Forum Replies Created
One other thing I would say is that I got the same Javascript error when testing on a live url with a valid SSL certificate and attempting to connect with a PayPal sandbox account of type Business. (I pasted the error from a localhost testing environment.)
A minor error also worth noting is that the PayPal partner.js request always get redirected with a 301 permanent redirect.
Should be:
The PayPal examples in their docs have the “www”.
The address seems to be put together with Client.php and get_home_page_url()
I still get the same error after doing another fresh install with WordPress 6.7.
These two plugins and nothing else:
Event Tickets version 5.17.0 by The Events Calendar
The Events Calendar version 6.8.2 by The Events CalendarAttempting to connect in Paypal test mode always gives this error:
Uncaught TypeError: referenceNode.parentNode is undefined
insertAfter https://nntest.local/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/common/src/resources/js/tec-a11y-dialog.min.js?ver=6.3.2:11
render https://nntest.local/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/common/src/resources/js/tec-a11y-dialog.min.js?ver=6.3.2:11
show https://nntest.local/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/common/src/resources/js/tec-a11y-dialog.min.js?ver=6.3.2:11
maybeShowModalAfterConnection https://nntest.local/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/src/resources/js/admin/tickets-commerce-settings.min.js?ver=5.17.0:11
maybeShowModalAfterConnection https://nntest.local/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/src/resources/js/admin/tickets-commerce-settings.min.js?ver=5.17.0:11
ready https://nntest.local/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/src/resources/js/admin/tickets-commerce-settings.min.js?ver=5.17.0:11
jQuery 13
tec-a11y-dialog.min.js:11:4298When I debug this I find that referenceNode is not a node but an array containing one node:
button#paypal-connected-modal-button.tribe-buttonThe render function supplies referenceNode like this:
if (this.options.appendTarget.length) {
appendTarget = document.querySelectorAll(this.options.appendTarget)[0] || this.trigger;
}In my case this.trigger is being used, which is an array. If I change the code to this.trigger[0] then I don’t get the Javascript error and the success dialog now shows. However, this doesn’t appear to solve all the problems because the Tickets Commerce tab does not show that PayPal is connected with the green text.
If you don’t see this Javascript error in your test environments can you confirm that you only have these two plugins installed and active. i.e. no other related or pro plugins.
Interesting, I get a similar result with a staging server on a windows setup. PayPal seems to connect ok, but when I go back to the Tickets Commerce tab there isn’t the green text to show it is connected. (You don’t seem to have the green text either.) I can see some errors in the Javascript console, do you?
I created a fresh install with versions as below (and no other plugins) and got the same result:
WordPress version
PHP version
Twenty Twenty-Four
Event Tickets version 5.16.1 by The Events Calendar
The Events Calendar version 6.8.1 by The Events Calendar
Common Library Dir
Common Library Version
6.3.1I’m not using Elementor and when I switch the language to German all the strings look to be translated to German correctly.
I’ve compared my german file with yours and they are different.
Also, your file the-events-calendar.pot looks to be corrupted. In this case it looks to me like the file has been edited and saved with the wrong character encoding; all the hyphens, apostrophe’s, etc have been mangled. Typically, this would happen if you open the file in a word processor such as Word, or something like that, and then save it.
You should revert those files to the correct defaults and see what happens.
I’m not 100% sure which translation file your are supposed to be using, the link above was for one of the German translations files, and it is still wrong.
If you are using the other German language file it isn’t there at all as far as I can tell. It returns a 404 page:
I think you need to double check the translation file you are using and make sure it is there.
What does this show:
Clearly there was a problem with the release process becuase the release notes are different in the buggy version to what they should be, as well as all the translation files being corrupted. The buggy installed version has the same release number but the translation files are all wrong, and the release notes are not the latest as shown in version control. If you don’t have FTP access to overwrite the buggy language files you might have to uninstall and reinstall the plugin.
Hi @zeitzuwandern,
I would check the translation files. I did an update to the latest version (6.5.0) and the translation files are all wrong. Instead of the correct .mo file content the files contain an HTML document saying “Page not found”.
Interestingly, I tried an update on another test site just now and the translation files seem to be correct.
Have a look in the \wp-content\plugins\the-events-calendar\lang\ file and see if it contains an HTML document.
