Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] SSO authentification doesn’t workHello @kruema,
In order to configure NADI with SSO please take a look at our documentation at
In NADIs current state it is only possible to authenticate using the userPrincipalName, sAMAccountName or a proxy email address.
Best regards,
medan123Fixed with NADI 2.1.4
Best regards,
medan123Fixed with NADI 2.1.4
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] No Data in MySQLHello @hossmann,
the attributes for the users are stored within the wp_usermeta table. The meta_key values of NADI attributes within the wp_usermeta table are prefixed with “next_ad_int”.
Best regards,
medan123Hello @vyatcheslav,
we currently have a bug in the SSO authentication service related to the NADI option “AUTHORIZE BY GROUP MEMBERSHIP”. Disabling this option will temporary fix this bug and SSO should work again as intended.
We will fix this bug in NADI 2.1.4 which should be released at the end of the week.
Best regards,
medan123Hello @kastoberlin and @ericjuden,
we are aware of this bug and will fix it the way @ericjuden described in his previous answer.
We will release the fix in the next NADI version.
Best regards,
medan123Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] Test Active Directory Login IssueHello @ahowell88,
“Verify Connection” directly uses the values of the environment configuration tab in order to connect your WordPress blog / profile to a specific Active Directory.
All other processes like “Sync to WordPress”, “Sync to AD” and “Test Authentication” use the configurations stored within the database.
Best regards,
medan123Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] Test Active Directory Login IssueHello @ahowell88,
NADI is using the settings you configured on the NADI configuration pages. There is no way to manually set those values without affecting the plugin logic.
Could you describe the use case that requires you to set the settings manually?
Best regards,
medan123Hello @t109066292,
please check if you have configured your Import groups setting correctly. Please be aware that the names are case sensitive.
Best regards,
medan123Hello @clu55ter,
please check you web browser developer console for javascript errors. It is highly possible that some dependencies are not loaded properly.
Best regards,
medan123Hello @asif7861,
thank you for the information. I will take a look at it and try to reproduce the problem.
Best regards,
medan123Hello @sherif12,
encryption via LDAPS is possible with a Windows system aswell. Please be aware that NADI was not checked for compatibility with “Centrify”, yet.
Best regards,
medan123Hello @sherif12,
in order to setup NADI correctly please take a look at our documentation:
If you would like us to take a look at your NADI configurations please consider buying a support license at
Best regards,
Danny Mei?nerHello @asif7861,
you can define have multiple domain controllers but NADI only supports one Active Directory server per site. So you domain controllers have to point to the same Active Directory.
Best regards,
medan123Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] Cannot assign profile to sitesHello @trink79,
this problem is new to us. We do not think that there a problems regarding a limit since we have customers using NADI with more sites.
Could you please check if there are any errors inside your php error log or within the web browser developer console (F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I) when you try to navigate to the sites that are not affected by the assigned profile?
Best regards,