Michael McGinnis
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Calendar for Google] Events Calendar Time Displays in Military Timein /includes/class-ecfg-custom-hooks.php:
Changing to
$event_start_time = date(‘g:i a’, strtotime($start_date));
will give you a time such as 11:30 am
Do the same for $event_end_time.
g:i is 12 hour clock, G:i is 24 hour clock
You can also change the date format:
$event_start_date = date(‘M. d, Y’, strtotime($start_date));
More formats at https://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.format.php
Yes, the developers of this plugin are working with the WordPress core developers to make responsive images the default. This plugin is a project of the Responsive Issues Community of the World Wide Web Consortium.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Several Coding Errors on Page – Don't know how to fixI still see some of those errors on your website. Make sure you’re always providing an alt attribute for your images. Other than that, it looks like problems with your theme and/or your plugins. To narrow down the problem, you could try disabling a plugin, running your site through the W3C validator, then seeing if any of the errors disappear. Then you could report the errors to the appropriate plugin or theme creators.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Archive only shows 20 posts instead of 21.Wiki documentation has been updated now.
Now I have a closely related problem: the Edit admin section also needs Previous-Next buttons, but pasting the same code into edit.php gave me an error message when I clicked on Previous:
<p align=”center”><?php posts_nav_link(‘::’,’ «Next ‘, ‘ Previous» ‘); ?>
I’m using custom permalinks.
Clicking on the link gave me a 404 error on the following URL:
Posts per Page settings are “posts paged” (that’s part of the solution to the other problem) but there’s no setting or template tag for “edits paged”, is there? In fact, edit.php seems to be using MySQL commands at that point, instead of WordPress template functions.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comments appear without my approvalAha, I was running the plugin Optional Comment Moderation 0.3 by Colin D. Devroe. When I deactivated it, the blacklist and the moderation queue started to work. Colin, I see a few problems with that plugin, such as documentation…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Archive only shows 20 posts instead of 21.Thank you. The advice from that post worked. I will add the information to the wiki documentation, so someone like me can find it. But I understand this won’t be an issue with WP 1.3 anyway.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comments appear without my approvalNo, because I haven’t had any spam yet. I just downloaded WPBlacklist and was going to install it when I needed it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future Post with Companion Future Ping??Update: Technorati indexed a “post-dated” post as if I wrote it the day of the time stamp. I created the post a couple of days ago, but it appeared at 6:04 this morning, because I changed the timestamp to today. (That’s 14 hours ago, not 1o hours and 38 minutes, but I’m sure it’s a timing problem that I don’t understand). Anyway, my post looks fresh to < a href=”https://www.technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?rank=&url=homecomers.org”>Technorati, even though it was in suspended animation for three days.
Tantalizing if True
Links from 0 Sources. Last Updated 8 hours 41 minutes ago.
Read Full Posta€?? created 10 hours 38 minutes ago.
Nowhere else to goForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t loginMy problem began when I changed the WordPress address (URI) and Blog address (URI) from https://homecomers.org/weblog/ to https://www.homecomers.org/weblog/ under General Options. Suddenly my site administrator logon was no longer a registered user on my blog! I registered a new user ID and went to phpmyadmin to raise its level to 9, so it could do things. I removed the www again and it works fine now.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Database error?Well, I guess something I did today fixed the problem. Now when I try to access a non-existent page, or one that is dated for the future, I get the simple “Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.”
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: I want to show topic onlyLet’s see if this works. I believe I have the correct syntax below for these two useful tags,
, which are not part of the HTML language. They can be accessed through Quicklinks as you write or edit a post:
More – this tag adds a<!a€“-more-->
tag to your post, which puts in a a€?morea€|a€? link and puts the rest of your post on another page
Page – this tag adds a <!a€“-nextpage–> tag to your post, which con<!a€“-nextpage-->
tinues your post on a second page.
Some documentation makes it look like the correct syntax is<!-more->
. Sometimes bulletin board software automatically turns two hyphens into one dash.