Michael King
Forum Replies Created
Thanks Kerry – looks like some of my security/no-track blockers were keeping several things on that page from working. After I disabled the security blocker, the date picker and some other things all got more lively. This is the first WP back-end page I’ve ever found where this is a problem. Not sure what you used but my view is it’s too clever. Looks like I might not be the only one.
Actually, I’m starting to wonder if the firewall actually installed correctly – there’s no status displayed to indicate it is, or are there any warnings or error messages. Apparently all the design energy went into the back end of this, not the UX/UI.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Hover popup not popping upI’ve not gone back to look but I think what I did was to turn minify off in W3TC. It’s stable now and working correctly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Hover popup not popping upAfter I fiddled with settings for a while, including things in my W3TC, the problem disappeared and went back to the normal behavior. Actually, the way I’ve left it, there’s more cacheing than orignally.
The fact that I could see different behaviors in different browsers at the same time makes me suspicious of a cache problem but I can’t say I can associate anything in particular with changes. Also makes me think it’s not a fundamental conflict but that’s not definitive at all.
So, if that suggests anything to you, let me know. I’m going to just watch this for a few days and see what happens.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Velvet Blues Update URLs] Images Urls update – Bridge template wordpressI have the same problem, different theme!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Database problem, site down :(My favorite hosting company, DreamHost, showed me how to restore an old data base from their panel, so I’m back on the air again. I don’t know how this went wrong but I guess I don’t care too much right now.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Database problem, site down :(Further error message, which I think says the same thing:
The wp_gp2fqb_options table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table ‘burlingamesd_com.wp_gp2fqb_options’ doesn’t exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
Failed to repair the wp_gp2fqb_options table. Error: Table ‘burlingamesd_com.wp_gp2fqb_options’ doesn’t existNot the first issue with the site this week but the worst, I may just nuke it and restore a backup
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Calendar pages broken in Full and Tribe stylesThe ” add that text under Events –> Settings –> Display in the Additional HTML field” took care of my need to state the obvious. I had not discovered that field before & I actually think this is better than having it hard coded, so I’ll skip the suggestion for a change.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Breaks post & page titlesMoving this to a new thread, as I should have done to begin with.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Breaks post & page titlesI run two sites that use The Events calendar – the one with the WeaverII theme had page title troubles with 3.5 but as I wrote above, 3.5.1 fixed the problems
However the other site uses Atahualpa theme (burlingamesd.com) – I think, but I’m not sure, there were no problems there with 3.5 but with 3.5.1 the Events Calendar pages are slightly broken. With EC Skeleton style, all is ok, but with Full styles or Tribe Events styles there is a problem. With both of those, the Calendar in Month view is compressed vertically and each day box only had the date and what looks like a ? character if there is something to display.
I had been using Full style as that looked closest to to the rest of the site, and I’m sure that looked right (date & event title). I’ve set the style to Skeleton for now, so no loss of function, but it’s less appearing visually. I can supply screen shots of the undesirable configuration, if desired.
On a separate note – more than one user has said clicking events to open is NOT intuitive – would be nice if each page had a fixed note somewhere that says “Clcik events for further information” or something like that. Maybe depends on how web-wavy the user is – wasn’t a problem for me, but as I said, others have mentioned the issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Breaks post & page titlesLeah – 3.5.1 installed for me and all seems to be working again. Tried all three EC styles and none interfere with other WeaverII page titles (www.ninthdistrictpta.org). Nicely done, glad I waited and didn’t do anything drastic.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] 3.5 version hides all post titlesAfter some experimentation, I believe this problem is theme-dependent – problem appears in WeaverII, probably more. I have one other site using EC that does work correctly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] 3.5 version hides all post titlesJust discovered this myself. After some easter egging around, I find if you select the Skeleton style for Event Calendar, you’ll get post & page titles back. Of course, the Calendar pages are less attractive, but that’s the lesser evil for me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clone] Unable to get WP Clone to work since 2.14 releaseDoesn’t work for me (3.7.1 on both sides) to a local host or AWS.
I see there are some workarounds above but none of them look like the structures I see, or I’m not smart enough to look in the right place, or they look like more work than brute force copy & paste content.
This would be a bloody brilliant plugin IF it worked. I assume it did once, so WP Academy members, is there a real fix in sight?