Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lazy Load for Videos] Remove the i on the videoWas solved with the great support provided by Kevin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Summary won't show unless next to titleFound my answer here
String values should always be in quotes, specially when using the post_html paramater. Also, it’s necessary to escape quotes so PHP can parse the values without issues.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Default Post Thumbnail Image] get_post_thumbnail_id();Plugin’s faq
My selected post thumbnail does not show, why not?
Although this plugin hooks into the get_the_post_thumbnail() function to show your selected image it does not alter your posts, so has_post_thumbnail() returns false.To display the thumbnail without fail remove any if conditions to just leave the get_the_post_thumbnail() function
for example, change this <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) : ?> <?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail(); ?> <?php else : ?> Some other html <?php endif; ?>
to this <?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail(); ?>
No, it still does Work with latest version.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem: non-regex pattern '-f' is not supportedHi scsmash3r!
I’ve had a look at it before but since I don’t know anything about Apache it makes it hard to put in context.
I’m guessing that you feels my .htaccess is fine and that the problem I have are indeed from the Apache configuration?!
I’ll try to contact Bluehost to see if they can check on that and correct it, regrettably I don’t have any control over the config.
thanks for you time and I’ll let you know what I find!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Wp Related PostHere’s the plugin code:
<?php /* Plugin Name: WordPress Related Posts Version: 1.2 Plugin URI: Description: Generate a related posts list via tags of WordPress Author: Denis Author URI: */ add_action('init', 'init_textdomain'); function init_textdomain(){ load_plugin_textdomain('wp_related_posts',PLUGINDIR . '/' . dirname(plugin_basename (__FILE__)) . '/lang'); } function wp_get_related_posts($before_title="",$after_title="") { global $wpdb, $post; $wp_rp = get_option("wp_rp"); $wp_rp_title = $wp_rp["wp_rp_title"]; $exclude = explode(",",$wp_rp["wp_rp_exclude"]); if ( $exclude != '' ) { $q = 'SELECT tt.term_id FROM '. $wpdb->term_taxonomy.' tt, ' . $wpdb->term_relationships.' tr WHERE tt.taxonomy = \'category\' AND tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id AND tr.object_id = '.$post->ID; $cats = $wpdb->get_results($q); foreach(($cats) as $cat) { if (in_array($cat->term_id, $exclude) != false){ return; } } } if(!$post->ID){return;} $now = current_time('mysql', 1); $tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID); $taglist = "'" . $tags[0]->term_id. "'"; $tagcount = count($tags); if ($tagcount > 1) { for ($i = 1; $i < $tagcount; $i++) { $taglist = $taglist . ", '" . $tags[$i]->term_id . "'"; } } $limit = $wp_rp["wp_rp_limit"]; if ($limit) { $limitclause = "LIMIT $limit"; } else { $limitclause = "LIMIT 10"; } $q = "SELECT p.ID, p.post_title, p.post_content,p.post_excerpt, p.post_date, p.comment_count, count(t_r.object_id) as cnt FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy t_t, $wpdb->term_relationships t_r, $wpdb->posts p WHERE t_t.taxonomy ='post_tag' AND t_t.term_taxonomy_id = t_r.term_taxonomy_id AND t_r.object_id = p.ID AND (t_t.term_id IN ($taglist)) AND p.ID != $post->ID AND p.post_status = 'publish' AND p.post_date_gmt < '$now' GROUP BY t_r.object_id ORDER BY cnt DESC, p.post_date_gmt DESC $limitclause;"; $related_posts = $wpdb->get_results($q); $output = ""; if (!