Forum Replies Created
Yes, multiplying product stock requires functionality only available in the full version. In the lite version multipliers only affect attribute stock quantities, but not product stock quantities.
You can safely deactivate and delete the lite version before installing the full version. Your data won’t be deleted.
Hi @depannerobot,
As mentioned at the top of the plugin description:
This is a free LITE version for testing and limited use. Importantly, it does not affect frontend product stock or prevent over-purchasing. It can however be used to track internal attribute stock. For all features listed below, you can purchase the full version here.
Yes it’s fairly straight forward to set this up. But you will need the full version of the plugin to limit the amount of stock that can be purchased.
Please feel free to reach out on our paid support channel after your purchase and we’ll be more than happy to assist with setting this up.
Frontend product stock limiting is only available in the full version. The lite version can only track stock internally.
Essentially you’d just need to make sure that the order item has the correct attribute metadata attached (e.g. pa_type: ticket-a). This will ensure the stock associated with that attribute is reduced when the order is placed. How you implement the rest of it such as the product options is up to you.
Just to let you know, our latest update of the full version has this feature now, to allow you to control the stock multiplier for product stock without using global attributes or attribute stock items.
Hi @maxvdm,
Our plugin works with global attributes that you add under Products > Attributes.
What you’ve added to your product is a “custom attribute” which doesn’t work with our plugin.
You also need to create an attribute stock item (under Products > Attribute Stock) and associate it with the global attribute to track the stock levels.
It’s a bit of a process. You first need to get the order items from the order, then match them to attribute stock items one by one. From there it depends what exactly you need to do with them.
The code would look something like this:
$order = wc_get_order($id); $stock_items = []; /** @var \WC_Order_Item_Product $order_item */ foreach ($order->get_items() as $order_item) { $product = $order_item->get_product(); $attributes = \Mewz\WCAS\Util\Orders::get_order_item_attributes($order_item, $product); $matches = mewz_wcas_match_product_stock($product, $attributes); foreach ($matches as $match) { $stock_id = $match['stock_id']; if (!isset($stock_items[$stock_id])) { $stock_items[$stock_id] = mewz_wcas_get_stock($stock_id); } } } foreach ($stock_items as $stock) { echo $stock->sku(); }
Hi @thiswayrocks,
The problem is that you’ve added your two attributes inside different groups in your attribute stock items.
Both attributes need to be inside the same Group #1 so that they only match when both attributes are present (instead of when either attribute is present, as it’s currently configured).
Could I ask you to reach out to us via our CodeCanyon support page so that we can look into this further?
I’m not sure what else to suggest other than testing and checking more. If both products are exactly the same, then there’s no reason they should be functioning differently, right? So there must be some difference between their configurations.
It’s difficult to say where the exact issue is without more information.
Try to filter your attribute stock list under Products > Attribute Stock by selecting the problematic product and make sure that the correct stock item shows in the filtered list. If it doesn’t then it indicates that the product or stock item are not configured correctly.
There’s no infinite option, but you can keep the stock on 0 and set it to disabled. When you want to put it out of stock you just enable it again.
No matching stock item essentially means infinite stock.
Hi @tonysilvatsd16,
This support forum is only for the lite version. Please reach out via our premium support channel and we’ll be more than happy to discuss this with you.