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  • Thread Starter mcpeanut


    Ok i hear you but i dont think you are grasping what i mean, i want and do use your plugin because it forces people to use emails to login like intended, thats why i am using your plugin for this purpose, however i have hidden wp-login and wp-admin for security reasons and renamed them to a secret key that only i have because i will be the only admin on my website, this means i need to let my users log in via the front end only! so i have the problem of the front-end login forms showing username text instead of email text, i realize your plugin is ‘smart’ as you just stated :), but the question is this, if its that smart why doesnt it show the text email on the frontend when wp-admin and wp-login have been changed? i am not using any other plugin to show the front end login form, wordpress automatically shows it via the front end upon clicking login if wp-login or wp-admin cannot be found!

    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    its a customized version of a plugin that i bought and have had work done on it so as it stands my version isn’t available to download anywhere, its not really a front end editor as such that lets me make my own cpt’s or taxonomies within it like other front-end editor plugins its more of a plugin that has predefined and already setup cpt’s and taxonomies to serve the purpose of the plugin, all i know really via browsing through the code is that it uses wp_die when a title is not filled in and it uses wp_editor as the wysiwyg editor for adding content via the fron-tend.

    It may be something i have to live with and integrate a warning directly into the edit pages via html into the plugin to notify users not to forget to add a title.

    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    AH no problems dave, cheers for your response, see the problem i face is this, i have disabled the ability for anyone but myself to even reach wp-admin and login pages and the urls have been changed to display 404 pages if they are typed in by someone, even my register pages are front-end, in other-words the whole of my site is restricted to front-end use.

    The problem i face is that the plugin that lets my users submit content via the front-end is directing to an error page, meaning if a user misses filling in say the ‘title’ and they have spent ages typing and arranging their content in the wysiwyg editor they are taken to a wordpress error page because the plugin uses wp_die if it is blank and sends them there, once they are at the error page saying ‘title is required’ there is no way back unless you hit the browser back button and thus all the users work in the wysiwyg editor has vanished.

    I was hoping i could find a plugin like yours to remedy the problem.

    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    i think this is because the from the frontend the plugin has a submit button to publish your post that is always visible.



    +100 this really needs integrating into the plugin, example i let users publish cpt,s from the frontend and need this check in place if possible.

    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    hmm, yes this seems to be the right direction, ive had a quik mess around and it seems to do this i have to adjust the * Mobile (Low Res) : 479px > 0 (320px) section , it looks like i may need to copy some of the calls made from the higher resolution sections to pull this off, like i said ive only had a quik look and will let you know if i solve it later.

    I know you might also be wondering why on earth i would like to use up more space on an already limited size screen width, well the answer to this is that i have already managed to scale down everything to fit how i need it to on an iphone and can make room for the toggle sidebar at this width, now from experience with 2 kids and using iphones myself most people do infact stick to using portrait mode as you can see more on the screen below rather than using landscape mode, so it makes sense that if you have very long posts already with alot of comments that users may never even notice whats in the sidebars that fall below the content area (to me this is responsive designs downfall!) , i have already got to grips with designing my css using @media queries for the exact view i want to achieve on my websites but i have never been satisfied with the sidebar content falling so far down a page it can be un-noticed by most users, this seems like the perfect way to solve the problem.

    maybe the author of hueman which is the best theme i have worked with btw! could bear this in mind and maybe even evolve the way sidebars are viewable on devices that are used below 480px ??

    I ask you this! would it not be GREAT! if you could toggle sidebars in the same manner as menus from above the content area? now thats a thought for you to ponder over ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [ZenCache] buddypress?
    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    ty for your response once again, yes i will defo check the plugin out when i know it can get around the widget issues, but until then there is no point in even testing it really due to the concerns i raised above about the widgets updating, my widgets are set to auto refresh in 1 minute intervals but it seems until zencache can either exclude widgets on a per widget basis or it can somehow intelligently cache widgets that need updating frequently i will have to give it a miss.

    The way my widgets are setup is one of the main features of the whole website and controls how users interact throughout my website, so to install a plugin that isnt yet ready to tackle how certain widgets need updating frequently would be pointless? because if i install zencache it will stop my widgets from updating thus rendering the website useless for what it aims to do!

    ty for your help though and i look forward to your updates that can get around this problem for users of your plugin, please bear in mind more and more websites rely on heavy user activity and memberships day by day that involve using features i have integrated such as updating widgets frequently and will never be able to fully utilize the greatness of caching plugins because no caching plugin seems to deal with these kind of problems, ok its great that things like buddypress can now be cached with all the live updates that happen but if the users interact via sidebar widgets to let them see whats going on in other parts of the website its kind of pointless, cheers again.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [ZenCache] buddypress?
    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    Oh one more thing

    We also have a feature request open that will allow you to specify specific URIs that should be cleared whenever a post is updated

    This is a great idea but how would this apply to buddypress internal pages based on the users id? example: on the users profile pages and groups etc? how would you include these URIs?

    Sorry about all the questions but i am a very deep thinker and always think about a scenario when using a new plugin before dedicating my time and money to it ?? , I am one of those people who has to cover every angle and make sure the plugin is up to the tasks i need. I often think that some developers who make plugins have great ideas but don’t always have the thought process to cover all of the angles and scenarios a user may or may not come across, i know a dev cannot cover all angles! …but i do believe with a bit of extra thinking like this first could save them alot of headaches down the line, im not referring to you by the way ?? i am just giving an example that most plugin devs concentrate so intensely on finishing their plugins and getting them released that they dont take the extra time to sit back and think about scenarios various users may face, this is true of most plugins released.

    This is why i ask all these questions first because if i decide a plugin is worth the money i will buy it ??

