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Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Codex “down” or problems?ergh… I just logged into the codex and now I get a totally blank screen when I try to load any page in the codex. Argh! And when I search the wordpress support forums (in the support box in the upper right hand corner) with the word “codex” I get a bunch of results from the codex (which I cannot see at this moment), not from the support forums.
Is there a way to JUST search the support forums OR JUST the codex?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Proper procedure for changing WP path/directory name?Damn… I too changed the directory name… in the admin panel and then I changed the folder name via SFTP. Alas, there are still files looking for the old directory. Is there a way to remedy this without downloading and installing phpmyadmin? I don’t have cpanel through my webhost.
MegaForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Modifying a pre-existing theme – problemsSo that’s a nice little FTP client, but it didn’t solve my problem. Has anyone else out there had this problem? What did you do? I’ve used FUGU, Transmit, Fetch and Cyberduck to upload my style.css file and I still get the code displayed in the wordpress dashboard instead of the proper entries. I’ve made sure the file has been uploaded as a text only format and it hasn’t solved the problem. At this time I’m willing to bet that its NOT my FTP client.
Anyone got any ideas?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Modifying a pre-existing theme – problemsYeah- I thought of that- so I opened the stylesheet in textedit, made sure to save it as text- and reuploaded it with fetch… which supposedly has a good rep for not screwing that stuff up. I checked the prefs in fetch to make sure that I was uploading the file as text and not some other format. i also checked to make sure the linebreaks at the end of each detail line was actually a line-break and not another invisible character… still have the same problem.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Modifying a pre-existing theme – problemsThis theme now works when selected… BUT, the code for the entire stylesheet makes its appearance in the “Name” category. This makes for a very messy theme selector page.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Modifying a pre-existing theme – problemsMoshu, thanks for replying… I think one of your themes was one I was working with earlier…
So… just to make sure I had the nomenclature correct, i went back to the codex guide on the stylesheet and here is the text in my details:
Theme Name: dp2
Theme URI:
Description: This should be the description
Author: myname
Author URI:
Version: 1.0
General comments/License Statement if any.
1) Originally I had left out the “template” line because another thread I read gave me the impression that I really didn’t need it unless I was actually adapting from a template in another folder:
When I uploaded the new stylesheet with the above details, it no longer registers as broken… I can select it… but the theme does not work properly and on the menu where the regular details and description should be, were several columns of code… my stylesheet… unbroken lines… just line after line.2) So I added the template line per your suggestion (Template: dp2) and I also made sure my FTP client was uploading in text format. Now it’s listed as broken again… and of course the code is all displayed as well in the dashboard.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Modifying a pre-existing theme – problemsJust a thought… I’m wondering if information that’s in my details that’s duplicated in other details, say the original theme I’m modifying, or my initial theme design is somehow causing the problem. The codex says, “No two Themes are allowed to have the same details.”
But how much actually needs to be changed? I thought changing the theme name and author might suffice…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Just a note for those asking “simple” questions…Hows about making it possible to search _just_ the codex. Sometimes I’ve read through the forums but need a more precise answer from the codex. Often my searches are cluttered with threads from the support forums that are inconclusive. I really do try to read the forums as opposed to asking the same question that 10 other people have already posted.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: problems previewing siteTechGnome, I’ll bet you were looking into this stuff just as I was on the phone with my sysadmin fixing the problem.
to answer your first comment, you can manage the .htaccess file here: Manage/files/ (look on right hand side- a link to .htaccess should be there). (although I STILL can’t seem to modify the .htaccess file there, and I once could!)
but to answer the rest, I got my sysadmin to let my .htaccess files make changes, which were previously prohibited.
i had temporarily removed the .htaccess file while we were making changes and then reuploaded it and now fortunately all my links that were previously broken work.
But I still get this error about the .htaccess file in my dashboard, which is somewhat annoying!
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Making WordPress Index.php My Home Page?Ahh.. just as you posted this I was calling my administrator, and it’s true, their server was set to disallow the .htaccess file to make changes to the global settings. Of course as soon as he set it so that my .htaccess file could make changes, we encounted an internal server error.
