Matthew Denton
Forum Replies Created
Yes the Carousel Widget has the widget_type property that is used to determine if you are displaying BestSellers, New Releases and etc. In conjunction with the browseNode property you can show bestsellers of books, Fiction Books, Action DVDs or any other category.
Please have a look at my site that outlines the different properties of the widgets.
> MatthewHi, Yes you can align/style the images/link created using Shortcode (amazon_image tag).
The amazon_image Shortcode has been defined with the properties class, container and container_class which can be used for styling.
class can be used to put a css class on the outputted image. While the use of container and container_class will wrap the outputted image in a div|span|etc element with a set class.
You will need to define the styling rules however in your theme’s stylesheet.
Let me know if you need additional details,
> MatthewHi!
Version 1.5.1 is released that includes the update so that urls don’t get tagged more than once and are registered correctly.
Thanks Vic for pointing this issue out to me.
I’ve verified the links are correct. Within the Amazon Associate website under Links & Banners there is a link checker. Using the above modified function for removing duplicate links from the filter the output of a link is as follows:
Amazon’s Link Checker will correctly recognizes this as a valid tag for your account as replacing scrran-20 with my associate id is valid.
> Matthew J. Denton
Vic, thanks for sharing the info. The plugin is working as all you need to do is append your affiliate id to a non-affiliate link to make it an affiliate link. However what is happening is that I did not account for there being duplicate links on the page which is causing the double append to occur.
I have a fix for it by modifying the filter_amazon_associate_tag funtion in WPAA.php to
public function filter_amazon_associate_tag($content) { //Get Matches $regex = '|<a.*?href=[""\'](?<url>.*?amazon.*?)[""\'].*?>.*?</a>|i'; preg_match_all($regex, $content, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $filtered_matches = array_unique($matches['url']); foreach ($filtered_matches as $key => $match) { $orig_str = $match; $new_str = $this->replace_associate_tag( $orig_str ); if( $orig_str != $new_str ) { $content = str_replace($orig_str, $new_str, $content); } } return $content; }
I’ll do a bug release shortly that will include this change.
> Matthew
Can you please send me a sample url where this is occurring, should be a simple modification to correct as you require.
Matthew J. DentonHi, the “WordPress Amazon Assoicate: Plugin is not configured! Please correct in the settings page” is because you have not entered your Amazon Web Service credentials. If you don’t have a AWS acount which the plugin uses for product lookups then you can put any string into the Access and Secret Key fields of the plugin settings to remove the above message.
Also what is your website so I can look into why your sidebar titles would be affected.
> Matthew
Can you send me the exact content of your post. I followed the procedure you outlined above and I see the content for “Bad Science”. I’ll test out some more scenarios in the mean time.
> Matthew
Hi, i’m going to need a little more information on what the issue is you are having? Are you saying widgets etc are not working or?
Hi, which browser are you using?
Thanks I’ll take a look and see if it is my custom code or Amazon’s code that is adding the spaces into chrome. Will let you know what I find out.
Hi, The above error is present because the plugin does not support PHP4. To use the plugin you will need to update to PHP5.
> Matthew
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to update "Last Updated" at Plugin DirectoryI’d also appreciate understanding what needs to be refreshed to have the “Last Updated” parameter updated for WordPress Plugins. I know that existing users will see that new version is available but it is important for potential users to see that the plugin is actively maintained.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress-Amazon-Associate] [Plugin: WordPress-Amazon-Associate] StylingHi, version 1.5.0 of the plugin has been released and it contains the following 2 attributes to allow users greater control over stylizing links and images.
container_classFor Example
[amazon_link id="B002VKSCVQ" container="DIV" container_class="myClass"]
Would render the following link
<div class="myClass"><a href="...." /></div>
Hi, as it turns out January turned into February that has turned into March. Version 1.5.0 of the plugin included support for Amazon Enhanced Display Ads. They can be inserted using the Amazon TinyMCE controls or through the
[amazon_enhanced asin="XXX" ]
Short Code.