$related_posts){ $wp_no_rp = $wp_rp["wp_no_rp"]; $wp_no_rp_text = $wp_rp["wp_no_rp_text"]; if(!$wp_no_rp || ($wp_no_rp == "popularity" && !function_exists('akpc_most_popular'))) $wp_no_rp = "text"; if($wp_no_rp == "text"){ if(!$wp_no_rp_text) $wp_no_rp_text= __("No Related Post",'wp_related_posts'); $output .= '<li>'.$wp_no_rp_text .'</li>'; } else{ if($wp_no_rp == "random"){ if(!$wp_no_rp_text) $wp_no_rp_text= __("Random Posts",'wp_related_posts'); $related_posts = wp_get_random_posts($limitclause); } elseif($wp_no_rp == "commented"){ if(!$wp_no_rp_text) $wp_no_rp_text= __("Most Commented Posts",'wp_related_posts'); $related_posts = wp_get_most_commented_posts($limitclause); } elseif($wp_no_rp == "popularity"){ if(!$wp_no_rp_text) $wp_no_rp_text= __("Most Popular Posts",'wp_related_posts'); $related_posts = wp_get_most_popular_posts($limitclause); } $wp_rp_title = $wp_no_rp_text; } } foreach ($related_posts as $related_post ){ $output .= '<li>'; if ($wp_rp["wp_rp_thumbnail"]){ $output .= '<a href="'.get_permalink($related_post->ID).'" title="'.wptexturize($related_post->post_title).'"><img src="'.get_post_meta($related_post->ID, $wp_rp["wp_rp_thumbnail_post_meta"], true).'" alt="'.wptexturize($related_post->post_title).'" /></a>'; } if ((!$wp_rp["wp_rp_thumbnail"])||($wp_rp["wp_rp_thumbnail"] && $wp_rp["wp_rp_thumbnail_text"])){ if ($wp_rp["wp_rp_date"]){ $dateformat = get_option('date_format'); $output .= mysql2date($dateformat, $related_post->post_date) . " -- "; } $output .= '<a href="'.get_permalink($related_post->ID).'" title="'.wptexturize($related_post->post_title).'">'.wptexturize($related_post->post_title).'</a>'; if ($wp_rp["wp_rp_comments"]){ $output .= " (" . $related_post->comment_count . ")"; } if ($wp_rp["wp_rp_except"]){ $wp_rp_except_number = trim($wp_rp["wp_rp_except_number"]); if(!$wp_rp_except_number) $wp_rp_except_number = 200; if($related_post->post_excerpt){ $output .= '<br /><small>'.(mb_substr(strip_tags($related_post->post_excerpt),0,$wp_rp_except_number)).'...</small>'; }else{ $output .= '<br /><small>'.(mb_substr(strip_tags($related_post->post_content),0,$wp_rp_except_number)).'...</small>'; } } } $output .= '</li>'; } $output = '<ul class="related_post">' . $output . '</ul>'; $wp_rp_title_tag = $wp_rp["wp_rp_title_tag"]; if($before_title){ if($wp_rp_title != '') $output = $before_title.$wp_rp_title .$after_title. $output; }else{ if(!$wp_rp_title_tag) $wp_rp_title_tag ='h3'; if($wp_rp_title != '') $output = '<'.$wp_rp_title_tag.' class="related_post_title">'.$wp_rp_title .'</'.$wp_rp_title_tag.'>'. $output; } return $output; } function wp_related_posts(){ $output = wp_get_related_posts() ; echo $output; } function wp23_related_posts() { wp_related_posts(); } function wp_related_posts_auto($content){ $wp_rp = get_option("wp_rp"); if ((is_single() && $wp_rp["wp_rp_auto"])||(is_feed() && $wp_rp["wp_rp_rss"])) { $output = wp_get_related_posts(); $content = $content . $output; } return $content; } add_filter('the_content', 'wp_related_posts_auto',99); function wp_get_random_posts ($limitclause="") { global $wpdb, $post; $q = "SELECT ID, post_title, post_content,post_excerpt, post_date, comment_count FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' AND ID != $post->ID ORDER BY RAND() $limitclause"; return $wpdb->get_results($q); } function wp_random_posts ($number = 10){ $limitclause="LIMIT " . $number; $random_posts = wp_get_random_posts ($limitclause); foreach ($random_posts as $random_post ){ $output .