He offered to just set the index.php as the default on that domain, but I pointed out this nebulous issue of WordPress at some point gnerating info for the .htaccess file (I’ve read of this in different support forums or possibly the codex) and that at some point the .htaccess file would be used by wordpress to manage… things.
So uh yeah… fixed my problem – the solution, for those of you who are having this problem, is to make sure that your sysadmin doesn’t block your .htaccess file from making changes.
Then, uh yeah, upload it with the reccommended syntax such as
DirectoryIndex index.php index.htmland you should be good to go.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: problems previewing siteOh my god… I’m so frustrated. The only thing I did between last night when researching this .htaccess issue and this morning was download a theme from wordpress, install it and select it. Now when I try to manage the .htaccess file through the WP dashboard it says it doesn’t exist. Of course when I view my directiry in terminal or through other ftp software, the .htaccess file is right there, unchanged from the night before.
Can anyone explain this, or how to make it visible in the dashboard? ack!
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Making WordPress Index.php My Home Page?TechGnome, I presume you are addressing someone else on this thread other than myself, but your assertion doesn’t hold true in my particular case. I don’t have an index.html file in my directory- regardless, the index.php file does not load automatically.
I’m sure there is a simple solution for this that I haven’t sorted out. If someone knows the answer, please post.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: problems previewing siteOh yeah… the links to my categories still don’t work either… is this a permalinks issue, or some other issue? I just get dumped back into a page listing my wordpress directory.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: problems previewing siteaccording to my research this is something that should be modified through the .htaccess file. I’m posting this here now so that this thread will show up in relevant searches. Thus far, I’ve inserted this text into the .htaccess fiel as reccommended by other users here:
“DirectoryIndex index.php index.html”
but it doesn’t change anything.I’ve tried to search the codex for more detailed information, but I get bumped back into the somewhat haphazard and disorganized list of support threads (which often go unanswered here) … what is really needed in the codex is a more detailed account of what an .htaccess file should look like in order to function properly.
For example, an html file has to have certain tags in it in order to be recognized as an html file. Is this the case for an .htaccess file? Are there particular tags or other things that need to exist in the .htaccess file in order for it to be recognized as such? I’ve added the text reccomended by people on various threads here, but my changes don’t fix my problem in any way whatsoever.
In addition, a number of users seem to be having the same problem. Why is this not addressed in the codex, or why isn’t the codex searchable for this issue? If you can point me to a URL in the codex that adequately explains how an .htaccess file should be laid out (if at all…) it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Making WordPress Index.php My Home Page?OK- I’ve been trying to sort this problem out and I’ve consulted a number of threads on this site looking for answers. I’ve created the .htaccess file (since WP has not created it ‘automatically’) and first I inserted this line:
“DirectoryIndex index.php index.html”
into the file as instructed in several threads.
Then I read this thread and changed the .htaccess file to read thusly:
“<Files .htaccess>
order allow,deny
deny from all
</Files>DirectoryIndex index.php index.html”
and so far, when I try to preview my site through the dashboard, the index.php does not automatically load, I have to plug it into the URL for it to work.
(and I consulted an external tutorial to learn how to chmod it to 666)
It seems like this problem has plagued a great number of people and so far people have given instructions like, “put this in your .htaccess file” but the instructions are somewhat vague to those of us who are not already hardcore geeks.
If there is something missing in this file, some other data or header information, could someone point me in the right direction as to what that should be, or a really good tutorial on how to formulate an .htaccess file that actually functions?
Because I have created this file as suggested by many, inserted the reccomended commands to make index.php load as the automatic index and have had no such luck.
The fact that this has to be programmed by me on this end of wordpress seems somewhat ridiculous, frankly. If the 5-minute install were really a 5-minute install, I’d be blogging already instead of fucking around with .htaccess files and whatnot… but oh well. Some help in this would be great so I could get back to blogging and confidently know that my readers to get to my index page instead of a listing of my directories.