Maxim Peshkov
Forum Replies Created
We are going to launch WP-Property 2.0 on 3d August, which have a huge amount of improvements and fixes including PHP Warnings fixes. The current issue is resolved in version 2.0 too.
For now, please, be sure you have WP_DEBUG set to false in your wp-config.php file. More information about wp-config.php file you can find here.
WP-Property uses specific template for rendering data on Single Property page which can be found here:
To modify template, just copy the file to root of your theme.
Hi Paula,
Could you, please, provide url to your site by sending us direct message using ‘Contact’ form here. So we could troubleshoot the issue.
‘sort_by’ attribute is not working for dropdown list. However it should have no value in request, like: requested_page=1&sort_order=&sort_by=area&i=1
Are you using native pagination template or custom solution?Regards.
I did some tests on your site. Property Search works well for me and I do not see any issues with it.
Anyway, please, be sure that:
- Prices, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Year, Square Feet and other numeric attributes have enabled option ‘Numeric’ on ‘Developer’ tab on WP-Property Settings page
- You cleared cache on ‘Help’ tab on WP-Property Settings page. Look for ‘Clear cache’ button there.
Looks like you are using custom Property Details template because default one does not contain map and advanced search on top of page. However map and advanced search could be added via content Editor on Edit Property page.
You can find default WP-Property template in wp-content/plugins/wp-property/template/property.php
Custom template can be added to root directory of your theme and it has the same name as default one’ : property.php
Hello Patrick,
Please use our Feedback page for adding you ideas.
We decided to disabled forum since it mostly duplicates the current one.
However we may bring it back in future but only for premium support.Regards.
WP-Property plugin requires PHP 5.3 or higher.
Hi Paula,
Could you, please, tell which theme you are using? So we could troubleshoot the issue.
Thank you for pointing to the issue. We will add the fix to next WP-Property release.
Note, you can use GitHub Repository to pull your fixes.
Regarding code:
exec( 'nohup curl "' . $url . '" > /dev/null 2>&1 &' );
It belongs to XML Importer premium feature and is being run in very specific cases. The import process in XMLI is complex and uses WordPress HTTP API by default for doing requests. Note, server on importing data is doing HTTP requests to itself ( to upload property images on separate request ). But, in fact, this solution may not work on some servers. Among the possible reasons:
- Server doesn’t have DNS, and so it can’t figure out who “” is, even though it is *itself*.
- Server administrators, in a misguided attempt at security, have blocked “loopback” requests, so it can’t actually make a call back to itself.
- Server is running something called “mod_security” or similar, which actively blocks the call due to brain-dead configuration.
- Something else.
When it happens, images for imported properties may not be uploaded. For this case, we XML Importer has option “Run system command cron instead of PHP cron. ( Attention, enable the option only if listings are not being published but added to Draft status. )”. This option disables WordPress HTTP requests and enables exec(), you mentioned about.
So, if you do not use XML Importer feature or option above is disabled you will not have any issues with it.
Some additional information:
The current issue is VERY similar to ALTERNATIVE_WP_CRON setting. Here is some related links for more details:Regarding code:
The current function has never been used in WP-Property. Plugin contains some third-party libraries, like XML library, which can be found in
This library is being used for some specific cases and contains dl() function. But WP-Property does not use the method where the function is called. So you should not worry about it.
The bug will be fixed in next WP-Property release.
We appreciate any help in doing the plugin better.
Visit us on GitHub: you.
Thank you for your feedback.
We will have reviewed code and fixed potential security threats before next release.