Thanks, I can do that.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Two] How to change Header HeightIf the updates to that file are not showing then maybe some changes have already been made to the header template in the editor. Since changes made in the editor are stored in the database, any changes subsequently made to the corresponding template file won’t have an effect.
You can check this by going to the Editor and then selecting “Template parts”.
In the list of template parts you should see a “Header” template.
Look at the “Added by” column and see if there is a blue dot on the icon. If so there will also be a 3 dot menu to the right. Clicking that menu will give you an option to reset the changes that have been made in the editor.
Obviously if you do reset the changes they will be permanently lost. Hence, unless you can remember what changes you have already made you might want to do an export of the templates first.
If you go the Editor -> Site screen and click the top right 3-dot menu you will see an Export option under Tools about two-thirds of the way down the menu. Click on this and you can save the theme files to disk. You can compare these against the original versions from the parent theme, although the export does rewrite some characters in a different format.
(Incidentally, if you look under the “parts” folder you will see the header.html template file.)
Have you found a solution yet? Your live site shows a log.
In your screenshot the toolbar to edit the site logo is shown below the site logo.
i.e. the “O” with the blue border shows where the site logo will go.
The toolbar to upload or change the image is below this. (Not in the right hand panel.)
Are you saying that the toolbar doesn’t do anything?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Two] Submenu on MobileI should think it is by design, I see the same result. (Which I quite like, btw.)
What happens when you hold your phone in landscape orientation?
When I do this the menu appears as it does on desktop and has the full menu with submenus.
I don’t know, but I had a go at reproducing this.
First, your code fragment seems to contain an unbalanced code element before the start of the pre element. Is this a copying error?
To reproduce something similar I first created a pre block in the editor with several lines of text and set the color.
Then I highlighted an inline block of text and made it into inline-code using the block editor bar.
Then I clicked on the down error in the editor bar and selected the highlight command which allowed me to set the text color of the inline code block.
Here is the generated code:
<pre class="wp-block-preformatted has-vivid-green-cyan-color has-text-color">Preformatted block of text. Another line of text This is a <code><mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);color:#512ccf" class="has-inline-color">code=1234</mark></code> block. In the middle of the pre block. </pre>
I ended up with a pre block with green text and the inline “code=1234” code block having blue text.
This looks to be a different structure to what you have since it uses the <mark> element to set the color.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Two] Stick footer to bottomSome suggestions here if you always want the footer at the bottom of the page: could add some dummy content such as some empty paragraphs to push the footer down.
Or some custom CSS to give a minimum height.
Maybe something like this would work:
div.wp-site-blocks main { min-height: 60vh; }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Two] How to change Header HeightI guess you can try to change the (max) height but this might be complicated in that the height of the header changes depending on the width of the browser window. At a small width the menu will be below the logo rather than to the right.
You can set the padding to smaller values in the Editor.
For the Header you should see a row block. If you select the row you should then be able to set the padding for each side of the block to make it smaller.
I have noticed that you can only set simple values here with a number and unit (e.g. 1em).
In the header template part you have something more complicated like this:
padding-bottom:var(--wp--custom--spacing--large, 8rem)
I don’t hink you can enter complicated expressions like these with the Editor, you would probably have to edit the template via a custom or child theme or use custom CSS.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by MaxD.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Two] Adding Custom CSS tags to theme.js?For changing the padding on the .wp-site-blocks div I think you are doing it the correct way by putting your changes in style.css of your child theme. I don’t think there is currently a way to do the same via the Editor.
The twentytwentytwo style.css says the following:
* Alignment styles. * These rules are temporary, and should not be relied on or * modified too heavily by themes or plugins that build on * Twenty Twenty-Two. These are meant to be a precursor to * a global solution provided by the Block Editor.
So, just monitor updates to the theme in the future to see if it can be done via the editor.
You should have been able to set the outer spacing (–wp–custom–spacing–outer) to zero via the theme.json file in your child theme. (Note .json not .js). However, this would affect far more than the .wp-site-blocks div so probably wouldn’t give the result you want.
{ "$schema": "", "version": 2, "settings": { "custom": { "spacing": { "outer": 0 } } }, "styles" : { } }
You can use Javascript to modify the CSS but usually you’d only do this when you want to write different CSS based on some sort of dynamic run-time logic.