Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] Replace Twitter with XIt worked! Thank you so much for your help:)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] Replace Twitter with XHello @gerobe:)
Thank you for sharing! As someone with absolutely no mind for technical stuff: Where exactly in the shariff-twitter.php should this code be placed?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] Replace Twitter with XHi! As far as the domain is concerned, Twitter is still Twitter for now, but I wanted to ask about adding Instagram to the Shariff Wrapper. Is that planned any time soon?
Hi Mostafa,
Thank you for getting back to me:) Maybe I should have articulated myself better: Please send us the name of the person legally responsible for Veronalabs and its products (the CEO for example) as well as the privacy policy for the website
And while we are at it: Is the business address for Veronalabs (Tatari 64, 10134, Tallinn, Estonia) also valid for WPstatistics? Or is there a different business address for WPStatistics?
All the best
MaximilianeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] My comments are marked as spam on my own site.Danke für eure vereinte Hilfe – jetzt bin ich nicht nur das Problem los sondern auch wieder ein Stück schlauer.
Vielen lieben Dank, alles Gute und beste Grü?e
MaximilianeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] My comments are marked as spam on my own site.Hallo Matthias,
Das ist erhellend und erkl?rt natürlich warum es mit den Kommentaren dann wieder klappte… Und ja ich war eingelogged als ich den Kommentar unter meinen Post gesetzt habe. Nur woher kam ursprünglich das Problem mit dem Honeypot? Jetzt ist es weg und das obwohl alle anderen Plugins noch genauso aktiv sind wie zuvor.
Liebe Grü?e
MaximilianeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] My comments are marked as spam on my own site.Hi Torsten:)
in der Annahme, dass du mich auf deutsch auch verstehst (was ein Irrtum sein kann): ich wei? nicht was mir hier gerade passiert ist.
Ich habe die Staging Umgebung für meine Seite nocheinmal zurückgesetzt und wie du geschrieben hast zuerst die Spam-Kommentare alle einmal gel?scht. Danach habe ich einen Kommentar geschrieben und siehe da: er ging durch ohne als Spam markiert zu werden.
Kannst du dir das erkl?ren?
Nur eine Sache ist merkwürdig aber das hat bestimmt nichts mit Antispam Bee zu tun. Unter settings -> discussion habe ich eingestellt, dass jeder Kommentar manuell zugelassen werden muss bevor er auf der Seite erscheint (siehe Screenshot: Das funktioniert jedoch nicht, mein Testkommentar erschien sofort. Hast du dazu evtl. eine Idee?
Mit vielen Grü?en und liebem Dank für deine geduldige Hilfe
MaximilianeP.S.: Was ist “Local DB spam” eigentlich genau?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] My comments are marked as spam on my own site.Hi Torsten,
Just a tiny question on the side: do you by any chance happen to speak german?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] My comments are marked as spam on my own site.Hi Torsten,
thanks for the quick reply! We use Yoast Comments Hacks for our comments. A few years ago we used Jetpack but that is long deinstalled as it is not GDPR-compliant (at least not in our view).
We’ve opened our comments section temporarily and here are the links to the screenshot:’ve tested and deactivated every plugin save Antispam Bee in the Staging environment of our site but even after everything was deactivated our comments still got classified as spam.
At first, the spam reason was only Honeypot and after that, it was just Local DB spam.
How we managed to get marked as spam is something that dazzles me – since last year we’ve been six feet under buried in administration work. No time to spam anyone with anything.I hope I could give some new insight here.
Warmly and with many thanks for your time and effort
MaximilianeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] My own comments get marked on my site as spamGood evening:)
sorry for neglecting this issue and taking up your time. I followed your advice and deactivated the plugin in the staging environment and my comments still get marked as spam. So that can’t have been it. I will next contact my host about this – maybe they have a clue for me.
Thank you very much for your time and patience here and all the best