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  • Thread Starter maya90


    ok, this is weird.. I upgraded, pushed all files to my ftp server, but: still see “pls update” in admin.. I realized WP files in my server are in two locations:



    so removed all files from BOTH of these dirs, but still see my blog AND: I can’t log in now to Admin.. (it says in instructions to back up yr db before you update, but it doesn’t say where db is or HOW to back it up.. (I think it’s weird to have to back up yr db every time you upgrade sw, ANY kind of sw.. shouldn’t sw (interface AND functionality) and db be kept totally separate??)

    thank you..

    Thread Starter maya90


    ok, I upgraded, pushed all files.. still get “pls update” when go to admin, and still don’t see “setup” button..

    thank you..

    Thread Starter maya90


    settings? where is “settings”?? in CP I have:

    dashboard, write, manage, comments (nothing to disable comments here), blogroll, presentation, plugins, users, options…

    thank you…. I would appreciate some help here, am getting a MASSIVE amount of “moderate comment” emails..

    Thread Starter maya90


    sorry… trying again:

    pls, I need to DISABLE comments for now.. my inbox is getting JAMMED with “moderate comment” emails.. I don’t see in Admin how to disable comments..

    thank you…

    Thread Starter maya90


    pls, I need to DISABLE

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: email form on blog
    Thread Starter maya90


    this plugin looks like there’s a whole lot to configure.. I don’t understand why my own email code doesn’t work with Word Press, WP is supposed to be open-source.. I don’t like plugins, I’d rather write my own than use an interface to configure someone else’s code, when I know how to do the forms-processing myself.. (my php email works fine outside WP installation.. even with the php back-end code outside installation, if the form is inside WP installation it doesn’t work.. why is this? isn’t WP supposed to be open source?)

    these email plug-ins are full of extraneous code I don’t need (db stuff, for example, I don’t need to send anything to the db, just send a little email to an email address I specify.. that’s it..;) and WHY can only ‘moderators’ post questions in “advanced” forum? why is there no php-forum where everyone can post.. again, open source, right?????? ??

    thank you very much…

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: email form on blog
    Thread Starter maya90


    thank you very much ronchicago…. I will check this tomorrow…. (I realized what happens is I can send email with php fine (I mean with my own code) — as long as I’m OUTSIDE the WP installation..)

    thank you..

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: email form on blog
    Thread Starter maya90


    I have a mail form here it works fine when submitted to why can’t I get this to work INSIDE blog (blog is in (but this index.php is really in

    mail sent from here

    also gets sent fine…

    but if I send the email from anywhere INSIDE the blog, even if I submit to ThankYou.php OUTSIDE the blog it doesn’t work if the form is INSIDE the blog.. I get an email from address “syntax-error” and email is empty (I ran a test, none of info in form gets passed to ThankYou.php if the form is inside the blog, otherwise it works fine.. WHY IS THIS….)

    thank you…

    Thread Starter maya90


    ok, I got it!! gosh, that was stupid of me, I wasn’t sure it was ok to hard-code “Permalink” there instead of <?php the_title(); ?>….;) once again thank you very much..

    now onto trackbacks.. hopefully links you posted above will tell me how to do that.. if not I guess I’ll post question in a new thread….

    thanks again and have a good weekend..

    Thread Starter maya90


    in single.php?? hmmmm…

    here’s code for post-footer:

    <p class=”postmetadata”>Posted in <span class=”cty”><?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?></span> | <?php edit_post_link(‘Edit’, ”, ‘ | ‘); ?> <span class=”cmt”><?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments »’, ‘1 Comment »’, ‘% Comments »’); ?></span></p>

    HOWEVER: this code appears ONLY index.php (and in archive.php..), not in single.php..

