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  • OK,

    Download WordPress 2.7.
    In file rewrite.php, which is in folder wp-includes, find the following script and change it


    $default_feeds = array(

    ‘.*wp-atom.php$’=>$this->index .’?feed=atom’,

    ‘.*wp-rdf.php$’ => $this->index .’?feed=rdf’,

    ‘.*wp-rss.php$’ => $this->index .’?feed=rss’,

    ‘.*wp-rss2.php$’ => $this->index .’?feed=rss2′,

    ‘.*wp-feed.php$’ => $this->index .’?feed=feed’,

    ‘.*wp-commentsrss2.php$’ => $this->index . ‘?feed=rss2&withcomments=1’);



    $default_feeds = array(

    ‘.*/wp-atom.php$’=>$this->index .’?feed=atom’,

    ‘.*/wp-rdf.php$’ => $this->index .’?feed=rdf’,

    ‘.*/wp-rss.php$’ => $this->index .’?feed=rss’,

    ‘.*/wp-rss2.php$’ => $this->index .’?feed=rss2′,

    ‘.*/wp-feed.php$’ => $this->index .’?feed=feed’,

    ‘.*/wp-commentsrss2.php$’ => $this->index . ‘?feed=rss2&withcomments=1’);


    The only change was the forward slash (/) after the * on each line. See it? Not sure how to check what line it’s on, but it’s quie a long way into the file (Bright Cherry says it’s 809-814).

    After saving that, I uploaded all the WordPress 2.7 files again (including the newly modified rewrite.php file). I didn’t re-upload wp-content folder though, as it would have affected my plugins I think.

    Then run /wp-admin/upgrade.php

    It might not seem to have worked straight away, so keep checking for a little while before you look for a different solution.

    Hope that helps,

    Hello again,

    Searched around a bit more and found this:

    This solution worked for me – it involves a simple change to rewrite.php, and reinstall of 2.7, to allow for the fact that my blog is in a subdirectory of my website.

    RSS now up and running – hooray!


    I have this problem too.
    RSS feed not working.

    I’m fairly new to blogging, just moved mine from
    url is:
    I spent ages yesterday taking all the blank spaces from beginning and end of my php files, but to no avail…

    I’m using inove theme – the rss-related code in sidebar.php doesn’t look like the support documentation example, but I’m not sure if or how I can change it. Sounds like that’s not the problem anyway.

    Any solutions yet?

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