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  • Thread Starter MCI Desarrollo


    It is the website of a client that at the moment the website is under development and only accessible with a password but I can send you one of the images by email if you want

    Thread Starter MCI Desarrollo


    Thanks for the quick reply!

    I don’t need to convert the original to sRGB. I needed that when I regenerate the thumbnails from the original (which is RGB) these thumbnails are generated in sRGB.
    As I have not been able to do it with the plugin I have converted the files to sRGB outside and I have reloaded them by ftp.

    The new changes will be great


    Thread Starter MCI Desarrollo


    Hello, in update 3.6.1 it says:
    “Fixed translation issues for decimal quantities in? Add to Cart ?messages” but the error still occurs. It is not possible to translate that string but if I deactivate your plugin, the translation will be executed correctly.


    Thread Starter MCI Desarrollo


    I am also trying to do it like this:

    $order = wc_get_order(802);

    foreach ($order->get_items() as $item_id => $item_obj) {

    $res = $item_obj->get_meta_data();

    foreach ($res as $key22 => $value22) {

    $res2 = wc_get_order_item_meta($item_id, $key22, true);

    foreach ($res2 as $key33 => $value33) {

    foreach ($value33 as $key44 => $value44) {

    $res3 = wc_get_order_item_meta($item_id, $key44, true);

    foreach ($res3 as $key55 => $value55) {


    Thread Starter MCI Desarrollo


    Thank you very much for the reply!

    I am trying to access the order values but I cannot. I’m doing it like this but it doesn’t work. What am I doing wrong?

    $order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
    foreach ($order->get_items() as $item_id => $item_obj) {

    $res= $item_obj->get_meta_data();

    foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
    foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) {
    echo $key2.’->’.$value2.'<br>’;

    Thread Starter MCI Desarrollo


    Hello, as I have not received an answer, I can explain it better in case the problem was not well understood.
    The text “‘Product 1’ have been added to your cart.” that appears in a Woocommerce notification when a product is added to the cart, it cannot be translated if your plugin is installed.

    If your plugin is not active, Woocommerce translation works correctly.

    Thank you

    Plugin Author MCI Desarrollo


    Hello, we have been testing the plugin and it is working correctly for us. However, if you want, we can try to solve the installation problem in your store.
    You can write us an email with your incident to [email protected]

    Thanks and best regards,
    Carlos Lasuén

    Plugin Author MCI Desarrollo


    Good afternoon, thanks for using our plugin!

    Regarding the options you need, we believe that we can develop the plugin for you. If you are interested, send us an email to [email protected] and we will send you a quote.

    – Change the email address from which the mail is sent:
    We can include this option for you.

    – To be able to choose whether or not to show the price:
    We can include this option for you.

    – To be able to choose whether or not to show the order number:
    We can include this option for you.

    – Be able to change the way orders are displayed. They are now displayed in a row instead of one below the other:
    Do you need to separate the items of each product line (units, reference, product) so that each one is displayed on a different line?

    – Add discount codes to email (sometimes orders arrive with a discount from the supplier himself and there are reasons for them to know):
    Do you need to import the discount code created in the Woocommerce order and apply it to the total price in the email?
    In this case, do you need the total amount of the order to appear in the email?

    Thanks and best regards,
    Carlos Lasuen

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [StageShow] Block seats.
    Thread Starter MCI Desarrollo


    Thank you very much but what I need is to block a few seats (I have already been able to do this in Show / edit) but in the front they appear the same color as if a user has reserved them.

    What I need is that when the admin blocks a seat from the backoffice a different class is added in the html tag so that the front can put a different color to the seats reserved by users and to the seats blocked by the admin.

    If this is not possible, can there be some other way to do it?


    Plugin Author MCI Desarrollo


    Buenas tardes, el comportamiento de WordPress funciona así con los plugins y nosotros no podemos cambiarlo.

    Hay 2 posibles formas de tenerlo en Espa?ol(Argentina).

    – La primera es realizar la traducción con el plugin Loco Translate para su propio uso con sus propias traducciones.

    – La segunda es realizarla directamente sobre el plugin.
    De esta forma estaría aportando su traducción a la comunidad de plugins y el resto de usuarios argentinos se lo agradecerían. Le dejamos el enlace donde podría traducirlo:

    Tenga en cuenta que si traduce el plugin a su idioma debe ser riguroso con los textos porque las traducciones son supervisadas por el equipo de WordPress antes de ser aprobadas.


    Plugin Author MCI Desarrollo


    Gracias a ti! El plugin está traducido a Espa?ol(Spain) y Espa?ol(Venezuela). El lugar donde se ha de cambiar el idioma es en Ajustes/Generales/Idioma del sitio.

    Hemos revisado si pudiera haber algún problema con el idioma en nuestro plugin y todo está correcto. Debería funcionar eligiendo alguno de estos 2 idiomas.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [StageShow] Block seats.
    Thread Starter MCI Desarrollo


    And is there any way that the color of the seats blocked by the admin and the reserved seats have different color? a different css class in the html tag would be great.

    And another question: Are there any limitations of the free plugin? is there a paid version?

    Thanks again!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [StageShow] Block seats.
    Thread Starter MCI Desarrollo


    Fenomenal gracias!!!

    Plugin Author MCI Desarrollo


    Buenos días, el plugin se muestra en inglés o espa?ol según el idioma que tenga seleccionado en WordPress. Para cambiarlo vaya a Ajustes/Generales/Idioma del sitio, seleccione el idioma deseado y pulse guardar.

    Si aún así continúa teniendo problemas con el idioma:
    1. Vaya a Plugins/Plugins instalados, y desactive Supplier Order Email
    2. Vuelva a Plugins/Plugins instalados, y pulse Borrar en el plugin.
    3. Si tiene algún plugin traductor como Loco Translate asegúrese de que las traducciones de Supplier Order Email han sido eliminadas en el plugin traductor.
    5. Cambie el idioma deseado para WordPress y pulse Guardar.
    6. Elimine las cookies y la caché de su navegador.
    7. Vuelva a reinstalar el plugin.

    Esperamos que nos indique si ha resuelto el problema.

    ?Gracias por usar nuestro plugin!

    Thread Starter MCI Desarrollo


    Ok. I will try it


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