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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: dreamweaver as wysiwyg WP editor?Ok… just to clarify- this seems to be a problem plauging MAC users. I’m using a MAC – NOT WINDOWS. Please stop suggesting windows software. I’m not going to go out and buy a shitty laptop. This shouldn’t be that frigging difficult.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: dreamweaver as wysiwyg WP editor?Jordhie… that’s not the issue anymore. The stylesheets are now broken and I can’t seem to fix them. Just downgrading to using a text editor hasn’t solved the problem yet. Thanks for all your help though. That was really useful.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Presentation Area is showing CSS instead of template info.JPigford… thanks for escalating this to a bug report. I went to that link and read the whole exchange. I have managed to look at the stylesheets that have been converted by dreamweaver to have line endings but the tutorial that is posted ( is kinda vague as to how to convert the line endings. Can you backchannel me and let me know how you solved the problem? I have only rudminatary UNIX skills or I’m sure I would have figured this out already.
Thanks.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: dreamweaver as wysiwyg WP editor?So it looks to me like my version of Dreamweaver MX 6.0 is responsible for breaking my stylesheets. I’ve gotten it to the point where the stylesheet actually displays the live version of the theme on the site properly, but in the dashboard, it shows up in the presentation details as one monolithic block of text, which is really unhandy when you’ve got more than one or two themes stored on your site.
Ayone had any luck with tweaking the settings on dreamweaver to not destroy a .css file? Saving a file in another format and uploading it in a variety of formas doesn’t seem to fix whatever dreamweaver has done to my stylesheet.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Modifying a pre-existing theme – problemsOk… I’m researching the effect of using Dreamweaver on the stylesheet… not making any changes, just opening and saving a functioning stylesheet with dreamweaver to see what happens… notes forthcoming.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Modifying a pre-existing theme – problemsUmmm yeah, so there were some definite typos in my code. No doubt about that. I can’t attest to the fact that my code is perfect. It’s not. There are a number of different style conventions used in it- probably from being adopted by so many people. But fixing those typos didn’t fix the “all the style.css code displays in the dashboard problem.” Any other bright ideas?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Modifying a pre-existing theme – problemsOn the surface, this last comment makes sense to me, but then I remember that this theme is of course borrowed from someone else. Thus the stylesheet is adapted- I did not write all the code and those errors are from the original code. I know because I have notes about all the code I changed. So why doesn’t the theme that this stylesheet came from do the same wacky shit mine did?
vkaryl: “won’t allow DW house room”
huh? People. Please watch out how much slang/jargon you use on the support forums. Lots of newbies like myself are posting here looking for help and sometimes a helpful explanation that is riddled with unfamiliar jargon ceases to be of any use. Can you explain what you mean by this?I’ll go and check for code inconsistencies, and typos just to see if that’s the problem… I’ll post my results shortly.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Just a note for those asking “simple” questions…Beel, I don’t use IE. That would be downright silly. Unfortunately I also don’t use firefox because my attempts at importing my bookmarks were met with little success. Instead of spending hours sortin that out, I decided to stay with Safarai and get some other work done. It’s cool that there are some ways to modify certain browsers, like Firefox to narrow searches… heck, I can do that with google as well- but what I’m asking is…
do the people who built/and or maintain the codex and support forums have the interest/ability to create a search box that lets you specify if you want to search one or the other or both? that would relieve hundreds of users of having to do things like modify firefox, log into the codex (which now no longer works for me) or some other such thing.
If I knew how to write such a thing, I would do it and then donate it to y’all.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Modifying a pre-existing theme – problemsHrm… removed any possible blank space before the */ closing operator… but that’s the code that indicates that’s what’s inside is a comment- right? Why should it matter if there’s blank space in there?
Now I’m remembering… someone else posted on the forums something about dreamweaver being a problem for stylesheets… unless you change the settings. Of course they didn’t specify what settings needed to be changed in order for the file to save in the correct format. Can anyone explain what settings might screw up a textfile that gets saved as a .css?
MegaForum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Codex “down” or problems?I had someone else log in on another machine with my account and he had the same problem. I deleted my cookie for the codex and now I can see the site again… but I’m afraid to log in or I’ll have the same problem. Who do I talk to about this?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Codex “down” or problems?so… anyone else getting a blank page when logging into the codex?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Modifying a pre-existing theme – problemshere’s the link to the css: else here used text edit with success?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Just a note for those asking “simple” questions…In “FF”… what does this mean? Can you clarify how to uh… just search the codex?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: changing default folderI did that… all was not good. I managed to fix it by naming the folder back to /wordpress/ and was able to get back into the admin page and switch them back… but this procedure doesn’t seem so simple. So far, I haven’t seen a solution posted here in the support forums for how to change your file name from say… to… for example.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Modifying a pre-existing theme – problemsOk… can you be more specific? How should I be saving these files so that they aren’t screwed up by the text editor? I’m using textedit on the Mac. Is there something else out there than works for mac? Or some setting that should be changed. Obviously I’m not saving these files as .rtf files (I’m not THAT dumb) – I set the preferences in textedit to be text only.
Help… I need some tangible solutions here.