= '<li>'; $output .= '<a href="'.get_permalink($random_post->ID).'" title="'.wptexturize($random_post->post_title).'">'.wptexturize($random_post->post_title).'</a></li>'; } $output = '<ul class="randome_post">' . $output . '</ul>'; echo $output; } function wp_get_most_commented_posts($limitclause="") { global $wpdb; $q = "SELECT ID, post_title, post_content, post_excerpt, post_date, COUNT($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID) AS 'comment_count' FROM $wpdb->posts, $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = '1' AND $wpdb->posts.ID=$wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID AND post_status = 'publish' GROUP BY $wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID ORDER BY comment_count DESC $limitclause"; return $wpdb->get_results($q); } function wp_most_commented_posts ($number = 10){ $limitclause="LIMIT " . $number; $most_commented_posts = wp_get_most_commented_posts ($limitclause); foreach ($most_commented_posts as $most_commented_post ){ $output .= '<li>'; $output .= '<a href="'.get_permalink($most_commented_post->ID).'" title="'.wptexturize($most_commented_post->post_title).'">'.wptexturize($most_commented_post->post_title).'</a></li>'; } $output = '<ul class="most_commented_post">' . $output . '</ul>'; echo $output; } function wp_get_most_popular_posts ($limitclause="") { global $wpdb, $table_prefix; $q = $sql = "SELECT p.ID, p.post_title, p.post_content,p.post_excerpt, p.post_date, p.comment_count FROM ". $table_prefix ."ak_popularity as akpc,".$table_prefix ."posts as p WHERE p.ID = akpc.post_id ORDER BY DESC $limitclause";; return $wpdb->get_results($q); } function wp_most_popular_posts ($number = 10){ $limitclause="LIMIT " . $number; $most_popular_posts = wp_get_most_popular_posts ($limitclause); foreach ($most_popular_posts as $most_popular_post ){ $output .= '<li>'; $output .= '<a href="'.get_permalink($most_popular_post->ID).'" title="'.wptexturize($most_popular_post->post_title).'">'.wptexturize($most_popular_post->post_title).'</a></li>'; } $output = '<ul class="most_popular_post">' . $output . '</ul>'; echo $output; } add_action('plugins_loaded', 'widget_sidebar_wp_related_posts'); function widget_sidebar_wp_related_posts() { function widget_wp_related_posts($args) { extract($args); if(!is_single()) return; echo $before_widget; //echo $before_title . $wp_rp["wp_rp_title"] . $after_title; $output = wp_get_related_posts($before_title,$after_title); echo $output; echo $after_widget; } register_sidebar_widget('Related Posts', 'widget_wp_related_posts'); } add_action('admin_menu', 'wp_add_related_posts_options_page'); function wp_add_related_posts_options_page() { if (function_exists('add_options_page')) { add_options_page( __('Related Posts','wp_related_posts'), __('Related Posts','wp_related_posts'), 8, basename(__FILE__), 'wp_related_posts_options_subpanel'); } } function wp_related_posts_options_subpanel() { if($_POST["wp_rp_Submit"]){ $message = __("WordPress Related Posts Setting Updated",'wp_related_posts'); $wp_rp_saved = get_option("wp_rp"); $wp_rp = array ( "wp_rp_title" => trim($_POST['wp_rp_title_option']), "wp_rp_title_tag" => trim($_POST['wp_rp_title_tag_option']), "wp_no_rp" => trim($_POST['wp_no_rp_option']), "wp_no_rp_text" => trim($_POST['wp_no_rp_text_option']), "wp_rp_except" => trim($_POST['wp_rp_except_option']), "wp_rp_except_number" => trim($_POST['wp_rp_except_number_option']), "wp_rp_limit" => trim($_POST['wp_rp_limit_option']), 'wp_rp_exclude' => trim($_POST['wp_rp_exclude_option']), 'wp_rp_auto' => trim($_POST['wp_rp_auto_option']), 'wp_rp_rss' => trim($_POST['wp_rp_rss_option']), 'wp_rp_comments' => trim($_POST['wp_rp_comments_option']), 'wp_rp_date' => trim($_POST['wp_rp_date_option']), 'wp_rp_thumbnail' => trim($_POST['wp_rp_thumbnail_option']), 'wp_rp_thumbnail_text' => trim($_POST['wp_rp_thumbnail_text_option']), 'wp_rp_thumbnail_post_meta' => trim($_POST['wp_rp_thumbnail_post_meta_option']) ); if ($wp_rp_saved != $wp_rp) if(!update_option("wp_rp",$wp_rp)) $message = "Update Failed"; echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>'.$message.'.</p></div>'; } $wp_rp = get_option("wp_rp"); ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php $wp_no_rp = $wp_rp["wp_no_rp"]; $wp_rp_title_tag = $wp_rp["wp_rp_title_tag"]; ?> <script type='text/javascript'> function wp_no_rp_onchange(){ var wp_no_rp = document.getElementById('wp_no_rp'); var wp_no_rp_title = document.getElementById('wp_no_rp_title'); var wp_no_rp_text = document.getElementById('wp_no_rp_text'); switch(wp_no_rp.value){ case 'text': wp_no_rp_title.innerHTML = '<?php _e("No Related Posts Text:",'wp_related_posts'); ?>'; wp_no_rp_text.value = '<?php _e("No Related Posts",'wp_related_posts'); ?>'; break; case 'random': wp_no_rp_title.innerHTML = '<?php _e("Random Posts Title:",'wp_related_posts'); ?>'; wp_no_rp_text.value = '<?php _e("Random Posts",'wp_related_posts'); ?>'; break; case 'commented': wp_no_rp_title.innerHTML = '<?php _e("Most Commented Posts Title:",'wp_related_posts'); ?>'; wp_no_rp_text.value = '<?php _e("Most Commented Posts",'wp_related_posts'); ?>'; break; case 'popularity': wp_no_rp_title.innerHTML = '<?php _e("Most Popular Posts Title:",'wp_related_posts'); ?>'; wp_no_rp_text.value = '<?php _e("Most Popular Posts",'wp_related_posts'); ?>'; break; default: wp_no_rp_title.innerHTML = ''; } if(wp_no_rp.value == '<?php echo $wp_no_rp;?>'){ wp_no_rp_text.value = '<?php echo $wp_rp["wp_no_rp_text"];?>'; } } function wp_rp_except_onclick(){ var wp_rp_except = document.getElementById('wp_rp_except'); var wp_rp_except_number_label = document.getElementById('wp_rp_except_number_label'); if(wp_rp_except.checked){ = ''; } else { = 'none'; } } function wp_rp_thumbnail_onclick(){ var wp_rp_thumbnail = document.getElementById('wp_rp_thumbnail'); var wp_rp_thumbnail_span = document.getElementById('wp_rp_thumbnail_span'); if(wp_rp_thumbnail.checked){ = ''; } else { = 'none'; } } </script> <h2><?php _e("Related Posts Settings",'wp_related_posts');?></h2> <p><?php _e("<a href=\"\">WordPress Related Posts </a>Plugin can generate a related posts list via WordPress tags, and add the related posts to feed.",'wp_related_posts');?> </p> <?php _e("Any problem or need help, please contact ",'wp_related_posts');?><a href="mailto:[email protected]">denishua</a>.</p> <div> <span style="font-size:16px; height:30px; line-height:30px; padding:0 10px;"> <a href=""><?php _e("Do you like this Plugin? Consider to donate!",'wp_related_posts');?