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  • Thread Starter mdyousufcse


    Hello Mantra Brain, When I created this support ticket I was facing the issue. But now today when I try to do it again, now it’s working fine! I am also surprised! I didn’t do anything with it. But it’s fixed automatically!
    Thank you very much…

    Thread Starter mdyousufcse


    Thank you very much. It’s helpful for me.

    Thread Starter mdyousufcse


    (Updated. Please read it)


    I am creating a Listing Classified Ads site. It would be a multilingual site. So it’s very essential to be translated the slugs/URLs. I find out that it can be done by the WPML plugin
    So my question is when the customers/users would post on the Listing Classified Ads site for their ads, then the slug/URLs would translate by this plugin?

    Secondly, when I will install the plugin and enable the slug/URL translation, Would it translate the slugs/URLs of my previous posts, categories taxonomies?

    Thirdly, would I have to use the Loco Translate and the WPML both them or I can use just the WPML to do it?
    Because I checked out from their site that the WPML can translate custom post types, custom fields, widgets, menus, images, taxonomy, media – even texts in my site’s admin.
    So it’s confusing me. Should I need the Loco Translate or I can do what I need to do with the WPML plugin! Can you please explain it too?`


    Thread Starter mdyousufcse


    Oh, I understand. But can you please tell me, which version of the YITH WooCommerce Compare plugin I can do it?

    Thread Starter mdyousufcse


    Yani Iliev,

    I understand. I already set up these values. I don’t know your requirement. I am showing you my configuration below; please check it out and tell me if it has the correct values or not.

    Click here to see screenshot 01
    Click here to see screenshot 02


    Thread Starter mdyousufcse


    Thank you for your quick reply.

    Yeah, of course. I already checked several times in many ways for the last 3 days! Everything is super ok like before when everything was good! Please check out the link, here is a variable product
    And you can see here its category
    If you click here you will redirect to the following category page
    Now here is another issue! Here you will see two products. but I created those more than two weeks ago! It’s still showing here (Not on the product tabs section on the home page)! But it shouldn’t. because before it was like this as a single product but now I already updated those products as variable products

    I forgot to say that, this issue is started when I updated the Woocommerce plugin last week. Before this update everything was ok!

    Thank you for your help

    Thread Starter mdyousufcse


    Hello @rynald0s !

    I am so sorry about this. I already post it in another thread. and I got one reply then I again replied but after that nobody replied.
    here is the link:
    At the same time, this thread is created by mistake for the network problem. I am so sorry about that.

    So after 5 days when nobody replied to me than today, I start a new thread! Here I already explained this issue properly. Please check out the issue from here:

    And respond to me. Thanks.

    Thread Starter mdyousufcse


    Hi! @crazywickedawesome

    Well, I am trying to explain to you again. As you told me I put all of the screenshots in a folder and give those some mentionable titles so that I can mention them for my explanation. Here is one more thing that my site is made in the Russian language, So I used the translate option on chrome browser. So that you can understand easily. ok, let’s start…

    Here is the link to those photos which I mentioned in this issue:

    At first, see the 1st photo. here I showed you all the shipping methods that I am currently using on my site. The first four methods come from the ‘ SDEK for Woocommerce’ plugin. Because I am using here a Russian shipping & delivery company named SDEK.
    Now see the 2nd photo, how I added those options from ‘Add shipping method’. Now see the number fifth shipping option in the 1st photo named ‘FREE SHIPPING ACROSS ROSTOV-OH-DOH, AKSAY’. I added this option using the ‘Free Shipping’ option (mentioned in the 2nd photo). And in the 3rd photo, I showed it’s settings.

    Now come to the number sixth shipping option in the 1st photo named ‘ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT AND FREE SHIPPING FROM OUR STORE’. I added this method using the ‘Pickup’ option (mentioned in the 2nd photo). And in the 4th photo, I showed it’s settings.

    Now let’s move on to my ‘Checkout’ page on my site (see the 5th photo). Now see the 6th photo. Here is my checkout page. See by default it’s showing the ‘ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT AND FREE SHIPPING FROM OUR STORE’ as the delivery method. Where I put it as the number sixth delivery option on the Woocommerce delivery settings.

    Now see the 7th photo. I disabled this ‘ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT AND FREE SHIPPING FROM OUR STORE’ method as a delivery option. Now again let’s go to my ‘Checkout’ page. See the 8th photo. Here showing ‘Enter your address to view shipping options’ as the delivery method. It’s because of the ‘SDEK for Woocommerce’ plugin, where I put it as the default delivery option. And again notice the 7th photo, the ‘ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT AND FREE SHIPPING FROM OUR STORE’ shipping method is still enabled. And every shipping method is working perfectly as I set up or as I wanted.

    But the problem is coming when I enable the sixth delivery option named ‘ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT AND FREE SHIPPING FROM OUR STORE’. When I enable it (see the 1st photo), My checkout page turns into it as the default delivery option as you can see in the 6th photo. That I didn’t want.

