Forum Replies Created
Fixed in a latest version. Thank you
Trigger. Also I tried to disable reposition.
Its bad for me because im use not transparent background.
As i know – hide() made opacity from 1 to 0 and after that doing display: none;
So show() made display block first and opacity should be 0 at this moment, after that opacity change from 0 to 1In popup maker by default opacity always is 1 and i see that millisecond before it stay 0, idk why ><.
Yeap, tried on fresh WP too,
The speed was 350ms and 5000ms – doesn’t matter: showed immediately – hidden immediately – showed again with animation speed. No other settings.
Grow, Fade with slide works the same bad with overlay(That code what u give – it’s make visible container, when the problem is with overlay.
The Fade animation.
The class of element: “popmake-overlay”When close has:
opacity: 1;
display: none;
z-index: 1999999998;After opening is:
opacity: 1;
display: block;
z-index: 1999999998;After 1ms:
opacity: 0**;
display: block;
z-index: 1999999998;= Look like Showed, hidden and after that only got transition of opacity
Here u can see a difference when Popup maker is Activated and Deactivated. the Screen options the Description is checked, also other fields like Page / Post / Custom Link without Description too.
So we have a conflict not with that plugin, but in wordpress at all.
I’m using the latest version of WordPress and tried it on a few themes (24 , Enfold etc)
When menu is empty and added first element – it has a description field, but after clicking “Save menu” it is missed.
So the problem is exactly with Popup Maker- This reply was modified 8 years ago by mdxclr.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Caldera Forms - More Than Contact Forms] Multiplate forms on one pageYeap, I saw it.
I need to display on Shop page {embed:post_id} in the form for each product on the page.
But I dont want to load this form 20 times (for 20 product) – is it possible to create form dynamically?I’m using Popup maker + Remote Content addon for popup.
Okay, few hours in source code and found the solution
remove_filter( 'pum_popup_content', 'wpautop', 10 );
in functions.php and we got it! No more this autopI’m talking about this function: content inside popup shortcode goes to <p> tag
Andremove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
don’t fix that.I bought Remote Content extension, but it don’t accept post_id where is called..
Should I create a support ticket in another place then?My form have dynamic data too which depends from post, like min. order dates, prices per day and have discount or not, based on post_id.
Displayed in archive in the loop.Popup maker preload form, and updating via JS don’t update this data, so the best way to do that without hard codding – call form for each post.
But this strange autop broke my idea and don’t run scripts.
I’m using a Gravity Forms: Multiple Form Instances (with that plugin I can call the same form many times).
Without popup all my posts have forms normally.
Also I tried to load form only for one post and still was that problem.
In header after phone number (+7 (921) 563-99-41) we have a dotted link, there should be PopupStrange, it doesnt work.
Got error:
VM2195:1 Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).popmake is not a function(…)
I look the HTML code – there is no called “/plugins/popup-maker/assets/js/site.min.js”.
Look like popup maker dont want to be loaded, when in the settings there is no conditions.When I’m disabling Product filter plugin – all works.
Okay, I got it.
The problem is that wordpress think that 123 is a page of a page, but there is no pagination.
So in a clear wordpress theme that problem exist too. option ‘No Pagination for Canonical URLs’, now works fine. Sorry for disturbing.
Here u can see that the google scan that pages
That’s mine another website