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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] [Plugin: WP-FB-AutoConnect] Does not work in IE9Thanks ?? That was pretty much THE reason I wrote version 1 – The way I saw it, “Facebook-connected” or not, if it’s a hassle for users to login they often just won’t bother to. So I tried to make it as “invisible” as I possibly could: just click a button and you’re in ??
Incidentally, regarding this IE9 issue: I did try to figure out a way to automatically insert the <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=8″ /> tag so it’d work with IE9 out of the box, but unfortunately that needs to be the FIRST tag after <head> – and there’s no guarantee of when a theme will actually call wp_head(). Any thoughts…?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] [Plugin: WP-FB-AutoConnect] Does not work in IE9Well, IE9 was just released last month. My hope is that MS will pull their heads out of their butts and fix it, but if not, and if such a time comes that it becomes too much of a problem, then I suppose I’ll have little choice.
In any case, keep in mind that even when I wrote the FIRST version of the free plugin – just for personal use, without any intention of continuing development and certainly not of selling it – there were already 4 other Facebook Connect plugins out there. It just so happened that my design appealed to some people more than others. I do hope people continue to find it useful, but whatever the case, developing something for yourself and sharing it openly with others is one thing; coding solely to satisfy the needs of others is something different entirely. One is a hobby, the other is a job ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] [Plugin: WP-FB-AutoConnect] Does not work in IE9I can understand that. Try to see it from my perspective though: I’m using the Facebook API exactly as documented, and it doesn’t work properly on just one browser, thus it really seems it’s more of an issue for MS-FB to work out. I don’t think it’s quite fair to say I’m leaving it invalid as it’s always worked on every browser, until MS went ahead and released yet another “broken” one.
Also, it did take a considerable number of hours to implement the new API, all of which meant turning down other paid work. To be honest I don’t make even half as much even from premium sales as paid hours would’ve generated, so it’s just a way to try and partially cut my losses while still providing something that people obviously find useful. If it were just me and my site, I would’ve without question left it as it was. There are only so many hours in a day that one can put into doing things for free…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] [Plugin: WP-FB-AutoConnect] Does not work in IE9On the documentation page linked above, there’s a workaround posted for this (FAQ29). Also, the premium addon uses the new API which IE9 doesn’t complain about ??
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] [Plugin: WP-FB-AutoConnect] wordpress 3.1It’s tested & confirmed on WP 3.1.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] WP-FB-AutoConnect Updates WTFThank you. And again, I really was far more insulted by the other guy’s tone than yours. I guess I should say that in your case, it was just a bit more surprise – that you might say i.e. “I am really ready to bail and find another plugin” just because of frequent updates – especially if it was working for you even *without* the updates. There really is nothing wrong with using a previous version if it works and does exactly what you want (hell, I’m still using Windows XP!). That really is your choice, all I was trying to do was give you (and others) the *option* of upgrading, should you choose to take it. It certainly seemed like searching for an entirely new plugin, one whose author doesn’t maintain it as actively, would be an odd choice to make ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] WP-FB-AutoConnect Updates WTFI have no problem at all with constructive criticism. What I find insulting are people cussing (“I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN WITH UPDATING IT EVERY FCKING DAY” or “DAMN, NOW I HAVE TO FIND OUT HOW TO GET TO THE OLD ONE, DAMN FCK”) in response to my honest attempts to be as helpful as possible.
If you’re a premium customer, I do apologize for assuming you were complaining about the free one – I figured premium customers would comment on the support site or to me directly, as that’s what they’ve all done in the past. On the other hand, I added a large number of new features in the last two days, which I would assume you would appreciate – not condemn.
I understand (now) that you feel like every update needs to be applied the moment it’s available. Hopefully YOU can understand MY thoughts: I finish implementing something, I commit it, I go to sleep. The next morning: “Should I work some more now? Sure, why not.” not “Should I work some more now? No, because I committed something minor last night.” Does that really not make sense to you?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] WP-FB-AutoConnect Updates WTFFYI, I didn’t call you an asshole – I called AmpLiF1eR one. That’s why I made sure to include his quote – ‘assholes like you (“boo hoo, you update it every fckng day”)’ – so you wouldn’t think I was talking about you. But thanks for calling me one.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] WP-FB-AutoConnect Updates WTFSometimes things that seem senseless to you do have a purpose.
For example: the “css only” update to the admin backend that you’re referring to was necessary for a big redesign to the premium admin panel committed at nearly the same time. It was also the last update on the 31st, so I figured I’d submit it before going to sleep, even if it was minor, because I wasn’t sure if I was going to be working the next day. Turns out I did work the next day. I didn’t have to, and perhaps I shouldn’t have, because if I hadn’t (if that was the last commit) you wouldn’t have probably minded. Which I just see as remarkably ironic because I’d assumed users would be APPRECIATIVE of my attempt to keep developing, rather than just saying “ok, done.”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] WP-FB-AutoConnect Updates WTFNow I’m an asshole for updating my plugin. Wow. My mind is blown.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] WP-FB-AutoConnect Updates WTFI was more irritated by AmpLiF1eR’s response to be honest, but even so…you’d actually rather I intentionally NOT provide the improvements as soon as they’re available? Often I’ll finish something, post it, then a few hours later decide “what the hell, I’m already in plugin mode anyway so I might as well implement do a few more things before the day’s out.” So I code and release them. The other option would be for me to say “OK, now that I already released an update today, I’ll wait another week to post the next one – even though there are people who I know are waiting for this feature/fix I’ll not give it to them yet because I wouldn’t want to inconvenience them with having to upgrade again.”
If upgrading is such a hassle, I don’t see why you just don’t do it. Again, nobody’s twisting your arm. By my posting it, at least I’m giving you the CHOICE. I can’t fathom why that choice would be “upgrading is annoying, I’ve got a working version and don’t need this update – but I’ll do it anyway and complain about it.”
See my reply to your other complaint:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social AutoConnect] WP-FB-AutoConnect Updates WTFI release fine-grained updates to give users the CHOICE to take advantage of new versions the moment they become available. If I hold back the updates, you cannot get a new version until I decide you can, but if I release them when they’re ready you’re free to upgrade or not. I fail to see how releasing an improved version the moment it’s available is such a horrendous issue. Feel free not to update if you don’t want to. Nobody is forcing you. You’re welcome to wait a week or a month.
Frankly it blows my mind that you’d complain about someone being *too* attentive and trying to give users the new code as soon as it’s ready. If you’d like to find another plugin, be my guest; you’re not doing me any favors by using it. I’m working my ass off to provide YOU this functionality, for free, and you’re complaining about it. You’re welcome.
After spending an entire day on development, assholes like you (“boo hoo, you update it every fckng day”) just make me want to pull it completely and stop wasting my time.
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