    I hope this time I could explain to you the issue, what I wanted to mean. So now please tell me, how I can fix this issue? So that when I enable the sixth delivery method and this option doesn’t appear or show as the default delivery option on the checkout page. Here is my site address:

    Thanks a lot for keeping the patience to read this kind of history book!

    Thread Starter mdyousufcse


    Hello @artemkomarov

    I did a little bit of changed and extended this video.
    As you told me last time, I have added some new information.
    Please watch the whole video.

    Download Link:

    I am waiting, my site is waiting, even my client is also waiting for fixing these issues so that he can launch this site properly. So please respond to me as soon as you can.

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by mdyousufcse.

    Пожалуйста, проверьте свой почтовый ящик ([email protected]). Я послал тебе письмо.

    Thread Starter mdyousufcse


    @artemkomarov Hello,

    Oh, Yeah I didn’t because both have almost the same settings. That’s why I didn’t record. Now I recorded, please check it out below the link.
    Thank you.


    Thread Starter mdyousufcse


    Хорошо… здесь, в этом файле видеозаписи, я показал все об этих проблемах. Загрузите файл с Google Диска пожалуйста и просмотрите его на большом экране пожалуйста.
    Well… here on this video screen recording file I showed everything about these issues. Please download the file from google drive and please watch it on the big screen.


    (Русский перевод)
    1. Да, конечно, есть. и я правильно установил его в плагине.
    2. Да, я создал ?Зону доставки? на woocommerce.
    3. Да, я открыл способ доставки как cdek и установил его как ?Экспресс легкий склад-склад?.
    4. Этот момент я не мог понять должным образом. Не могли бы вы объяснить это еще раз?

    Да, я понимаю, братан. но заметили ли вы, что стоимость ?Экспресс легкий склад-склад? и стоимость ?Экспресс-легкий склад-дверь? очень мало различаются? Этого не должно было случиться. Пожалуйста, проверьте это на своем сайте.
    И проверьте еще кое-что, братан, если вы увеличите номер продукта; Разница между стоимостью доставки одного и двух товаров тоже очень небольшая!

    Если вы все еще не понимаете, что я имею в виду, дайте мне свой адрес электронной почты или номер WhatsApp. Я отправляю вам видео с экрана; чтобы вы могли видеть и понимать те проблемы, которые происходят на нашем сайте.

    (Original content)
    1. Yeah, Of course, I have. and I set it properly on the plugin.
    2. Yes, I have created the ‘Delivery zone’ on woocommerce.
    3. Yeah, I opened the delivery method as cdek and set it as “Express light warehouse-warehouse”.
    4. This point I couldn’t understand properly. Can you please explain it again?

    Yeah, I understand bro. but did you notice that the “Express light warehouse-warehouse” cost and the “Express light warehouse-door” costs have a very little difference? Which shouldn’t have happened. Please check it out on your site.
    And check one more thing bro, if you increase the product number; The difference between the delivery costs of one and two products is also very little!

    If you still don’t understand what I mean then, please give me your Email or WhatsApp number. I am sending you a screen recorded video; so that you can see and understand those issues that are happening on our site.

    Привет, Евгений, подскажите, пожалуйста, как правильно интегрировать этот плагин?
    Я поставил значения, Тариф как ?Экспресс лайт склад-склад?. Размер посылки: 800г, 30 * 20 * 15.

    Первая проблема: когда я использую другой регион России, кроме Ростова-на-Дону, от экспресс-точки cdek до точки забора cdek, стоимость крайне неправильная! Он показывает на 10-20 рублей меньше, чем пакет cdek point to door! Пожалуйста, проверьте это в нашем магазине ( и скажите, пожалуйста, как я могу это исправить?

    Вторая важная и самая большая проблема – когда я увеличиваю количество товара (как несколько товаров) с 1 футбольного мяча до 2, стоимость калькулятора увеличивается с 294 до 298 рублей всего! всего на 4 рубля увеличивается! так в каждом товаре, рост стоимости всего на 4 рубля! Как это исправить?

    Последний вопрос: как отобразить ?раскрывающийся список адресов? (страна, регион, населенный пункт) на странице оформления заказа?

    Пожалуйста, помогите мне…
    Я много времени пытался исправить это. но я не мог. Затем я увидел, что вы правильно сделали это на своем сайте.

    Thread Starter mdyousufcse


    There is a mistake in my “first problem”. I am correcting now. I found out that it depends on cdek tariff plan. you used the “express light” package but I checked the “express” package! That’s why it showing different rates! I got it now. SO I am sorry about this.! But here I found a new problem instead of it! and that is…
    When I am using another region of Russia except for Rostov-on-Don, The express light cdek point to cdek point pick up, the cost is extremely wrong! It showing 10 to 20 rubles less than the cdek point to door package! Please check it out from our store ( and please tell me how I can fix this?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by mdyousufcse.
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