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  • The right hand side of the screen should show the file tree. It gets this information with an ajax call back to the server. So maybe there is a problem with that ajax call.

    The path never gave problems with other plugins that also try to write, including WP itself and WP’s plugin manager. The only oddity I have is that it’s a compressed D-drive, but I can hardly think that’s an issue here…

    If I’d know where to look I might help finding the culprit.

    I just installed the newest version today, but unfortunately, I happen to see the same issue Cyberwani shows in his screenshot. No files in the file list and only the text

    Use the file manager to find a file you with edit, click the file name to edit.

    I’m pretty sure it isn’t a rights-issue. If I go to any plugin and to the Editor screen, I can edit any file I want, and these reside in the wp-content folder also.

    In Opera I see the word “Files” and the number “0”. In Firefox, the right-hand side of the screen is empty. If there’s anything I can check to help you solve this issue, let me know.

    Hi Jason Lawson,

    Thanks for trying my fix, unfortunately I found out that it didn’t work for all versions or situations. However, more research showed a few days ago that the root cause is outside of WordPress, instead, it is in PHP.INI in the settings for the regular expressions.

    I changed my post to update this. Just check out the new solution about PHP.INI changes. You can comment on my blog if you have problems, then I can try to help you further.

    — Abel —

    The “temporary” bit can be removed, I updated the page to reflect recent insights in the issue: the default PHP.INI settings are too strict for the regular expressions backtracking and recursion limit. Mere size hits the backtracking limit, different plugins, esp. with [ code ] (square brackets) hit the recursion limit. See my post for how to solve both of them, for always.

    It would be nice of the WordPress team gave some instructions when this error happens: they can catch the error instead of showing an empty page. Because the problem is so common (most people install php with the defaults), I believe it warrants special treatment.

    See: same post renewed.

    — Abel —

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