Thanks greatly Avenirer,
The only other thing I seem to have noticed is that if there are supposed to be graphics (ie class)/race they seem to not be working.. When i pull a page source as example
<table id=”wowpi_guild_members” class=”wowpi_guild_roster”><thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Race</th><th>Class</th><th>Level</th><th>Rank</th><th>Achievement Points</th></thead><tbody><tr class=”rank_5 class_2 spec_protection race_dwarf rank_5″><td class=”name”>Romonolman</td><td class=”race race_dwarf gender_0″>
<span> Dwarf</span></td><td class=”class class_2 spec_protection role_tank”>
<span> Paladin</span></td><td class=”level”>100</td><td class=”grank grank_5″>Rank 5</td><td class=”achievement_points”>14875 
As you can see the img src is not present for those items.