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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Audio Tube] [Plugin: Audio Tube] Stopped workingWow I thought there was something seriously wrong with my theme for a second, What happened?
Is there a fix for this issue yet?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single PageSo I tried what you said and Yeah it works to a degree, you see I noticed there were some pages that didn’t display properly unless I brought over the images folder. I also had added some pages so I brought them as well but the slider on the home page is not working properly. I had modified the JS script file to speed up transitions between slides and even by bringing over the file the speed remains the slow. The only way is to constantly go back after an update to the theme and replace the JS file in the original theme folder? So I just brough over all folders and files except funtions which cause it to crash. Not sure but do you think I will have issues if I keep this set up? How important is it to have a child theme set up?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single Pagehey friend, so i tried what you said and it works like a charm I modified the template without padding for my tables :)), I didnt try the second part though, I dont understand what will happen once you complete the final step?
<?php get_template_part( ‘content’, ‘page’ ); ?>
Change this to:
<?php get_template_part( ‘content’, ‘staff’ ); ?>so it will apply the code from the content-staff.php to the template-staff.php correct? but why is that important? Also can you try and answer the 2 questions above, please and that was great.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single PageVery useful stuff…….I am havign a few issues with building a child theme which I suppose I should take care of that first, also a little issue with a plugin. maybe you can help while I have your attention I
What happens is I create a style.CSS by copying the original style.CSS from my theme (news) and place it in a folder that I name “mysitename” (just an example). then I erase all the contents from the CSS I just copied and add the description lines as such
Theme Name: mysitename
Theme URI:
Description: Theme for Mysitename
Author: Max Payne
Author URI: n/a
Template: News
Version: 1.0
*/I hit save and then apply the new theme to my site. But all of the formats are missing? Do I need to do something else? I tried adding some formatting on the new CSS but its still only grabbing formats from the orginal CSS.
my other painful little issue is the plugin Audio Tube
found here
all of a sudden stoped working a few nights ago. It was literally working fine one minute the next minute it stopped? The issue is that it doesn’t work on any desktop browser now, the player that is supposed to be there is gone and instead some weird window appears. On mobile phone browsers it works fine? i will investigate this tonight.heres the site so you can see what I mean. you can help that would be great.
1 other things,
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single PageCOOL!!!!
okay I will definetly try this tonight, that was great. Thanks friend.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single PageI have one more question if anyone can help, singular-page-991 works for this page now what if I want say page 991-992-993 to have the same attributes. Do I have to re type this entuire thing each time? Is there something like multiple-page991-992-993 that I can use instead?
I basically one want to apply these attributes on pages that contain a table, is there a way to do that? Please if someone could tell me. alchymyth where are you? ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single PageHey guys, what alchymyth wrote actually worked for my theme specifically. I used .singular-page and I am able to play around with any css for a single page at a time,
but alchymyth I have one final question how did you kno0w that this is what I had to use, you wrote
(using Firebug could have shown you this css class easily)
I am using firebug now but its almost the same as google inspection tool, even with firebug I don’t see how you managed to solve this?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single Pagehey so I tried it and yes .singular-page-991 worked perfectly. I am guessing firebug saw it, all I saw was entry-content using google inspection. Didn’t try the PHP code but I can see how that will come in handy in the future. Thanks for your help that was great!! :).
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single Pageoh hey sorry about that, i just missed the scroll :).
I will try this later tonight.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single Pageoh great thanks. You know as frustrating as it is I still feel I am learning alot which is great :). Okay will read about validation like you advised.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single Pageokay, not sure what you mean by validating the page. Yeah its funny because I created a css called “entry-content-modified table” and applied the same rules as the orginal “entry-content table” but nothing happened. I was having a few issues uploading my database to the host but will do so when I get home and show you guys what the page looks like now, without padding but also without table properties lol.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single PageI will try using firebug from now on. The code that you outlined didnt refer to the “entry-content-modified” that I created? I will try what you said, I am fairly new to this as well ?? but it is fun for sure.
also just to clarify, this is what the code looked like before I modified
<div class="entry-content"> <?php the_content(); ?> <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<p class="page-links">' . __( 'Pages:', hybrid_get_textdomain() ), 'after' => '</p>' ) ); ?> </div><!-- .entry-content -->
this is what it looked like after I modified, note the changes in bold
<strong><?php if ( is_page('AZ Music') ) { ?> <div class="entry-content-modified" <?php } ?></strong> <div class="entry-content"> <?php the_content(); ?> <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<p class="page-links">' . __( 'Pages:', hybrid_get_textdomain() ), 'after' => '</p>' ) ); ?> </div><!-- .entry-content -->
Now i definetly don’t know what I am doing but I can tell you that this removed the padding, I created the entry-content-modified CSS in the style.css file. The only issue is I have inserted an excel table in the page and by doing this it removed all table properties. No borders to the table or anything else which I wanted to keep. All I wanted was to get rid of the padding. I will play around a bit more with what you said and maybe I can stumble upon something else. I will start using firebug and make a css based on the .singular-page-991
like you said. Thanks for the help.[Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button.]
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single Pageguys I still have not found a solution but found a semi-solution, I will explain.
First I opened style.css file using notepad ++ and entered this at the end of the line
.entry-content-modified{overflow:visible;padding:0 0px;border-top:3px double #e5e5e5}
next I opened the page file which is a php file located in the theme folder
I located the code for entry-content and pasted some code that looks like this right before the entry-content line, I bolded the additional code I entered as oppose to what was already there just so you can see. Note that “AZ Music” is the name of the single page I wanted to modify.
<?php if ( is_page(‘AZ Music’) ) { ?>
<div class=”entry-content-modified”
<?php } ?>
<div class=”entry-content”>
<?php the_content(); ?>so this eliminates the padding, but doesnt apply the entry-content table css. If there is something better you guys can think of I am all ears. This is sort of working for what I need but I hope you guys can think of something better.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single Pagei still have not found a solution to this, is it possible that this theme is somehow protected in some way (I am using the news theme)or maybe there is another css preventing me from making this change?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Change CSS for Single PageI just want to eliminate the space between the edge of the excel table and the edge of the post container. Not sure if that is the correct term. If you are using google chrome and right click in between the space you can see that the CSS is the entry-content. You can play around with the CSS using chrome as well so i changed the padding to 0 instead of 20px and it gets rid of that space. Thing is you actually have to change it in the CSS file for it to apply because chrome doesn’t edit the CSS for you. So when I access the file and find entry-content, the specific one I want and change it, it works fine but it applies it to every page not just the one I sent you the link for. How do I make it so I can get rid of that padding only for that specific page.