></a></span> <a href=""><img src="" align="left" /></a> </div> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?page=<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?>"> <h3><?php _e("Basic Setting",'wp_related_posts');?></h3> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="wp_rp_title"><?php _e("Related Posts Title:",'wp_related_posts'); ?></label></th> <td> <input name="wp_rp_title_option" type="text" id="wp_rp_title" value="<?php echo $wp_rp["wp_rp_title"]; ?>" class="regular-text" /> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="wp_rp_title_tag"><?php _e("Related Posts Title Tag:",'wp_related_posts'); ?></label></th> <td> <select name="wp_rp_title_tag_option" id="wp_rp_title_tag" class="postform"> <?php $wp_rp_title_tag_array = array('h2','h3','h4','p','div'); foreach ($wp_rp_title_tag_array as $wp_rp_title_tag_a){ ?> <option value="<?php echo $wp_rp_title_tag_a; ?>" <?php if($wp_rp_title_tag == $wp_rp_title_tag_a) echo 'selected' ?> ><<?php echo $wp_rp_title_tag_a; ?>></option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="wp_rp_limit"><?php _e("Maximum Number:",'wp_related_posts');?></label></th> <td> <input name="wp_rp_limit_option" type="text" id="wp_rp_limit" value="<?php echo $wp_rp["wp_rp_limit"]; ?>" /> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="wp_rp_exclude"><?php _e("Exclude(category IDs):",'wp_related_posts');?></label></th> <td> <input name="wp_rp_exclude_option" type="text" id="wp_rp_exclude" value="<?php echo $wp_rp["wp_rp_exclude"]; ?>" /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Enter category IDs of the posts which you don\'t want to display related posts for them. ','wp_related_posts'); ?></span> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><?php _e("Other Setting:",'wp_related_posts'); ?></th> <td> <label> <input name="wp_rp_comments_option" type="checkbox" id="wp_rp_comments" value="yes" <?php echo ($wp_rp["wp_rp_comments"] == 'yes') ? 'checked' : ''; ?>> <?php _e("Display Comments Count?",'wp_related_posts');?> </label> <br /> <label> <input name="wp_rp_date_option" type="checkbox" id="wp_rp_date" value="yes" <?php echo ($wp_rp["wp_rp_date"] == 'yes') ? 'checked' : ''; ?>> <?php _e("Display Pubilsh Date?",'wp_related_posts');?> </label> <br /> <label> <input name="wp_rp_auto_option" type="checkbox" id="wp_rp_auto" value="yes" <?php echo ($wp_rp["wp_rp_auto"] == 'yes') ? 'checked' : ''; ?>> <?php _e("Auto Insert Related Posts?",'wp_related_posts');?> </label> <br /> <label> <input name="wp_rp_rss_option" type="checkbox" id="wp_rp_rss" value="yes" <?php echo ($wp_rp["wp_rp_rss"] == 'yes') ? 'checked' : ''; ?>> <?php _e("Display Related Posts on Feed?",'wp_related_posts');?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="wp_rp_except"><?php _e("Except Setting:",'wp_related_posts'); ?></label></th> <td> <label> <input name="wp_rp_except_option" type="checkbox" id="wp_rp_except" value="yes" <?php echo ($wp_rp["wp_rp_except"] == 'yes') ? 'checked' : ''; ?> onclick="wp_rp_except_onclick();" > <?php _e("Display Post Except?",'wp_related_posts');?> </label> <br /> <label id="wp_rp_except_number_label" style="<?php echo ($wp_rp["wp_rp_except"] == 'yes') ? '' : 'display:none;'; ?>"> <input name="wp_rp_except_number_option" type="text" id="wp_rp_except_number" value="<?php echo ($wp_rp["wp_rp_except_number"]); ?> " /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Maximum Charaters of Except.','wp_related_posts'); ?></span> </label> </td> </tr> </table> <h3><?php _e("No Related Post Setting",'wp_related_posts');?