    I appreciate you getting back to me on this and thankyou for your time ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [ZenCache] buddypress?
    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    Hi raamdev it sounds great but there is one problem. Seeing as users update posts at an extremely fast rate and my widgets are set to auto refresh every minute then how could this possibly work?

    The example used above was only for the comments. There is alot more to it and other widgets need updating regularly to, Let me explain more..

    Say if my site is user intensive and lets just use the comments widget as an example again, then in the space of say an hour or so there could be 100s of comments made, so how could i clear that page cache 100s of times every hour? This would mean sitting at the computer like a robot 24 hours a day solid to just to clear cache everytime comments or other widgets that rely on this feature.

    So this leads to my next question, Would it not be better to include some kind of exclusion in the backend that will let you tell Zencache not to cache these widgets?


    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    hi thanx but i have resolved the issue, this only happened on the home page when i was testing out this plugin, superb plugin by the way appart from the navigation problem on the home page its flawless, i dont need it on the home page anyhows so problem solved ??

    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    Ahh no worries bud ?? , i have added

    <?php if(function_exists(‘the_ratings’)) { the_ratings(); } ?>

    to index.php single.php and archive.php on the hueman theme and your plugin works fine on all custom post types for me, but you still havent gave me any clue as to where to put or how to use the original code you gave me in this thread. meaning you just gave me the code but didnt explain how i should use it.

    this code–>
    if ( get_post_type() === ‘YOUR_POST_TYPE’ ) {

    this is where we are getting mixed up i think, i am trying to ask you exactly where and how i use the code above you gave me, example: do i add it below this code like this?

    <?php if(function_exists(‘the_ratings’)) { the_ratings(); } ?>
    if ( get_post_type() === ‘YOUR_POST_TYPE’ ) {

    or do i just use the code you gave me instead?
    or do i add it to the code you gave me something like this?

    <?php if(function_exists( get_post_type() === ‘YOUR_POST_TYPE’ ) {

    you understand my question now?
    i cant try it to see if it works if im unsure how to implement it.

    putting it in my theme files isnt the issue, knowing how to put it is ??

    ty in advance for the help btw ??

    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    lol lester i think your misreading what i have wrote, i have already got the custom post types to show ratings by adding this single line

    <?php if(function_exists(‘the_ratings’)) { the_ratings(); } ?>

    in single.php of my theme, this works absolutely “100 percent fine” so there would be no need to add it everywhere else? the ratings show on all of my custom post types this way, so all i need to do now is limit the ratings to show only on 1 of my post types rather than them all.

    i just need to know where to put the code you posted above

    if ( get_post_type() === ‘YOUR_POST_TYPE’ ) {

    there is no point asking the developer of my theme to make a simple change like this that i am capable of doing myself :/ if i knew where to add it?

    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    Hi again ty for the response but where would i place this code? in single php? do i place it under this?

    <?php if(function_exists(‘the_ratings’)) { the_ratings(); } ?>

    i have tried it like this in single.php

    <?php while ( have_posts() ): the_post(); ?>
    <?php if(function_exists(‘the_ratings’)) { the_ratings(); } ?>
    <?php if ( get_post_type() === ‘movies’ ) {the_ratings();} ?>

    im probably doing it wrong? can you help a little more?

    sorry lester im just unsure exactly how to write it, i understand i put my custom post type name etc just not sure where to add the code?
    or do i add this to my functions.php?

    <?php if ( get_post_type() === ‘movies’ ) {the_ratings();} ?>

    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    yes i know its a lot but its took over a year and a half to find the 50 plugins needed by testing 100s and 100s and 100s for compatibility with each other and get the right combination to work together like they do :).
    ive also had one plugin fully customized to fit my needs. This project had a goal of what i needed to do from the outset in terms of functionality.

    its been a case of if one plugin had conflicts with another “ditch it” then carry on looking for alternatives, now the good news is these plugins all work so damn good together and are all pretty lightweight considering what my website actually does now, obviously i have had to create alot of custom functions for alot of the plugins etc and modify things alot to get them to all do exactly what i needed, but im happy with the results so im now at the stage of speed speed speed tweaking, so as you can imagine the js combining is quite a task at the minute to get exactly right with all 50 plugins.

    and thankyou very much for getting back to me its much appreciated and i will get around to leaving a review for you shortly ??

    Thread Starter mcpeanut


    hey mneil great stuff! i will try the new version later, after using this plugin for the past few days im sort of getting to grips with how to use it, can i ask you a few questions regarding combining js files?

    ok i have a very very complex setup with over 50 plugins (and yes i need them all )so as you can imagine finding a way to combine some of these files is essential, now if i just out right combine all of my js obviously things break, so what i have been doing to work out exactly how i should combine some of these files is to completely disable all plugins and do it via trial and error with each plugin active separately and combining js scripts then reactivating all plugins to check if i have broke anything. now this method seems to work great in the most part but im finding that combining them all together in one instance can also cause problems, some files wont combine with others yet will combine together with each other seperately and not cause problems, so would you recommend combining each plugins js files in a different instance rather than together with other plugins js? but doing it this way can lead to lots of seperate combines being loaded when needed and can slow my site down rather than when they are all combined together in the same section.

    so what is your rule of thumb for this? what would you recommend?

    and another question is would you combine footer scripts separately than header scripts?

    oh by the way, the meaning behind me saying my site can slow down doing it this way is meant as in the first initial serving of all the cached files can be slow if i have lots of separate combines, but after that it is fast for the user, but this could have a potential problem for first time visitors, because if my site takes a few seconds longer to load on the home page due to waiting for all the separate combines to be loaded people may think its slow all the time and leave before realizing, hope im making sense to you. im just curious on how you yourself go about using your own plugin when combining js.

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