    (not sure what u mean by “loop”.. I know what a “for (..) {..}” loop is in programming.. not sure what u mean by loop here, there’s no loop like that in this code that I can see..)


    at any rate, I put in index.php, and it seems to be working fine.. (example:, EXCEPT: link shows title of post instead of “Permalink”…. if you go to you’ll see at footer of post:

    Posted in cartoon of the day | No Comments ? | cartoon of the day

    instead of

    Posted in cartoon of the day | No Comments ? | Permalink..

    thank you very much.. I do appreciate your help..

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: php question…
    Thread Starter maya90


    I’m trying to do on my own..

    have form in sidebar I coded myself..

    I have action=”ThankYou.php” which is in same dir as form (i.e., in root for my blog (, but I get a 404 on ThankYou.php; I even get a 404 if I put absolute link to it in the form!! ( why is this..

    even if I put a simple test pg in there (

    I get a 404… why?????

    thank you..

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: php question…
    Thread Starter maya90


    I did read the readme file, as I mentioned in my last reply.. it doesn’t say at all where u put what email add you want email sent to..

    in the forums indicated in the readme file ( somebody asks precisely this question, and this is answer:

    It is set to go to the default wordpress email. I will include an option to change that in the next version.


    but there should be a way to change this manually, which I thought I did, but it didn’t work.. ok.. thank you…

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: php question…
    Thread Starter maya90


    thank you very much.. that worked.. ONLY THING:

    where/how do I tell it to what address to send email to??

    (email add user puts in is not it, obviously…:)

    I know how to do this, looked for relevant code, changed this

    $to = $_REQUEST[’email’];


    $to = <my address>;

    (I mean obviously email has to be sent to me, not to email address user puts in form…;)

    but I never received email (no errors when submitted form..)

    other thing I don’t get: this is form tag:

    <form name=”wp_contact_form” method=”post” target=””>

    action is not specified.. how does it know where to submit the form???

    I also don’t get why there’s db-code in there.. I don’t need any db-functionality here, just email sent to me, that’s it..

    main thing, though, even though I put my own email address in there, I never received email… (when I try from my own code, from form here.., I get email immediately…)

    thank you…

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: php question…
    Thread Starter maya90


    PS: I do know how to do the back-end to send email, in fact I have it running successfully here:

    but this is outside the blog, blog is in ‘home’ dir; so I need it here:

    (or anywhere else inside blog (i.e., inside ‘home’ folder.. so can have form in main area then around it the same header, footer, & sidebar as other pgs in blog..)

    thank you very much….

    Thread Starter maya90


    “the blog I’m commenting on”??? and if I’m not commenting on any other blog???

    and what about permalinks?? Permalinks I do know what they and I want “Permalink” at the bottom of all my posts (this is the norm in virtually all blogs I have seen..) how do I do this?

    this pg,, starts out with:

    There are three basic types of WordPress permalinks:
    Default: “Ugly”
    The default looks like

    this still does not tell me how I get “Permalink” at the bottom of my posts.. (do I have to manually edit some code here to do this? I thought blog-sw generates permalinks for each post automatically.. if not, what do I have to do, pls.. thank you..)

    (on Trackback, if I don’t put anything in the “send trackbacks to..” field when composing a post then it won’t appear, is that it??) sorry, even though I have been a web developer for a long time (w/back-end experience too) I’m new to blogging, it’s just a different world, am still kind of on the ropes….;) I want to concentrate on how to get Permalinks at bottom of my posts for now since still don’t quite get trackbacks…. (yes, you can laugh if you want…;) as long as I get help here I don’t care…:) ??

    thank you very much..

    (PS: it’s kind of funny to me that in one of the links you post they mention that trackbacks were developed by SixApart, at work we use Typepad to edit blogs (which is part of SixApart) and I really don’t like it.. (however: “Trackback” and “Permalink” appear at bottom of posts by default w/Typepad..;) I find all this blog-stuff fascinating, in general I think blogs are a very powerful form of expression, but editing them can be hard if you’re new to it..)

    thank you very much..

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