Thanks for the guide – I was struggling to work out the extact term for greater_than ??
As for getting round the encrypted data issue, this is what I did – it is a little complex and your milage may vary.
Pick a field that you do not mind being available unecrypted and that you want to count (or search/filter on).
Referencing here create an entry_meta filter for the form. Remember check the form_id at the start of the filter procedure or it will fire for every form.
Create an array for the field eg:-
$entry_meta['SearchGroup'] = array(
'label' => 'Search - Group',
'is_numeric' => false,
'update_entry_meta_callback' => 'update_meta_cr_group',
'is_default_column' => true,
'filter' => array('operators' => array('is','isnot'))
Create the function for the callback eg:-
function update_meta_cr_group($key,$lead,$form) {
return $lead[26];
Sit back and find you have an unencrypted field that can be searched, filtered and counted.
Note that this only effects entries that are created or edited after the filter is added.