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  • Thread Starter mckbgrd


    I cleared the browser cache and I’m seeing the defer attributes now.

    Anyway, the field for scripts to defer is empty in the plugin settings. I clicked on Apply Defer in quick settings, but the old settings aren’t erased. How does it come?

    I would like to defer JS scripts form external resources, like Google ads.

    Thread Starter mckbgrd


    Hi Frank,

    How did you checked it? If look into the broncode I only see defer=”defer” one time.

    Besides to this, I removed these three scripts and clicked on Apply Defer to defer all the scripts. I cleared the cache, but not all the scripts ared defered.

    Thread Starter mckbgrd


    Thanks a lot!

    Thread Starter mckbgrd



    Thank you for you support. I have the function below the constructor. This is the whole playlistController.php file.

    Name: WordPress Video Gallery
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Playlist Controller.
    Version: 2.3
    Author: Apptha
    Author URI:
    License: GPL2
    include_once($adminModelPath . 'playlist.php');//including Playlist model file for get database information.
    if(class_exists('PlaylistController') != true)
    {//checks if the PlaylistController class has been defined starts
        class PlaylistController extends PlaylistModel
        {//VideoadController class starts
            public $_status;
            public $_msg;
            public $_search;
            public $_playlistsearchQuery;
            public $_addnewPlaylist;
            public $_searchBtn;
            public $_update;
            public $_add;
            public $_del;
            public $_orderDirection;
            public $_orderBy;
            public function __construct()
            {//contructor starts
                $this->_playlistsearchQuery = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'PlaylistssearchQuery');
                $this->_addnewPlaylist = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'playlistadd');
                $this->_status = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'status');
                $this->_searchBtn = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'playlistsearchbtn');
                $this->_update = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'update');
                $this->_add = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'add');
                $this->_del = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'del');
                $this->_orderDirection = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'order');
                $this->_orderBy = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'orderby');
            }//contructor ends
            public function add_playlist()
            {//function for adding playlist starts
                {//updating status of video ad starts
                }//updating status of video ad ends
                    $playlistName = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'playlistname');
    //                $playlistDescription = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'playlistdescription');
                    $playlistPublish = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'ispublish');
                    $playlistOrder = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'playlist_order');
                    $playlistordering = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'ordering');
                    $playlsitData = array(
                    'playlist_name' => $playlistName,
    //                'playlist_desc' => $playlistDescription,
                    'is_publish' => $playlistPublish,
                    'playlist_order' => $playlistordering,
                    $playlistDataformat = array('%s', '%s', '%d', '%d','%d');
                    if (isset($this->_playListId))
                    {//update for playlist if starts
                        $updateflag = $this->playlist_update($playlsitData, $playlistDataformat, $this->_playListId);
                        if ($updateflag)
                            $this->admin_redirect("admin.php?page=newplaylist&playlistId=" . $this->_playListId . "&update=1");
                        $this->admin_redirect("admin.php?page=newplaylist&playlistId=" . $this->_playListId . "&update=0");
                    }//update for playlist if ends
                    {//adding playlist else starts
                        $addflag = $this->insert_playlist($playlsitData, $playlistDataformat);
                        if (!$addflag)
                    }//adding playlist else ends
            }//function for adding playlist ends
            public function admin_redirect($url)
            {//admin redirection url function starts
                echo "<script>'".$url."','_top',false)</script>";
            }//admin redirection url function ends
            public function playlist_data()
            {//getting playlist data function starts
                $orderBy = array('id', 'title', 'desc', 'publish','sorder');
                $order = 'id';
                if (isset($this->_orderBy) && in_array($this->_orderBy, $orderBy))
                    $order = $this->_orderBy;
                    case 'id':
                        $order ='pid';
                    case 'title':
                        $order ='playlist_name';
                    case 'publish':
                        $order ='is_publish';
                    case 'sorder':
                        $order ='ordering';
                        $order ='pid';
                return $this->get_playlsitdata($this->_playlistsearchQuery,$this->_searchBtn,$order, $this->_orderDirection);
            }//getting playlist data function starts
             public function get_message()
             {//displaying database message function starts
                if (isset($this->_update) && $this->_update == '1')
                    $this->_msg = 'Category Updated Successfully ...';
                else if($this->_update == '0')
                    $this->_msg = 'Category Not Updated  Successfully ...';
                if (isset($this->_add) && $this->_add == '1')
                    $this->_msg ='Category Added Successfully ...';
                  if (isset($this->_del) && $this->_del == '1')
                    $this->_msg ='Category Deleted Successfully ...';
                   if (isset($this->_status) && $this->_status == '1')
                    $this->_msg ='Category Published Successfully ...';
                else if($this->_status == '0')
                    $this->_msg = 'Category UnPublished Successfully ...';
                return $this->_msg;
             }//displaying database message function ends
            public function get_delete()
            {//deleting playlist data function starts
                $playlistApply = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'playlistapply');
                $playlistActionup = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'playlistactionup');
                $playlistActiondown = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'playlistactiondown');
                $playListcheckId = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'pid', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY);
                if (isset($playlistApply))
                {//apply button if starts
                   if ($playlistActionup || $playlistActiondown == 'playlistdelete')
                        if (is_array($playListcheckId))
                        {//delete button if starts
                            $playListId = implode(",", $playListcheckId);
                            $deleteflag = $this->playlist_delete($playListId);
                        }//delete button if ends
                }//apply button if ends
            }//deleting playlist data function ends
        }//PlaylistController class ends
    }//checks if the PlaylistController class has been defined ends
    $playlistOBJ = new PlaylistController();//creating object for VideoadController class
    $playListId = $playlistOBJ->_playListId;
    $searchMsg =  $playlistOBJ->_playlistsearchQuery;
    $searchBtn =  $playlistOBJ->_searchBtn;
    $gridPlaylist = $playlistOBJ->playlist_data();
    $Playlist_count = $playlistOBJ->Playlist_count($searchMsg,$searchBtn);
    $playlistEdit = $playlistOBJ->playlist_edit($playListId);
    $displayMsg = $playlistOBJ->get_message();
    $adminPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page');
    $adminPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page');
    if ($adminPage == 'playlist')
    {//including playlist form if starts
        require_once(APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEDIR . DS . 'admin/views/playlist/playlist.php');
    }//including playlist form if starts
    else if ($adminPage == 'newplaylist')
    {//including newplaylist ad form if starts
        require_once(APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEDIR . DS . 'admin/views/playlist/addplaylist.php');
    }//including newplaylist ad form if ends
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