Forum Replies Created
Hi @naman00,
This is exactly what we made Attribute Stock for. In your case, you can simply manage your stock with attributes (your t-shirts) instead of for each product (your prints).
All you need to do is add your t-shirt stock items on the Products > Attribute Stock screen and set the size and color attributes accordingly. You can then disable stock management on your products and they will use shared attribute stock for their stock quantities instead.
Please note however that the free lite version here on can only be used to track stock in the backend. To show attribute stock on the frontend (and prevent over-purchasing), the full version from CodeCanyon is required.
If you need any further assistance, please let us know ??
Hi @lilleb,
Thanks for the feedback. This is definitely something we are looking to add in the near future.
I’d actually love to get some more details from you about your use case for imports/exports if you have a moment. It would really help to make sure we have all the bases covered when we get around to adding this in.
Hi @stonewebbiz,
We’re closing this out as we haven’t heard back from you.
If you need anything further, please feel free to reply here or start a new thread.
Hi @fluiddesk,
We’re closing this out as we haven’t heard back from you in a while.
If you need anything further, please feel free to reply here or start a new thread.
Hi @stonewebbiz,
Thanks for your interest in our plugin.
There’s no built-in support for multiple stores unfortunately, so this kind of functionality would need to be implemented by a developer.
Sorry we can’t be of more help with this. If you need anything further, please let us know.
Forgot to mention, you can also check your current stock under WooCommerce > Reports > Attribute Stock.
Adding a stock “history” or “activity” is something we’d like to add at some point, but we’ve not yet worked out all of the details.
If you have any ideas please let us know.
Hi @manuforme,
Thanks for the purchase!
Yes the best way to check your attribute stock is either under Products > Attribute Stock or just on your attributes under Products > Attributes.
Currently we don’t have support for tracking sold units. How would this ideally work for you? Just like the “total_sales” meta of products?
Hi @fluiddesk,
Thanks very much for the positive feedback!
You can enable the “Hide out of stock items from the catalog” option under WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory. It won’t grey or cross out unavailable variations, but it will hide them. Note however that WooCommerce doesn’t support this for variations using “Any” attributes, and therefore it’s not supported in Attribute Stock either.
If this isn’t sufficient, you might be interested in adding this custom snippet. It should work seamlessly with attribute stock as it overrides stock quantities at a low level.
If you have any further questions, please let me know ??
Hi @sofiigo,
As we’ve not heard back from you, we are closing this support thread.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if there’s anything else we can help you with.
Hi @manuforme,
Thanks for giving our plugin a try.
The free (Lite) version only allows keeping track of attribute stock in the backend. Displaying attribute stock on the frontend requires the Limit product stock option, which is only available in the full version.
If you have any further questions, please let me know ??
Hi @sofiigo,
Yes, you can manage any number or combination of attributes with products and/or variations. It’s up to you.
If you have a more complex stock setup, you may need to create “placeholder” attributes to assign to your different products to link them together.
If you need any further help, just let me know ??
We’re very glad to hear our plugin is working well for you!
CSV exports (and imports) are definitely on the to-do list. Be sure to keep an eye out for further updates as we have a couple new features in the pipeline ??
Thank you for the amazing review @jejedies69! Your feedback is truly appreciated and made our day ??
Thank you very much for the positive comments you left on our CodeCanyon page too. If you have the time, please consider adding a rating/review as well. It really helps us a lot.
If you need any advice or assistance with anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via our support channels.
Hi @jejedies69
Thank you for your interest in our plugin!
Yes, the feature you’re referring to is only available in the full version. The lite version only allows attribute stock tracking, but does not limit stock on the frontend.
If you have any further questions, please let us know ??
Well that’s even simpler than I thought. And it looks like you’ve already set up all the necessary attribute stock for it.
The only missing part is the stock that’s managed at the variation level. Ideally you want to disable “Manage stock” for each variation, but keep stock status set to “In stock”. Our plugin will override the stock automatically to set the correct levels on the frontend (as long as the “Limit product stock” setting is enabled in each attribute stock item).
The product stock overriding is handled internally, so it shouldn’t affect the operation of your swatches plugin if it uses the correct WooCommerce methods.
If you are still not having any luck, please contact us via our direct support channel on CodeCanyon so that we can work with you to investigate further. This is a fairly straightforward use case for attribute stock, so it’s just a matter of getting the swatches plugin to work alongside it.