Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Send POST request to wordpress and save its payload in the databaseAlright I did more digging and created a plan of what we need to achieve:
We developed an application and created a copy protection for it and this is the last piece we need before we can release
What we need is the following scenario:
1. Our app sends an “authentication” (ping) request to our api. For authentication, the user will use his WordPress account on our website which got a special role assigned to it. Only users with this special role assigned shall be allowed to send a request to the api.2. If the authentication was sucessful, our API returns “authentication successfull”If the authentication was sucessfull our app will send another request to the api which shall check a certain value of this customers meta data in the database (subscribtion status). If the subscription status is “active” our api returns “active” else it returns “inactive”.
3. If the subscription status is “inactive” the client application will close with an error, that the subscription is inactive. If the subscription is “active” the client will send a post request with a custom payload to our api. Our api must check if this this customers account in the database and check if a certain meta-information tag is already set to true, if it is true it will proceed to step 4 if it does not exist it will save the payload sent to a predefined meta information space in the database for this customer.
4. The application will now keep sending post requests to our api, comparing the sent payload with the data in the meta-information space in the database. Additionally it will always send a session-id, that will be generated both on client side and on server side. Session id and custom payload must always match in order for the client application to continue functioning. If there is a mismatch the application will quit.
Already switched to the native WooCommerce plugin. I think what you are missing is a guide on how to activate the advanced ecommerce tracking in google analytics.
I have the same problem lol.
Using this with global site tag option:
And your plugin with global site tracking off
- This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by slate.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Sweep] Delete Posts Sweep does not finishI just refreshed it was done
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Nach Deinstallation Checkout page ruiniert.Welche Einstellungen meinst du denn konkret? Die rechtl. Hinweisseiten die Germanized als Einstellungen hinzufügt? Dort sind theoretisch alle Seiten, die in WP hinterlegt sind im Select-Feld sichtbar. Verwendet ihr WPML?
Hmm, komisch irgendwas war/ist da buggy. – Was ist WPML?
Was wir für die Terms verwenden ist WP Auto Terms.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Migrate customers from ECWID to WooCommerce/WordPressThanks for the tips, I will look into it!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Migrate customers from ECWID to WooCommerce/WordPressWe already imported the products, what we need is something to import customers and orders.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Nach Deinstallation Checkout page ruiniert.Hallo,
irgendwie scheint die Installation/Deinstallation von Germanized das getriggert zu haben. –Vielen Dank für den Tipp zu bluestacks, wir konnten den Fehler hierdurch beheben, der Code im Header und Footer unserer Seite war letztendlich dafür verantwortlich.
Bei der Verwendung von Germaized hatte ich ein Problem, dass ich nicht beheben konnte und zwar war unsere Privacy Policy im dropdown menu der Settings nicht sichtbar, ausw?hlbar. Wenn wir das in den Griff bekommen würden wir es wieder installieren.
Deactivated the other one, installed this one same result.
Yeah too much of a hustle for this..
If we change it, will be lose any customizations we have done on the store front plugin?
How would that help, then we would know it is not compatible with the official Woocommerce storefront theme.
We don’t have the possibility to change the theme, we use the official storefront one from woocommerce.