Maxim Peshkov
Forum Replies Created
Hello, Garrett
Thank you for pointing to the issue. I’m going to check it ASAP.
The issue is fixed.
Please, mark the ticket as resolved.
I have just got email from you and answered. Please check.
Unfortunately, I can not replicate the issue.
Where does the error occur ( on which pages )? Do you have Meta Box plugin installed and activated on your site? If so, which version?
Could you please send a message to our support using contact us form here, so we would be able to troubleshoot your issue directly.
I’m troubleshooting the issue. Will give you feedback shortly.
to show more than 10 properties per page you need to add per_page attribute to shortcode. E.g.:
[property_overview per_page=50]
You can find cheat sheets for WP-Property plugin’s shortcodes ( including [property_overview] ) here.
Regarding broken navigation links, be sure that there is no javascript error on page.
It was added filter to wpp_draw_pagination() function ( see line 217 in wp-property/lib/template-functions.php ) in WP-Property 2.0.0 :
/** Maybe use custom pagination/sorter instead of default one */ $custom = apply_filters( 'wpp:property_overview:custom_pagination', false, $settings, $wpp_query, $wp_properties ); if( !empty( $custom ) ) { if ( $settings[ 'return' ] == 'true' ) { return $custom; } else { echo $custom; return null; } }
It allows you to use your pagination logic instead of default one.
Also, we are going to add numbered pagination to wp-property in next releases. So you will be able to have a choice, which pagination to use.
Be aware, WP-Property plugin requires PHP 5.3 or higher.
Related Topic:
did you upgrade WP-Property to 2.0.0 which I sent you? If not, please, do it. We need to know if problem still persists after upgrade to 2.0.0.
If you will still have issues after upgrade I will help you with pleasure.Please, understand, there is no sense to troubleshoot the code of old plugin’s version if new version exists and solves the problem.
Hey, Gus.
I took care about your email.
Could you explain to me whom it is you want me to contact, and how?
You will contact us ( WP-Property team ) directly. So I ( or any other developer ) would be able to assist you directly since I can not replicate the issues you’re talking about. Also I would be able to send you directly new WP-Property plugin version (2.0.0). I mentioned, that it has a major amount of improvements and fixes. And I almost believe it should fix the issues.
For starters, please tell me how to identify the WP-property database so I can try repairing those tables.
WP-Property uses native WordPress tables. I’m not sure how it could help you to fix your issues. I pretty believe that your issues are not related to Database. Of course, if you did not customize anything in plugin’s core.
It seems, there is an javascript error on ‘All Properties’ page.
Please, contact us here with providing information from the current topic. And I’ll be happy to assist you to solve the current issue.
Unfortunately, I can not replicate the issues you mentioned.
Can you please clarify, which version of WordPress and WP-Property you are using?
Do you have any premium features installed? We could send you WP-Property 2.0 version, which we are going to launch on 3d August. It has a major amount of improvements and fixes. In other case, I’ll be happy to assist you to solve the issues for the latest released WP-Property 1.42.4Please, contact us here with providing information from the current topic.
Also, since you mentioned that you updated all plugins, in the meantime, be sure that another plugins can not occur the issues. Please, see instructions here.
I figured out that the issue occurs in “Real Estate Agents” feature’s version 1.9.8 which requires WP-Property 1.42.4.
I have fixed the bug and launched new “Real Estate Agents” release, – version 1.9.9. To get it, please, upgrade your WP-Property to 1.42.4.And, again, thank you for pointing to the bug!
Could you please clarify, which version of WP-Property and Agents feature you are using?
So we could easily troubleshoot the issue.Thanks!