We are coming from version PHP 7.x, not 8.0. It’s still not working where I now see the below error message when trying to update to latest version of WP:
Notice: Cannot connect to xxx.yyy.com:22. Error 60. Operation timed out in /usr/home/renek/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ssh-sftp-updater-support/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php on line 1201
Strangely enough nothing was changed on the SSH IP whitelisting when the update to 8.1 was performed where it was working before just fine and it is not working any longer. It seems obvious that a connection is blocked somehow.
Can you tell me who is initiating the connection to our server? I hope it is not some external client using our credentials trying to setup a connection to our server?? Is it from localhost? Please can you give some more context?