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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: moderators can be jerksI’ve never thought that anyone was all that mean, maybe sometimes a little short. Its possible that some people did not notice that after a release, inquiry volume in this category goes on a ballistic arc. That can make people who help here a lot a lttle testy.
Bottom line, when you ask a question here, you are hoping someone logs in right after that who has seen a similar problem before, and has the time to give an answer, the moderators cannot do it all.
I have lurked here for a long time, and gotten a lot of help. A few weeks ago, when I installed V2.5 and came looking for solutions, I realized that it was time to give something back. So I help where I can. That’s what this is about. Someone who has higher expectations probably needs to hire a good consultant to listen to them.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Issues with sidebars, spacing, EXPLORERThe short answer is that Explorer does not add padding and margin the same way that other browsers do. Much of this has been fixed in IE7, but many people still have IE6.
Have you tried another theme that you like? How much have you customized this one?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I enable commentsCan you post a URL to this blog?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Complete Novice..Wondering If This Can Even Be DoneThey suddenly remembered that you have choices about where you host.
Please mark your thread resolved
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PHP problemsI presumed, perhaps incorrectly, that you downloaded a copy of the upgrade software to your local system, then uploaded it to your /wordpress directory. How are you implementing these upgrades?
We are trying to understand if /wordpress/wp-admin/includes/user.php and wp-admin/admin-db.php are from the same release.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comments not appearing in my blog articlesI can see a link at the end of each of your articles “2 responses so far” etc. When I click on this link I can see the comments and your comment form. So I’m not sure that I see the issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I remove “Published [Month/Day/Year TIME]” from pages?If you go to the index.php for for your theme
wp-content/themes/<yourtheme>/index.phpsomewhere in the loop you will see a line that looks something like this:
<p>Published [<?php the_time("M/d/Y, g:i a"); ?>]</p>
Remove that line and it should go away. The format characters passed to function the_time may look different if your date and time are formatted a different way.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why Does Google Hate My Site?Some other top ranked sites for your keywords might not be playing by the rules. You can complain to Google if they are really black hat, but you had better have excellent proof.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why Does Google Hate My Site?You would probably benefit more by asking this on an SEO forum. Here are a few things to think about:
If you have been doing a lot of reading, you know about PageRank. This is a Google measure of how important the rest of the Web thinks your site is. Each link to your site is a “vote” for your site. Looking at my Google Toolbar for your site, you have a zero out of 10, so that needs improvement, which will take time and work. 90 days really isn’t all that long for this.
When I go to Google and do site:, I see all of the pages that Google indexed on your site. Pretty much all of your article pages are listed as similar, which generally means that Google thinks that the content on all of them is so similar, it does not think any of them are all that important. I’m not saying your articles aren’t good, it’s just what Googlebot thinks it found.
Google does not hate anyone. It doesn’t like anyone either. The variable results you get could be results from different Google data centers.
This forum can give a bad impression of SEO professionals, because we have to deal with the hackers all the time. These are the so-called “black hat” guys. It needs to be said that there are “white hat” SEO’s who are honest people. If you really want top ranking consistently, you might think about getting some help.
Best of luck.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Site locks up, then heals itself!Are you running Flash movies of similar size on your other blog? I think the one you are running now is probably pretty big, the pictures are large and high quality. Perhaps the “corporate” people who set up your web server account gave you a lower priority than other tasks running on the same system. That would account for the uneven performance.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.5 font sizeHave you tried Haochi’s span suggestion with something other than 10 pt? That may be too close to default size, so you aren’t seeing anything. Try 15 point and see if you notice anything.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sidebar background gone with 2.5 upgradePerhaps you had had an additional style sheet modifying the original. Try looking in the head section of index.php (and header.php if you have one) to see if an additional style sheet is included. You may have to retrieve it from your backup. Since the default theme has been modified with this release, this secomd style sheet may not work quite as it did before.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sloooow site… any ideas?Loaded well for me (I’m in Southern California, USA). Good quality MP3 audio files can be pretty large, so I would guess that’s a big part of your issue. However since your blog is about the music, you’ll just have to make sure you get good service from your host as previously suggested.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sidebar background gone with 2.5 upgradeDid you save the style sheet from the original theme in your backup? Look there, and see what they did for that selector
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sidebar background gone with 2.5 upgradeYou can open the default style sheet style.css Around line 528 (on mine anyway), you’ll see the sidebar selector. Add a background-color declaration to it. When you are done, it should look like:
#sidebar { padding: 20px 0 10px 0; margin-left: 545px; width: 190px; background-color:#ABABAB; }
I picked a fairly neutral grey, choose whatever you want