Mitch Menghi
Forum Replies Created
Update, i have found that there is an incompatibility with this module and the PAYPAY FOR WOOCOMMERCE module at this link.
The total is calculated incorrectly and was causing an error at Paypal saying total do not match.
Please fix this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Stop Words not working!I think i have had the problem for a while actually. Very annoying.. anyway i hope there is a fix for it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Child theme – how to call a .php file in a subfolder?Yeah your right but when you buy a premium theme its not for customizations like this, only bugs and maybe how to use it…. but this is a little different…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Child theme – how to call a .php file in a subfolder?I got this reply form the author… dont understand
If you want to change it, you can try the change the file: /php/page-header.php
if ( !function_exists( ‘theme_page_header’ ) ) {
function theme_page_header()
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Child theme – how to call a .php file in a subfolder?yeah i am once ive used some code to unregiser the function.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Child theme – how to call a .php file in a subfolder?Im using a premium theme from themeforest call coraline.
I guess this would be a question for the theme developer then, i guess i was just under the impression that there was a code snip that would unregister whatever was required once and just another line of code to say, Now read this function….
But i guess its more complicating than this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Authenticator] How to get GA to remember machine ?Hi Henrik, i totally understand and would not want to compromise this… but even Google 2 step auth has a similar option, i believe it allows you to remember this machine or something like that. Im not sure about the technicalities sorry but i do know that it somehow remembers and TRUSTS this device or machine.
Hope that helps… best regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSocialite] Some suggestions, great pluginYes your right tomorrow centering could pose a problem I see your point thanks for the custom code I will give it a go….. If I think of anything else useful will let u know
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSocialite] Some suggestions, great pluginNo worries i know what its like…. ill look out for a follow up during or next week.. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSocialite] Some suggestions, great pluginHi Tom, hope you had a good weekend, any updates on our previous correspondence ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSocialite] Some suggestions, great pluginTom i support anyone who a) listens to users needs b) has another social plugin like everyone else but knows about page load speed times and want to optimize that hence you came up with a plugin that is now different to the others with lazy loading…
I tried the code it did not work as expected… this however did work
<div style=”text-align: center;margin-left:300px; width:70%;”>[wpsocialite size=”large”]</div>
Its just forced with a margin on the left so it looks like its centered.
You can check it out here.
Towards the bottom.
I just tested it with the LARGE buttons and i noticed that it is not horizontal its vertical, any way of making those buttons horizontal like the small buttons ?
Regards,Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSocialite] Some suggestions, great pluginHi Tom,
Thanks for getting back to me so quick and for taking my suggestions on board, i would be happy to even donate so if you get this done let me know.
Since i posted to you the only other thing i cannot get my head around that i would like to do is to be able to center the social buttons if i need to on a page… for example on blog posts they stay left justified, but on the homepage i want them centered…. i tried the following but does not work.
<p style=”text-align: center;”>[wpsocialite size=”small”]</p>
Any ideas ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rating-Widget: Star Review System] [Plugin: Rating-Widget] Division by zeroYes, i can confirm this is an issue, started happening recently.
Please fix the issue. Cheers.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MiniMeta Widget] [Plugin: MiniMeta Widget] Plugin not able to edit the metaYes same problem here… looks like the author does not respond since its been 2 months since the last bug report and no answer. damn shame great plugin but cannot edit meta style color in firefox 13.x, works on in IE9 thou.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [gtrans] [Plugin: gtrans] Beware Gtranslate!Thanks for your review and comments.
I have been testing the plugin for a while on our main website. Its actually very easy to intergrate no problems there. The plugin does as it says and works very well.
However it dramaticaly slowed our website down to the point of almost being unusable.
I dont think the plugin is to blame its quite possibly because it needs to communicate with google and do the translation then serve the new page. That i believe is what takes the time.
Like the above commenter mention in the beginning great concept but just not ready for primetime, unless the author can find a way of speeding up the way the translation works.