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Had a chance today to run JetPack debugging and got a “It looks like your site can not communicate properly with Jetpack. ” message so I worked through the steps. Deactivated all but jetpack plugin and added them back one by one (starting with the ones I most hoped worked!) and voilá it was NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati which I have never thought much of anyway.
The debugging tool was helpful (and having a block of time to work through it was good too!) Mind you, I still got the same debugging message after deactivating the plug in, but at least I don’t get the emitting error and I’m good with that.
Here you go!
https://tinyurl.com/nck32lyForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Social] [Plugin: Social] How to fix this false-fail error?Well, being annoyed by this, I logged out of everything for the plug-in, it then told me I had to update my USER profile which I did, and now it seems to be working without the error message.
Figured I’d post this in case it could help someone else out.
Apparently you have to watch the default designation on the Facebook/twitter accounts though – they seem to turn themselves off occasionally. (Developer folks – could there be a warning if something I’m doing is going to impact settings like that?)
I agree – I thought by checking default publishing or whatever it would just go to facebook and twitter automatically.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 3.4 Broke my dashboardThe Jetpack update fixed it for me – thanks über coders who fixed it!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 3.4 Broke my dashboardupdated to 3.4 this evening and now the bar chart for site stats just spins and never loads. I think the numbers are showing properly but it’s hard to tell at this point.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Sharing no longer worksDoesn’t seem to work for me either, unless I’ve totally missed something I’m supposed to do other than the settings panel of choices. I’ve never had sharedaddy installed.
Update: I had to choose: Posts, pages and index pages in order for it to appear for each post. Very odd.
I can see and use the button in chrome and safari but not in firefox 5. There I can see it but it consistently returns an unknowable error.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I cant view webite or log into admin — all white browser screen.Thanks! That seemed to do the trick for me.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sidebar problem after 2.9.2 updateHave to take it back – made a couple of posts today from computer and back to dropped sidebar…. grrrr
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sidebar problem after 2.9.2 updateok I tracked this down on the index page to a missing </div>
Since I don’t really tinker with those pages, I’m blaming the WordPress iphone app which was acting weird enough for me to stop using it (multiple error messages on trying to post from iphone). That’s my story and I’m sticking to it, lol. And I’m going to not use the app for awhile and see if the problem stays away.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sidebar problem after 2.9.2 updateMine on the other hand went screwy all on it’s own – now the sidebar drops to below the content. Any thoughts?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: using mySQL to fix import from BloggerBy george, I think I’ve got it. Please note that I am not a mySQL expert, but this worked for me and so I post it here in case someone else is trying to do the same thing. You may need to do some trial searches to determine if the upper and lower number will work for you.
Before doing anything like this, you would be well-advised to back up your database files completely!
Basically I used this to search the title field for long numbers and replaced it with something not so ugly (at least until I decide what it should be in which case I can do it again).
UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_title = '----'
WHERE post_title >= 30
AND post_title <= 999999999999999999Any comments or other hints appreciated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Converting Blogger Titles to WordPress?If anyone is considering modifying the blogger import tool(s), it would be nice to allow an option to NOT import titles. My Blogger blog pre-dated titles, and I didn’t start using them once they were available. My imported titles are long strings of numbers.
I would just as soon not had anything or an option for a short line or other filler than to have to figure out the mySQL to get rid of all the non-titles. Correcting over 1200 posts manually isn’t really an option.