Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Server Health Stats] Not sure if your plugin is acurateremoved as to not argue it out with you, all the best for christmas
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Cover] Attachment Page Problemhey skunkyvibes if you manage to get this message now the plugin has been removed , do you know why the autor has removed it?
And are you experiencing any problems with it on the latest wordpresss??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Original Media Path] Breaks Font Awesome 301 moved errorsI have also started a thread on the vantage support forums to see what they say about the issue. I will also come back here to let you know what is said.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Original Media Path] Breaks Font Awesome 301 moved errorsMy htaccess is fine and fully writeable i have plenty of custom rules in there, also there is no font awesome images in my old images folder? so there is nothing to move, it would only take you a few mins to install vantage and make use of a few font awesome icons on a test page to see the issue for yourself or any other theme that uses font awesome.
So regarding the change media paths for old media this wouldn’t apply when there is nothing font awesome related in the uploads folder.
I’m telling you a problem/bug when using your plugin and font awesome together that does infact break font awesome and stops font awesome from loading in wordpress when you change the uploads directory from outside wp-content folder, i have extensively checked this on fresh installs, however if i change the uploads folder and keep it within the wp-content directory then nothing breaks, it really is up to you if you take this on board and fix it. but believe me font awesome does break and stops loading with a 301 moved error on vantage for sure even without anything font awesome related being stored in the uploads folder.
Ok cheers for this info i will be doing a little research on this myself before trying it out, I am currently still developing my latest store and would be looking at implementing something like this before launch.
A few more questions (sorry i am not being nosey as before i implement something like this i need to know the full ins and outs and i am genuinely interested, you are under no obligation to answer my questions).
I have never felt the need to ask such in depth questions about any wordpress plugin before but as this is something unique i need to make sure its the right choice before using it.How does your company intend to host so much video recording data to make it a reliable service?
I mean this in the sense that im used to managing servers myself and to dedicate servers to screen capturing would take huge data storage, you say that its going to be free forever, but the costs of running such servers with huge data storage would be very expensive?
EXAMPLE: say if you have hundreds of thousands of users of this plugin at any given point in time and a few thousand of these websites were very busy the storage space and horse power needed would be immense. Also can you guarantee no slowdown from using your plugin on a busy website especially if your servers are busy recording data from hundreds of other servers at any given point in time?
If this does in fact work flawlessly i have one more question for you, why isnt this plugin massive? it should be used as standard if it can really pull off what it claims. ??
P.S I do realize you have answered some of the questions brought up in the read up section about this plugin but i’m still a little reserved on a few of the things mentioned. being someone who has managed dedicated servers in more advanced ways such as clusters etc myself, although i have never used them in such a way that you have them setup to process data from other servers, i can imagine problems at your level could well affect performance at this end? I do realize its a lot to cover but when deciding on using a service like this it has to be 100 percent reliable as problems caused externally could cost money.
I have same issue CDiniz did you ever get a fix for this? seeing as the plugin author hasnt responded, im assuming he might not respond to my question either because its the same question.
ps it works fine when actually viewing a product and clicking add to cart but the problem is when viewing all the products on the page and clicking add to cart.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Favorites] BuddypresseGuard yes it is so needed this plugin has potential to integrate with buddypress well, kyle maybe you should visit buddypress forums and have a dig into the codex and do a bit of experimenting? ‘oviously if you have the time’ After all as a developer im sure learning another major feature of wordpress such as buddypress can not do you any harm in the long run. I understand buddypress is only an extension of wordpress in the form of another plugin but it really is one on its own and is widely used by many for the social side of things on wordpress, the team who work on buddypress are a great bunch of people from my own experience using the forums. Kyle im not asking you to integrate it overnight or any time soon etc, just may be you would want to take a look into it? i appreciate anything from devs that spend time on plugins etc for wordpress users to use freely.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Cover] Attachment Page ProblemSORRY it seems the new update may of fixed it i forgot to update since i last posted duh! i will test it a little more and get back to you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Cover] Attachment Page ProblemNote to the developer, the problem with buddypress cover and the hueman theme seems to be caused by the popout for selecting previous uploaded pictures, for some reason when viewing a single activity within buddypress all the photos show up at the top of the webpage, to replicate this please install hueman theme then upload say 5 cover photos (will work with 1 but this is to show how bad it looks) add an activity update in sitewide activity then click on the time of the update to go to that single activity page and you can see the problem, i can remove the popout from the top of the website by using this selector #popup1 and using display none, but this is not ideal as the change picture function will no longer work. (i suspect if this behavior is happening on such a popular theme it may be happening on others to)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BP Profile Search] Great plugin but it has its faults.doh! i wrote all of the above on the wrong page hahahaha, i was half asleep and had your plugin page open too in another window, damn lack of sleep, please disregard all of the above you are correct wrong plugin hahaha.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MP3-jPlayer] popout.php player gives full wordpress path in adress bar?there is another plugin that does similar things as your plugin for music called wolfj player this is the link
This was doing the exact same thing as your plugin until i wrote to the author and he then managed to mask it and released an update, maybe you should download it test it and analyze his code to see how he has done it.
example his demo playlist outputs his urls like this Plugins
In reply to: [MP3-jPlayer] popout.php player gives full wordpress path in adress bar?ty for your response, i have managed to mask the url myself via changing every single directory/folder wp-content etc etc etc and also disguise my plugin names etc/ although i still output a structure in the url it doesnt specify what plugins i have nor does it tell anyone what version of wordpress i use or what theme within wordpress ,in otherwords my html output and directories are now outputting different names than what they are really named :), yet im still able to update wordpress and all my plugins just fine, but to be honest its a task to pull this off, i hope you solve the problem on your end with the plugin because i wouldn’t recommend most people to do what i have done unless they know what they are doing.
Even theme-detectors and websites that check for wordpress list my site as none wordpress ?? , so all is good for me, thx though.
That coupled with cleverly cached js and css files disguises everything.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Cover] Google Chrome problemsAlso just realized there is also no icon in google chrome to change your avatar either.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Cover] Attachment Page Problemi can also confirm this issue with hueman theme i justed tested it for you to see if it was happening and skunkyvibes is correct