    		//if no limit is available set it to 1GB to be sure at divisions ;-)
    		if($this->memory_limit == 0) $this->memory_limit = 1024*1024*1024;
    		$this->mem_usage_possible = function_exists('memory_get_usage');
    		$this->mem_usage_denied	= preg_match('/memory_get_usage/', @ini_get('disable_functions'));
    		$this->exec_denied = preg_match('/exec/', @ini_get('disable_functions'));
    		if (!$this->exec_denied) // Suhosin likes to throw a warning if exec is disabled then die - weird
    			$this->exec_denied = preg_match('/exec/',  @ini_get('suhosin.executor.func.blacklist'));
    		$this->is_windows = ( substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN');
    		$this->check_points = array();
    		if ($this->pure_init) {
    		if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.0.0", '<')) { $this->options = $this->defaults; } else { $this->options = clone($this->defaults); }
    			$this->pass_checkpoint('boot:wp-config', $this->memory_get_usage());
    			$this->pass_checkpoint('boot:wp-config.failed', 0);
    	function wpsh_boot_loader() {

    The second swap was the wpsh_plugin function and the __contruct function starting on line 77 in /wp-content/plugins/wp-system-health/wp-system-health.php. It should look like this again, if I’m unclear:

    public function __construct() {
    		$this->defaults = new stdClass;
    		$this->defaults->disable_dashboard_widget = false;
    		$this->defaults->disable_admin_footer = false;
    		$this->defaults->disable_rightnow = false;
    		$this->defaults->enable_frontend_monitoring = false;
    		$this->defaults->quota_block_size = 1024;
    		//try to get the options now, repair the PHP 4 issue of cloning not supported
    		if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,"5.0.0","<")) { $this->options = $this->defaults; } else { $this->options = clone($this->defaults); }
    		$tmp = get_option('wp-system-health', $this->defaults);
    		foreach(array_keys(get_object_vars($this->defaults)) as $key) {
    			if (isset($tmp->$key))
    				$this->options->$key = $tmp->$key;
    		$this->theme_done = false;
    		$this->gettext_default_done = false;
    		global $wpsh_boot_loader, $wp_version;
    		if (!is_object($wpsh_boot_loader) || (get_class($wpsh_boot_loader) != 'wpsh_boot_loader')) {
    			$this->boot_loader = new wpsh_boot_loader();
    			$this->boot_loader = &$wpsh_boot_loader;
    		if ($this->boot_loader->is_windows)
    			$this->options->quota_block_size = 1; //Windows have bytes, so override it!
    		$this->transports_available = array(
    			'curl' => array( 'use' => false ),
    			'streams' => array( 'use' => false ),
    			'fopen' => array( 'use' => false ),
    			'fsockopen' => array( 'use' => false ),
    			'exthttp' => array( 'use' => false )
    		$this->l10n_tracing = version_compare($wp_version, "2.9", '>=');
    		$this->l10n_loaded = array();
    		add_action('load_textdomain', array(&$this, 'on_load_textdomain'), 99999, 2);
    		add_action('plugins_loaded', array(&$this, 'on_plugins_loaded'), 99999);
    		add_action('setup_theme', array(&$this, 'on_setup_theme'), 99999);
    		add_filter('gettext', array(&$this, 'on_gettext'), 99999, 2);
    		add_action('init', array(&$this, 'on_init'), 99999);
    		add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'on_admin_init'), 99999);
    		add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'on_admin_menu'), 99999);
    		add_action('rightnow_end', array(&$this, 'on_rightnow_end'), 0);
    		add_action('wp_footer', array(&$this, 'on_frontend_footer'), 99999);
    		add_action('admin_post_wp_system_health_save_settings', array(&$this, 'on_save_settings'));
    		add_action('wp_ajax_wp_system_healts_check_memory', array(&$this, 'on_ajax_wp_system_healts_check_memory'));
    		add_filter('use_fsockopen_transport', array(&$this, 'on_use_fsockopen_transport'));
    		add_filter('use_fopen_transport', array(&$this, 'on_use_fopen_transport'));
    		add_filter('use_streams_transport', array(&$this, 'on_use_streams_transport'));
    		add_filter('use_http_extension_transport', array(&$this, 'on_use_http_extension_transport'));
    		add_filter('use_curl_transport', array(&$this, 'on_use_curl_transport'));
    		add_filter('update_footer', array (&$this, 'on_footer_text'), 99999);
    		$this->plugin_basename = plugin_basename(__FILE__);
    		$active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins');
    		if ($active_plugins[0] != $this->plugin_basename) {
    			//force at least at next page load this plugin to be the first one loaded to show up the other plugins memory consume
    			$reorder[] = $this->plugin_basename;
    			foreach($active_plugins as $plugin) {
    				if ($plugin != $this->plugin_basename)
    					$reorder[] = $plugin;
    			update_option('active_plugins', $reorder);
    	function wpsh_plugin() {

    Works FANTASTIC after these tweaks. My thanks to the original plugin author.

    Thread Starter Midlife Riding


    Here’s my complete list of locations where I added this filter:

    add_filter( 'the_content_rss', 'swcc_linklog_parse_content' );
    add_filter( 'the_content_feed', 'swcc_linklog_parse_content' );
    add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'swcc_linklog_parse_content' );
    add_filter( 'the_excerpt_rss', 'swcc_linklog_parse_content' );
    add_filter( 'widget_text', 'swcc_linklog_parse_content' );

    And here’s my plugin performance report with those additions:
    .0051 per page load

    You could try something like this:

    Hook into the_content before the kento_star_rate_frontend filter has been called, check if it’s a page, and remove the kento_star_rate_frontend filter.

    add_filter( 'the_content', 'no_star_ratings', 0 );
    function no_star_ratings( $content )
        # page(s) to remove star ratings from
        'page' === is_page() && remove_filter( 'the_content', 'kento_star_rate_frontend' );
        return $content;

    This reference may help you if you want to tweak which pages show stars or not

    I’m not the author, but looking at the code, it uses the userid to track/store ratings and that’s what it compares to prevent duplicate ratings. In short, there’s no quick and easy way that I know of to allow ratings for guests and still prevent duplicate ratings per user unless you find a way to assign a unique value to all guests and store that value in the user table using it as the key for for the userid.

    Thread Starter Midlife Riding


    [ Expletive deleted ] you! Uninstalled

    Thread Starter Midlife Riding


    Seems to have fixed itself. Marked as resolved. Thanks!

    Thread Starter Midlife Riding


    I left it blank to start with. After I noticed the single quote, I manually entered 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 into the box. Same issue even after adding the numbers. Yes I’m using English.

    Thread Starter Midlife Riding


    FYI, donation just sent. Please keep actively working on this plugin as it’s one of the main features I’m building my site around. Great work so far man!

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