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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Google Ad SenseFor local testing, you can set up the AdSense code to display a colored box when the ads don’t come through. That way you can check the positioning.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Specific category – override posts_per_page?1. Sorry, “catch-22” means that you can’t do one thing without doing another thing, but if you could do the other thing, you could do the first thing. I can’t use the plugin unless I know the code so I can change the plugin, so no, it didn’t answer my question.
2. But I think this is really the answer to #1 (limiting posts for a specific category). It seems to work: I have a special template for this category, so I just stuck in this line before the loop:
<?php query_posts('category_name=news&showposts=3'); ?>
Thanks for that.
Question #2 is still unsolved: excluding posts from the index page, and not counting them towards the posts_per_page limit.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Specific category – override posts_per_page?1. It’s kind of a catch-22: if I knew how to set up the plugin that way, I could probably set up the category template that way. ??
2. I use the same method that’s in the Codex:
And that plugin is for including cats, not excluding them – a big difference seeing as I have 35 categories and will be changing them going forward.If at all possible, I’d like to code this directly into templates, so I’m not messing with templates AND plugins going forward. We’re talking about one category here, so going with plugins seems like overkill.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Google Ad SenseYes. ??
Seriously, you can add/subtract things from your theme templates however you like. As long as you don’t interfere with the PHP code you can (and should – every time I hit a new site with just the basic Kubrick it kinda turns me off as a reader) make your site your own.
Pop it in where you think you want it, check it in your web browser. If it’s broken, move it somewhere else. Like magic, you’re a web developer!
(As you learn more, you’ll be able to disregard the part about not messing with the PHP – you’ll WANT to mess with it! ;-))
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Possible security issue with my serverMJ, your story is different from mcangeli’s – you had someone making posts, he had someone uploading a phishing folder at the root level of his server – the only similarity is that you both had your sites hacked.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Possible security issue with my serverI’d have to think that the folder being added to your web root indicates an insecure server, not an issue with WP.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to set up blog for RSSWhat if you right-click the link and download the RSS file to your desktop, then open it in a text editor? It’s not really made to be opened in a browser – unless you get Firefox, which has an RSS feed feature (the little icon at the bottom corner of the page).
And yes, if you want your page to validate, you need to fix the things below where the validator tells you it won’t validate. (If your site looks good in IE and Firefox, and you don’t want to do the extra work to make it validate, just remove that “Valid XHTML” link. ;-))
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: The WordPress Support ForumsI like the categories in general. What would be great is sub-categories – for example, dealing with comment/pingback spam, or integrating Amazon links. I also like the sidebar idea and the “site check” forum.
The biggest problem with support forums is that people have the (false) notion that they can get help fastest by just posting their problem. You can try emphasizing the Codex or trying to get people to do searches, but I don’t think there’s a way to stop most people from just going ahead and asking for help.
A tip for keeping up on a particular thread: drag the thread’s RSS feed into your aggregator of choice. I prefer that to being e-mailed every response, and there’s also the advantage that you can grab a feed for threads you haven’t posted into.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Paypal scam“I’d suggest password-protecting the folder itself.”
#1 most important piece of advice. It’s stronger protection than making the folder unwriteable.
If I were concerned with malicious code having been inserted in a wp-admin file, I would reinstall WP and then password protect the wp-admin folder.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Getting RSS feedsForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Getting RSS feeds*cough* *cough* aggrss…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Excluded categories mean fewer posts om index page?Bump (it was the weekend when I posted my question)…
Any way to tell WP to not count excluded articles against a page’s posts-per-page count?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Excluded categories mean fewer posts om index page?Bump…
Considering how messy it is to divert a category for a “side blog,” I’m thinking that the only way to not mess up my home page is to do a complete second WordPress installation just for the side blog, and bring in the stuff from that blog via RSS.
Upside: I can set up e-mail blogging for the side blog only.
Downside: more draining for the server, since I’ll have to use absolute paths to grab the XML (I tried working with relative paths in aggrss, but they don’t seem to take).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Excluded categories mean fewer posts om index page?I spoke too soon – the RSS feed suffers from the same issue.
This could be a real problem – the excluded category could be very active.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: _Really_ exclude a category?Ah, perfect!
Thanks again, again. This was the last hurdle to getting the site up. (Well, having the poll plugin updated for 1.5 would help too, but it isn’t essential.)