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  • Thread Starter max311


    Thing’s were even more simple than i thought : i made a fake plugin !

    And i modifie my pages in the plugin editor, simple as that, and it would not be as simple if wordpress was not a brillant concentrate of strengh & cleverness, so with my thank’s i respectly wich you all many good thing’s


    Thread Starter max311


    How to get from A to W by the longuest way:

    let’s walk trought C, S, S, make a extra .css (that is not readed from some printers/drivers so some poeple will print a 4 pages with all the <div> ^^ O_o
    or maybe let’s walk trought P. L. U and Add a plugin that will make the website more heavy, less stable, and more complicated

    it’s to simple to make the standalone page in the editor ? … walking from A to W ? One shot ?

    This is not constructive

    bye bye ??


    Thread Starter max311


    I am shoving a square peg into a round hole ?

    What a jocke !

    I trye to use WP as a CMS, and find that it could be granted of a (tiny) function, i kindly report it because i have a strong faith in open source, a demonstrate that the function is helpfull, ans i “shove a square peg into a round hole”

    I am right, all i wish you is to understand it one day, give yourself the time for your fake certainties to fly away, and you may find it out …
    The possibility to edit in WP a html/css that can be called from another WP page as a window, would be usefull.

    for info i run ubuntu, and i don’t use MSoffice, is much better

    I am clearly waisting my time, what a shame that i am oblige to hack WP to use it …

    I am sorry if i disterbed you guy’s, best wishes to all of you.


    Thread Starter max311


    Because my theme is a flexible 2 sidebars, the central part of the theme is restricted in width (516px) it is mesures that i have fixed to make the flexible-width website runing from 1024 screen width to 1800px.

    The page i need to show up is 900px width, it is so because this page function is to be print… if i excede the central part width i don’t have a flexible website anymore, the solution is : external page !
    the second probleme is that i will have 170 pages to make, it is 1 full day of work, max two, using the WP editor BUT probably more than 10 day’s in “traditional” editing … Understand ?

    Niavely a thought i could report that probleme, because for me, A CMS is supposed to Manage a Content, ALL the content …

    The page i need to edit could be inside the theme, or inside WP, in fact anywhere as long as i can target the page to open in the new window from the website.

    right know i downloaded a theme and i use a page inside THAT I EDIT WITH WP … it was not difficult to bypass that function missing …

    The only reson why i came here exposing that feature request, is because – to my point of view – it is a huge and evident mistake from a CMS to be in fact a PCMS … P for Partial.

    The original suggestion was “as simple than usefull”: make a additional button in the page admin :
    protected by password
    STANDALONE (the standalone can be pointed by another page, to open a new window for exemple..)

    Take your time, think about it, and you may find i am right…

    Take care guy’s


    Thread Starter max311


    Today if someone has mi WP id he can : change/erase the whole site, or put a “i hate [redacted]” on the home page… to make sure i got many problemes !!!

    I unuderstand your position 100%, security is importante and that feature is not a high priority thing for a html expert …

    I keep on thinking, and i am write, there is a missing feature, a way to edit file for cases such as “external windonw” thing, and here why i am write : i am not a pro about html and all that, my opinion is the opinion of “end users” and i think is the entire key about CMS.

    I think i have found the way to bypass that missing function : i will create a fake theme, and then edit the files inside, not confortable but prety simple .. for a high security CMS ^^

    have good time, ans thank’s again for that great (unperfect..) WP
    Take care


    Thread Starter max311


    The WP_theme is sometime created by gedit, the html files … gedit is wordpress ? But wordpress can modifie a .css .php .html file from the theme …
    so if i make an external window that appear in the wordpress website, i can’t edit it with wordpress ???

    i am oblige to make it with another propgramme ? and export it, see mistake, importe the .html correct the mistake, and export the file again … pretty much work for a simple external window … instade off editing the file in wordpress and press button “save” that it …

    think about it, and you’ll see all the sense of what i am saying ..
    dogma is a very dangerous thing …

    Take care


    Thread Starter max311


    Well is’nt a mistake for a CMS to not Manage some Content ?

    If poeples use a Content Managing System i guess because they find it more practicle than building an entire system from zero !

    So i am with the CMS that does not edit files !!!! It is so pety ! The car take me to get some bread at the bakery, but won’t take me to Paris … It has no sense …

    It is definetly a feature missing in WP

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