></h3> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="wp_no_rp"><?php _e("Display:",'wp_related_posts'); ?></label></th> <td> <select name="wp_no_rp_option" id="wp_no_rp" onchange="wp_no_rp_onchange();" class="postform"> <option value="text" <?php if($wp_no_rp == 'text') echo 'selected' ?> ><?php _e("Text: 'No Related Posts'",'wp_related_posts'); ?></option> <option value="random" <?php if($wp_no_rp == 'random') echo 'selected' ?>><?php _e("Random Posts",'wp_related_posts'); ?></option> <option value="commented" <?php if($wp_no_rp == 'commented') echo 'selected' ?>><?php _e("Most Commented Posts",'wp_related_posts'); ?></option> <?php if (function_exists('akpc_most_popular')){ ?> <option value="popularity" <?php if($wp_no_rp == 'popularity') echo 'selected' ?>><?php _e("Most Popular Posts",'wp_related_posts'); ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top" scope="row"> <th id="wp_no_rp_title" scope="row"><label for="wp_no_rp_text"> <?php switch ($wp_no_rp){ case 'text': _e("No Related Posts Text:",'wp_related_posts'); break; case 'random': _e("Random Posts Title:",'wp_related_posts'); break; case 'commented': _e("Most Commented Posts Title:",'wp_related_posts'); break; case 'popularity': _e("Most Popular Posts Title:",'wp_related_posts'); break; } ?> </label></th> <td> <input name="wp_no_rp_text_option" type="text" id="wp_no_rp_text" value="<?php echo $wp_rp["wp_no_rp_text"]; ?>" class="regular-text" /> </td> </tr> </table> <h3><?php _e("Related Posts with Thumbnail",'wp_related_posts');?></h3> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign="top"> <th colspan="2"> <?php _e("Befor usting Related Posts with Thumbnail, you must set thumbnail image for your every post.",'wp_related_posts'); ?> </th> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="wp_rp_thumbnail"><?php _e("Thumbnail Setting:",'wp_related_posts'); ?></label></th> <td> <input name="wp_rp_thumbnail_option" type="checkbox" id="wp_rp_thumbnail" value="yes" <?php echo ($wp_rp["wp_rp_thumbnail"] == 'yes') ? 'checked' : ''; ?> onclick="wp_rp_thumbnail_onclick();" > <?php _e("Display Thumbnails For Related Posts?",'wp_related_posts');?> <br /> <span id="wp_rp_thumbnail_span" style="<?php echo ($wp_rp["wp_rp_thumbnail"] == 'yes') ? '' : 'display:none;'; ?>"> <input name="wp_rp_thumbnail_text_option" type="checkbox" id="wp_rp_thumbnail_text" value="yes" <?php echo ($wp_rp["wp_rp_thumbnail_text"] == 'yes') ? 'checked' : ''; ?>> <?php _e("Do you still want to display text when display thumbnails for related posts?",'wp_related_posts');?> <br /> <?php _e("Which custom field is used for thumbnail?",'wp_related_posts');?> <select name="wp_rp_thumbnail_post_meta_option" id="wp_rp_thumbnail_post_meta" class="postform"> <?php global $wpdb; $post_metas = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT meta_key FROM $wpdb->postmeta GROUP BY meta_key HAVING meta_key NOT LIKE '\_%' ORDER BY LOWER(meta_key)" ); foreach ( $post_metas as $post_meta ) { $post_meta = esc_attr( $post_meta ); ?> <option value="<?php echo $post_meta; ?>" <?php if($wp_rp["wp_rp_thumbnail_post_meta"] == $post_meta) echo 'selected' ?>><?php echo $post_meta;?> </option>; <?php } ?> </select> </span> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="submit"><input type="submit" value="<?php _e("Save changes",'wp_related_posts');?>" name="wp_rp_Submit" class="button-primary" /></p> </form> </div> <?php }?>