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  • Thanks cjhaas, that worked for me. For more context it is in the admin_menu function:
    add_options_page('Easy Columns Options', 'Easy Columns', 8, basename(__FILE__), array(&$this, 'handle_options'));

    Thread Starter mcleek21


    Ok, thanks for your insight, timely responses, and the theme!

    Thread Starter mcleek21


    Thanks for your concern, I understand the implications. Is there a way to disable the mobile version? Or should I assume because of the implications there isn’t a way?


    Thread Starter mcleek21


    Thanks for the reply, it looks like this plugin would allow me to switch between the mobile and desktop theme but I don’t want the mobile theme available at all. Even with this plugin installed the mobile theme is still loaded on mobile devices.

    I would like the desktop version to be loaded on mobile devices as well as on desktops. Am I missing a setting in the plugin? I didn’t see any option that would allow me to do that. Thanks again.

    Thread Starter mcleek21


    That’s perfect, sorry I missed it. Thanks so much!

    Hi DesignAndCode,

    Great plugin, any update on this? I am in need of this ability as well but cannot use the hack provided as I am on multisite and don’t want to exclude category ID’s that overlap on multiple sites so the only way to do it would be in the shortcode or inside the theme template.

    Any update would be appreciated. Again this plugin is really helpful.



    Yes, it will work with WP 3.7.1 although I have experienced issues with it conflicting with other jQuery widgets which is frustrating. If it will be your only piece of jQuery on your site it should work perfectly for you.

    Thread Starter mcleek21


    I was able to resolve my issue. I was calling jQuery for another piece of my site:
    <script src="//"></script>
    this line in my header and that was conflicting with the plugin. It works fine after I removed it.

    Thread Starter mcleek21


    Thank you good sir.

    That is what I needed. I knew the child functions.php was called before so I wasn’t sure how to get my functions to overwrite the other. To remove the body_class from functions in twentyeleven I used

    function remove_twentyeleven_body_classes(){
    	remove_filter('body_class', 'twentyeleven_body_classes');
    add_action('init', 'remove_twentyeleven_body_classes');

    Thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter mcleek21


    Thanks Andrew,

    Does this go in my child theme functions.php file? It doesn’t seem to work for me. My functions.php file in its entirety:

    function twentyeleven_child_body_classes( $classes ) {
    	if ( function_exists( 'is_multi_author' ) && ! is_multi_author() )
    		$classes[] = 'single-author';
    	if ( is_singular() && ! is_home() && ! is_page_template( 'showcase.php' ) && ! is_page_template( 'sidebar-page.php' ) && ! is_page_template( 'my-new-template.php' ) )
    		$classes[] = 'singular';
    	return $classes;
    remove_filter( 'body_class', 'twentyeleven_body_classes' );
    add_filter( 'body_class', 'twentyeleven_child_body_classes' );

    I tried putting remove_filter() before the function, and after the add as well. My code doesn’t break, but it is not overwriting body_class either.

    Thread Starter mcleek21


    Thanks for the suggestion but I don’t have authorization to make any changes to so I can’t really go that route at this time.

    I think I will go ahead and build out the new site that I am making in its own install and hope that this new functionality comes to WP soon so that I can bring the other 8 sites from MT to WP without changing to WP.

    Really the only option right now that would make the transfer worth it is if I could set up our 60+ users over 8+ domains with one login and permissions set to manage all of it without making any change to root. We can do that in MT right now and want to change to WP but it isn’t worth it if we have to sacrifice the root folder or make multiple installs.

    Thanks for your help, I am still open to suggestions if there is another way to get me up and running on WP with the above requirements.

    Thread Starter mcleek21


    Thanks DrewAPicture,

    So would you recommend building sites on their own install for now and porting them over to the single install when that functionality becomes available?

    I can’t install WordPress in because we don’t want to build that site in WordPress right now or tamper with it at all. That would be an entirely different project and out of this scope as it is already a large site that is well established.

    But I also don’t want to continue building in Movable Type if I know that I will have to change it to WordPress as soon as this #19796 gets worked out. Do we have any idea when this functionality will be available?

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