Forum Replies Created
I figured out how to fix it by going here. I hope this helps someone who has the same problem.
I was able to figure this out by going here
I hope this helps someone who has the same problem.
Thanks for replying CMSHelpLive Member.
The site url looks ok.
Correct me if I am wrong but when I put the following url in the browser, https://localhost:8080/wordpress/wp-admin/ and it directs me to the Wodpress Login, doesn’t that mean I successfully connected to the database? If that is the case, how can I a. retrieve my wordpress username and password or b. change the wordpress username and password so I can get in.
I thought I could do this by changing the database user and password .
However if I log into phpMyAdmin, click on my database, click on wp_users and I get the following message “MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). (Query took 0.0003 seconds.)”
Thanks for your help.
False alarm, I was able to resolve this. Via the Bitnami Application Manager I stopped the installed MySQL and Apache Web Server. Then I started them all and everything is working fine. Not sure why this worked but it did.
False alarm, I was able to resolve this. Via the Bitnami Application Manager I stopped the installed MySQL and Apache Web Server. Then I started them all and everything is working fine. Not sure why this worked but it did.
Hi Ipstenu, I wanted to make sure that I got back to you. I actually ended up removing my single install and via Bitnami I installed Multisite. I’m a complete newb at this stuff. By the way thanks for responding. I see you all over the internet regarding I read some of your blogs. You are a celeb. I hope if I have any other issues you will be around to help. Thanks.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Bitnami WordPress Multisite Apple/Mac local install fail.Oh my gosh LyleChamney. I am such a newb. I’m in! Have a great day/night!
Suddenly I got it to work. I followed your advise Fiction Edge and I put the following in my terminal.
chmod -R 777 /applications/xampp/xamppfiles/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/
BIG thanks for your help
I suddenly got it to work and was able to import the widgets.json.
I opened the terminal and put this inchmod -R 777 /applications/xampp/xamppfiles/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/
Thus successfully changed the permission of the file. So to make it work for you, make sure you have the right path. Mine may or probably is different than your path.
Hi Everyone
I knew that it was probobaly a file permissions issue. I’ve tried everything to change the permissions on my file and I am having no luck.
I temporarily uploaded some images on the internet. Could you please take a look at them? I’m not sure why this is not working.
In the first image you can see that I went to my terminal and entered
chmod -R 777 /applications/xampp/xamppfiles/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/themes/widgets.json
You can see in the next image that my path is correct. In the following image you can see that I am still getting the same error message.
Does anyone have an idea as to why it will not work? Thank you for your help.
Hi Fiction Edge, thanks for responding.
I temporarily uploaded some images on the internet. Could you please take a look at them? I’m not sure why this is not working.
In the first image you can see that I went to my terminal and entered
chmod -R 777 /applications/xampp/xamppfiles/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/themes/widgets.json
You can see in the next image that my path is correct. In the following image you can see that I am still getting the same error message.
Do you have any idea as to why it will not work? Thank you for your help.
Thanks WPyogi. I just reposted the thread in localhost-installs. Everyone you can find it here.
If anyone figures this out let me know and I will do the same.
WPyogi I will probably ditch the theme. Thanks again.
Thanks for your response WPyogi. All my files are set up as you suggested. I actually unzipped the theme in my themes folder. Via my admin panel I went to Appearance/themes/Available Themes and activated the theme. I tried to install a plugin and I got the same response “Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2013/10. Is its parent directory writable by the server?” So I unzipped the plugin in the plugins folder and was able to activate it.
Cool, however I can’t keep this up forever. This template I bought from Template Monster instructed me to import some widgets. I try to open a widgets.json file and I get the same thing “Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2013/10. Is its parent directory writable by the server?”
I think it is a folder permission issue but I have done everything to my knowledge to give permission on these files installed on my Apple computer i.e. get info or the terminal. Could it be a database permission issue of some kind???
My client is patient because I am trying to learn WordPress rather than build a site from scratch. I’m starting to sweat a little because I am on borrowed time, and seeing little progress.
WPyogi can you help us with this or do you know anyone that can?
Oh and thanks for the multisite suggestion, it will come in handy…if I can get WordPress to work that is.
Good luck bascent, let me know how it goes.?I had trouble with MAMP so I ended up using XAMPP to develop locally. I have not resolved this issue and I am still working on it. I have been building sites for a while but it’s not my full time gig. I know enough to get things done. However I am new to WordPress and I can see tumbleweeds blowing across this post due to zero activity from anyone in the WordPress Community. I/We need help.
If for some reason you figure this out please let me know and I will do the same. Together maybe we can resolve this. I’ll post anything relevant that might help us.
Good Luck
bascent are you on a Mac and if so what operating system?