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  • I did a quick test via Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool. You can see the results here.

    Based on what I’m seeing, it would be a good idea to talk to your host. It seems like there could be a significant delay before the server responds.

    Howdy Marco,

    I’m unable to replicate this. I was able to copy code from a text editor and paste it in the Custom HTML widget on both the Widgets page and the Customizer. I used both right click to copy/paste as well as the command + c and command + v hotkeys.

    I would first try these things to resolve the issue:

    1. Update your browser
    2. Try disabling any browser addons or extensions that could be conflicting
    3. Try a different browser

    It also couldn’t hurt to make sure your WordPress and its plugins are all up to date as well.

    If none of that works, it’s possible there is a plugin conflict. In that case, maybe try disabling plugins temporarily to see if they are the cause.


    That particular link will go to an image’s “Attachment page” which is a specific page template that shows the image. I suspect your theme either doesn’t have an attachment template or, for some reason, the attachment template isn’t showing the image.

    If you want the see the full size image, click the title of the image. Then, on the right, you’ll see a meta box that has the file URL.

    Hi. I’m sorry you’re having trouble with this. I’m having trouble replicating this issue. I installed

    I have a few questions that could be helpful in working out the bug.

    1. What browser are you using? Which version?
    2. What version of WordPress are you using?
    3. Are there any other plugins installed on your site?
    4. Do you have any browser extensions installed that could be conflicting with the WordPress code (I don’t think this is the case, but worth checking.)

    > what do you think i have done wrong?

    My guess is that a class or element is missing that the CSS targets. That said, I think you’re venturing into territory where it would be good for you to either learn a bit more about CSS, HTML, and PHP, or maybe even find a developer to help you out.

    That’s a bit more complex. You would need to override those particular styles. You can see the selectors and styles in the stylesheet around line 1748 and they currently look like this:

    /* For browsers that support 'object-fit' */
    @supports ( object-fit: cover ) {
    	.has-header-image .custom-header-media img,
    	.has-header-video .custom-header-media video,
    	.has-header-image:not(.twentyseventeen-front-page):not(.home) .custom-header-media img {
    		height: 100%;
    		left: 0;
    		-o-object-fit: cover;
    		object-fit: cover;
    		top: 0;
    		-ms-transform: none;
    		-moz-transform: none;
    		-webkit-transform: none;
    		transform: none;
    		width: 100%;

    I think this is one that could be a bit tricky as you might need to customize the style in several places.

    Good question. From what I can tell, it looks like you edited the theme’s stylesheet and added the CSS.

    What I would do is remove the CSS you wrote and, instead, write the same CSS but at the bottom of the stylesheet.

    Here is what you want to see:

    .banner{background: red}
    .topbar{background: green}

    Currently, that code is actually inside a media query like this:

    @media screen and (min-width: 48em) {
    	.banner{background: red}
    	.topbar{background: green}

    I took a look at the KingComposer plugin support page and see that others are also running into this issue. You have a few options to move forward:

    1. Contact KingComposer directly via their website. You will likely have more luck getting a faster response there.

    2. Also, it couldn’t hurt to add a comment to this topic informing them that you also are experiencing issues.

    3. Painful as it might be, it could be worth your time to investigate a different page builder. I am seeing topics about compatibility errors happening after the last few WordPress updates on the KingComposer support page.

    I took a look. I don’t see anything overlapping the topbar element. I suspect that could be the WordPress admin bar. Could you provide a screenshot?

    As for the colors, I see that the styles written for them are inside of a CSS media query. This particular media query limits any styles written within it to appear on a screen that is 48em and wider which is about tablet-sized and larger. That means on screens smaller than 48em wide, those rules will be ignored. You can resolve this by moving your custom CSS outside the media query.

    It looks like the feature you are looking for is part of the paid version of the plugin.

    It looks like you’ve already requested support on the plugin’s support forum.

    I wouldn’t advocate for using CSS as the form label will no longer function as it is intended. I would instead either look into the paid version or try another plugin for a more general contact form like Contact Form 7.


    Which contact form are you using?

    You could change them with CSS, but it will add other issues. I wouldn’t recommend it. It would be better to change them elsewhere.

    I made a similar recommendation for the WordPress block to function like this by default. It’s possible that, in the future, you will be able to get the desired result with a setting or just out of the box. If you’re interested, here is the issue:

    @bcworkz is correct. To elaborate, you will want to add a bit of CSS code. You can do this by going to the Customize view (link is in the WordPress sidebar). You will then see a menu item on the left called Additional CSS. Open that up to reveal a little text editor to add some odds and ends CSS when needed.

    I believe the following sets of CSS should do the trick with a few caveats.

    The following code will resolve the issue across your entire site for that particular block type. I don’t really see a downside to this, but if you see something break on another page, you might try one of the other examples I am providing.

    @media (max-width: 600px) {
    	.wp-block-media-text {
    		display: block;

    The following two sets are a little more focused in their target. This next bit of code targets that particular block, but only on blog posts.

    @media (max-width: 600px) {
    	.single-post .wp-block-media-text {
    		display: block;

    This last one only targets the specific page you linked.

    @media (max-width: 600px) {
    	.postid-9267 .wp-block-media-text {
    		display: block;

    We’re looking into it.

    Oops. Just saw these. This is an experimental plugin. It’s not the tool built in to core. For those bugs, you might post here:

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