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  • Hi,

    Can You please paste that code again putting it in backticks?
    Right now it’s a little bit messy here.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Use $file in url


    If i understand You correctly, what You need is to pass $maand to get_page_by_path?
    You can try something like that:
    $page = get_page_by_path(‘plopsaland-de-panne/praktisch/openingsuren/’.$maand);

    Is it what You needed?



    I thing the best move You can do is to use some debug tool.
    For example Firefox (Ctrl+Shift+C) and Chrome (Ctrl+Shift+I), has a build in inspector.
    Now You can click on element of doubt and it shows You where in source that element is located and what style does it have, with file name and event specific line in that css.

    Hope that will help.


    Yup, style.css controls how almost everything in that theme appears.
    I see that You copied .site-branding. Add /* before and */ after the copy, to make it commented and ‘not visible’ to browser, that reduce frustration ??

    You can probably do something like that:

    .site-branding {
    color: #FFFFFF;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: 700;
    text-shadow: 1px 2px 3px #000000;
    margin:0 auto;

    Where width:120px; is Width of Your actual logo and is needed for margin:0 auto; to work
    margin:0 auto; tells the browser to add 0 margin on top and bottom and count equal margins on right and left.

    That construction unfortunately put Your menu little under logo, but… it’ll have do.

    But remember. If You update that Theme, every changes in style.css will be lost.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: slugs not working


    I think You should rebuild permalinks.
    Go to Settings->permalinks, select ‘Post name’ and click ‘Save changes’ on the bottom.

    And then, check pages slugs and menu items, because they probably will be diferent from what You had.



    First of all check if ‘DB_*’ in Your wp-config is correct.



    First, to make Your site visible againd I would try to remove that line of code.
    Then the question is, what was the line of code that You inserted and where do You put it?



    May I ask what theme You are Using?
    Do You have access to files or just wp-admin?


    Glad i could help

    Practice is everything ??


    maybe something like that will do:
    #content – add margin-top:150px (height of header)
    .site-header – add position: fixed; top: 0; width: 100%;



    #content – have margin-left:25%, remove it
    #secondary – add position:fixed, remove float:left
    #primary – add margin-left:25%, remove width:100% (or change to 75%)

    Is that what You need?


    If You’re doing automatic update through wp-admin, everything will be taken care of by WordPress (download, install, etc.).

    You can do it manualy, but in 99% of cases there’s no need to do that.

    phpMyAdmin is usualy provided by server host (HG as You said), not WP.
    Maybe there are some plugins to do that, but if You have it in the panel of Your server, that would be best solution.
    Just select database on the left, then Export on top, Export Method -> Custom, in option select some compression (fe.zipped, always better to have smaller files), in ‘Object creation options’ select ‘Add DROP_TABLE / VIEW / …’, any other options leave as they are and press ‘Go’ on the bottom.
    You should get zipped file with Your database.



    In ‘newbie words’, files are like bricks when You build the house and database is like a book that tells You where You should put them, something like blueprint.

    Lets assume, that we are ‘refuilding’ that house. Bricks without knowing where to put them are just pile of bricks…
    Wordpress sometimes changes little details in database. In most cases thats not a problem, but think about what would happened if You remove one wall on the first floor of ten storey building. It can collapse.

    Best thing to do before any major update is to copy all files from server via ftp and make a database export via f.e. phpmyadmin.
    You should find some plugins for that.

    Then, if eventualy something go south, You can just replace files and database to older version and voila, everything is working again.


    PS. There is a good practive to deactivate all plugins before WP upgrade and reactivating it one by one to find out if all of them are compatibile with New WP.


    I do not know that theme, but i assume, that You can edit ‘category.php’ and search there for construction like this:

    <div id="site-archives-header">
    <h3>Archive for Blogg category</h3>

    and alter the text.

    Eventualy, You can simply add
    #site-wrapper #site-body-wrapper #site-archives-header h3{display:none;}
    at the end of style.css of that theme, which shoud hide it.



    Syntax is ok. Just remember to add it before require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');.
    If Your blog is accessible via `’, then You should paste that url in both define’s.
    This should be the base url of Your blog.
    Do not add wp-admin.

    Hope that helps a bit.

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